Knotted Carpet: All you need to know about the types of knots in handmade carpets

Knotted Carpet: All you need to know about the types of knots in handmade carpets

The art of carpet weaving testifies to the skill of the ancestors, their culture and their heritage passed on from "hand to hand" in Asia, the East and Africa, where the craftsmen possess a real treasure through the generations: a decoration specific to each region, to each people, and previously, to each tribe, these motifs were used As many signs of identity, carpet weaving is an interrogation of the imagination without words, in a language that is formulated through a series of colored threads, and various knots, carrying a symbolic dimension, and encrypted messages that hide between the weft and the warp, to give us textile materials borrowed from the authenticity of each region, each piece has exceptional quality And the beauty of the decoration and the incomparable accuracy of the colors!

The diversity of the art of knitting is not limited to designs and patterns only, but also to the different methods and techniques of weaving carpets, which led to the emergence and diversity of knots in the texture of the carpet, so that a different group of knots appears in carpet weaving, each knot is distinguished from the other by different characteristics, and each knot gives us a unique shape Distinguishing the carpet, we will present in this article a brief explanation of the meaning of the knot, the types of knots in carpet weaving, the characteristics of each of them, and the differences between them..

 Hand-knotted rugs

In the category of carpets, hand-knotted carpets are handmade carpets whose material is mostly wool or other pile, and knotted carpets are carpets that have a large number of knots made of warp threads, and the weaving always begins with weaving the edge of the carpet, and for this, the craftsman passes Several weft threads between horizontally or vertically extended warp threads, in order to hold the knots in place.

Using a few tools such as a comb, scissors, knife and hook, the craftsman makes a knot by tying a woolen or silk thread around a pair of warp threads, then pulls the pile down so that the knots are tight, then marks the direction of the carpet. If you notice a knotted carpet in the direction of the pile, You'll see it's a little lighter, and in the opposite direction, you'll get the impression that it's darker.

An experienced craftsman can make 8,000 knots during a day's work, and working at this pace, it would take about five months to make a 200 x 300 cm carpet with a density of 250,000 knots per square metre.

The fame of the knotted carpet

Knotted carpets became more famous thanks to their unique characteristics, beauty, and methods of working on them. The craftsman takes the woolen threads, passes them over the warp threads, by hand or with a hook, and continues the whole work except for a few warp threads. , one or two, one tighter and the other looser, and the weaver, equipped with a loom and colored threads, begins by assembling a weave on the bottom edge of the oriental rug, and this flat weave supports the weft, and knot stitching can then begin. Of the Persian rug, many think exclusively of hand-knotted Persian rugs (as opposed to hand-woven Persian rugs), and until the mid-20th century, the Persian rug was the most highly valued by Westerners and also the most expensive, depending on the origin, materials used, and the criterion for judging the quality The oriental rug is the density of knots per square decimeter (the oldest carpet in the world, the Pazyryk carpet, had already 3,600 knots since 2000 BC!!).

making them on the same level as the most beautiful Persian rugs of the 21st century, and some Persian rugs in museums contain a much smaller number, such as the "Ushak" (named after their native village, Usak, in Anatolia) that Westerners loved in the 17th century, They contain between 1,100 and 2,000 knots, while those known as 'Egyptian Mamluk carpets' in the 15th century have between 1,500 and 3,000 knots. By comparison, the finest Persian carpets can have 10,000 knots - and this is the case for rugs Woolen Persian made in Tabriz – it might even have more knots if it were made of silk, and large patterns could take months or even years to make!


What is a carpet knot?

Carpet weaving is a tradition that has been going on for centuries. Therefore, different tying techniques (knots) have emerged and developed in different regions throughout history. Basically, four different types of knots can be identified, which are the most important and famous, and also some other types of knots that are less common today. The knot as the biggest feature of handwoven rugs over other handwoven and machine woven products, this particular feature can change and take on a new name depending on the area of ​​the rug weave.

Before defining the types of carpet weaving knots, it is necessary to clarify that the so-called carpet weaving knot, which leads to a higher surface of the carpet, is in fact not a knot, but loops tied around pairs of adjacent threads, and this loop can be wrapped around the threads in several ways, however However, all knots consist of a knot loop (the part that is actually wrapped around the threads) and two ends of the knot, which make up the carpet fabric itself.

So, knots are yarns that are wound around the warp and create a pattern of the rug, the knot of a rug can certainly be presented as the most important factor in producing a high quality handwoven rug, and generally when we talk about knots in a rug, it means the yarn or pile that is placed next to each other as well as on top of each other respectively.

After these knots are laid, the wefts are placed on them and the knots that form the main structure of the handwoven rug are tightened, so you must have guessed that the more knots there are in the rug, the more natural the rug will be, and it will have a higher quality.

The knot is also called by other names such as root or roll, and the rug also has a number of special features:

The diameter of the knot (determines the elegance of the rug), the arch of the knot (makes a difference between the front and back of the rug), the direction of the knot (determines the surface of the rug), and the color of the knot (creates the same pattern or pattern on the rug).


The importance and density of knots in carpets

Symmetrical and asymmetrical knots, as two original knots, have different physical and mechanical properties, and their use in carpets has a great impact. On the other hand, the double knot, for example, and the untangled knot of carpets give different properties than the original knots and are more famous than others. If they are used to create a special feature, In rare cases, it may increase the quality of the carpet.

It is necessary to know that the density and accuracy of the knots indicates the quality of the carpet as well as its quality, and in a way, that is simply it can be said that the more knots the number of the carpet, the higher the quality of the carpet, so the type and number of knots are two important characteristics of the carpet, in Iran, the number of knots is called in every 7 cm a row.

This knot density varies greatly from region to region, and some large oriental carpets can reach 1,000,000 knots per square metre, and this is the case especially in Isfahani carpets (woven in Isfahan, Iran). Get a highly resistant carpet, which will have a long life and be better able to resist wear, the passage of time, soiling or dirt as well as repeated washing and cleaning cycles.

The number of knots per square meter is an important element in determining the value of an oriental rug. These weaving techniques make it possible to distinguish a handmade oriental rug from other types of rugs (machine rugs for example). In the east, the warp threads are tied or interwoven into a "bouquet" Of five or six short threads of wool or silk, the ends of which form the pile, once the ends have been cut or shaved over the entire surface of the carpet, in order to unify its height. It is he who comes at the head of this category of oriental carpets. The beautiful pieces of carpet are those whose thickness does not exceed 6 mm and about 50,000 knots per square dm. The Savonnier carpet spinning technique, for example, is a special technique: the warp threads are joined by a continuous thread that forms a knot that is opened in End work, a technique similar to the manufacture of velvet fabrics.

The carpet density, which is the number of knots per square meter, is determined by counting the knots on the back of the carpet: 10 cm in the warp direction and 10 cm in the weft direction, the number of knots obtained in one direction is multiplied by the number of knots in the other direction and the result is multiplied by in 100, and the number we then get is the number of nodes per square metre.

Calculation example:

(40 x 50 = 2,000 knots per square centimeter, 2,000 x 100 = 200,000 knots per square metre).

At the back of the rug, you can clearly see the density of the knots, and symmetrical knots give two "heads" in the direction of the string that must be taken into account when calculating.

If you roll up the rug at the top and look through a magnifying glass, you will be able to tell what kind of knot was used, and on the back of the rug, you can also clearly see the density of the weave.

Contrary to what most people think, the knot density in the carpet is important, but it is not always directly related to its quality. The type of fiber used in carpet weaving is mainly made by the weaver, therefore, different types of one type of carpet can be woven with different densities according to the weaver's taste, and so on, to measure the quality of the carpet, not only take into account the density of the good carpet, but pay attention to its fibers and the relationship between the two ( fiber type, and knot density).

In addition, the softer the wool, the better the quality of the rug as well because the quality of the material used for weaving is also an important factor in determining the quality of a hand-knotted rug, for example, a Persian rug, which does not have a particularly high knot density, but is A high quality carpet due to the soft wool used and its patterns and designs, on the other hand a carpet that looks tight does not necessarily have a lot of knots, it just depends on how tight the knots are in the carpet.

In certain regions of India, carpets are measured in two numbers, for example "40/5", "60/9" or "65/13", these numbers are called bis or bhutan, the first number or bis is the number of knots in nine-tenths of an inch horizontally, so a nine repeated means 10 knots per inch horizontal, and the second digit, or butane, is the number of vertical knots in 4.5 inches, so a butane of 60 means there are approximately 13 knots per inch vertical, with that description, rugs" 9/60" equals 130. (10 x 13 = 130).

A quick way to calculate the number of nodes based on the Indian system is to multiply two numbers together and divide by 4.05, (60 x 9 = 540 ... 540 / 4.05 = 133)

The Chinese use linear counting to define the number of knots, and in this system, the terms "90 lines" or "120 lines" are generally used, which refer to the number of knots (pairs of threads) counted in one foot of the width or length of the carpet, and the number of knots The vertical and horizontal is the same in the Chinese system, so a carpet of 120 lines is equivalent to a KPSI of one hundred, (12/120 = 10 ... 10x10 = 100)

Pakistani carpets are described by the number of vertical and horizontal knots, for example "16/16" or "16/18" is equivalent to KSPI 288, (18*16), these knots are called double knots, which seems illogical, in Pakistan and other countries, it is The weaving of carpets is also single knotted, so a person who does not know about double knots will count the number of knots much more than the actual number, and the shape of the knot also looks like two knots have been tied, and in this carpet, there is also no color, for example, on the top of The flower or the top of the triangular shape, which is like only one knot, two knots are always seen, and these knots are also counted in the same way, for example 9/16 means KPSI 14, even in Persian carpets, different methods are used to evaluate the carpet:

For Tabriz rugs, edging is used instead of KPSI, the term edging refers to the number of knots in 2 of the rug, common sizes include 30, 35, 40 or 60 edges very nicely, the standard quality of a Tabriz carpet is 35 rows, which is equivalent to 162 KPSI

(35/2.75 = 12.73...12.73 x 12.73 = 162)

Note: KPSI is a quality measure used to determine knot density in oriental carpets (Knots per Inch Square).


It is also necessary to know that although the large number of knots is one of the signs of the strength and hard work of the weaver to weave the carpet, in some cases the low density carpets are also of high quality, and only in some cases, the high number of knots or the density of the carpet Good refers to the quality of that rug.

Let us now introduce the most important known knots among the types of carpet knots!

 Types of carpet knots

Among the different knots, two models can be separated from the rest, because almost 90% of the handwoven carpets are made of these two types of knots, which are called Turkish knots and Persian knots and these two knots are known by these two names but each of them has multiple names.

Turkish knot

The Turkish knot, or the Gordian knot, and the name of this knot goes back to the city of Gordium or Gordium, which is the first capital of Phrygia, (today Anatolia), and Gordium was located on the ancient trade route that crossed the heart of Asia Minor, and the story says that Alexander the Great conquered Phrygia, and settled With his forces in Gorduim, the city founded by Gordius, the first king of Phrygia, and after Alexander settled there for some time he heard of the local legend that promised control of Asia to the first person able to untie the bonds of an amazing knot that tied the plow and the yoke of Gordius's chariot, Alexander was not able by the means In order to untie this unbreakable knot, he used an unofficial stratagem: he had to cut the Gordian knot with his sword, hence the name, and indeed the most important feature of the Turkish or Gordian knot, which is durability.

The Gordian knot is also called the simple knot, the symmetrical knot, the Turkish knot, and the symmetrical knot, where the thread is passed between two adjacent warp threads, as it is brought under a thread, and wrapped around the two to form a collar, then it is pulled through the center so that both ends appear from the same warp.

It is worth noting that there are several types of Turkish knots, which include: the regular Turkish knot, which is also known as the false knot, or the standard knot, and another type of Turkish knot that is called inverted or prominent.

Turkish knot features

The structure of the carpet in this kind of knots will be stronger than that of other knots, and this technique of knots is suitable for straight lines, and the decoration is characterized by geometric and symmetrical patterns that give the fabric good stability.

The use of the Turkish knot allows you to obtain a carpet of very high strength, in addition, in this type of knot, the possibility of cheating or the possibility of using a double knot is reduced, and many of the mentioned advantages of the Turkish knot are due to the use of hooks in its weaving, and it may be interesting It is interesting to know that more than 70% of the hand-woven carpets and rugs in Iran are woven with Turkish knots!

Turkish knot weaving method

This type of knot is tied to the upper and lower threads, and the method of working in the Turkish knot is that the weaver takes the thread or pile with his left hand (for the right hand) and places it perpendicular to the upper and lower threads and takes the two ends of the thread behind him, then again takes it out of the threads and after wrapping it between two threads and pulling it once more other.

To use the hook, the weaver first pulls a pair of threads forward with the help of the required hook, then takes the thread in the left hand and cuts one end between two threads with the help of the hook and pulls the thread out, comes out from behind the first thread and passes through two threads, at this point takes the thread behind the second thread and pulls its head Again between the two strings and pull both ends down and snip off the excess end with a sharp edge.

Mostly seen in northwestern rugs of Iran, Kurdistan, Azerbaijan and of course Turkey, the Turkish knot creates a very consistent pile and is commonly used in thicker rugs.

Persian knot

It is also known as the Sneh knot, or the asymmetric knot, or the Persian knot, as the Sneh knot is wrapped around only one string, then the thread is passed behind the adjacent string, so that the two ends are separated by one string, and the tip can be left to the right or to the left, and for this reason it is known Also known as the unequal node.

The Sinh knot was named after the city of Sanandaj, the capital of the Kurdistan region in Iran, which became the largest center for the carpet industry, and it is one of the important cities in the region. The carpets of this region are very delicate and are often woven in one layer with the usual Sinh knot, with the difference that In each row, there are two or three threads that differ between two knots, so the threads are protruding at the back, and the woolen threads seem to be completely twisted at the back of the rug and the knot is protruding at the back of the rug, as in some high-quality rugs, The back of the rug has small ridges like sandpaper, the reason for this is the weave to create a sinh-knot rug.

Persian knot properties

The Persian knot is characterized by its asymmetry, and it can be said that it is a type of knitting rather than a knot, which is suitable for patterns of curved lines. This technique allows for accuracy in the features of the patterns and clarity of the details of the designs, such as the Herati design or the fish design, the potteh patterns, the eight flowers..and others. .

Since the Persian knot is only wrapped around a string, it is also called an asymmetrical knot.

Persian knot weaving method

To work on this knot, we must first select a portion of the required thread and hold it between the middle and index finger of the left hand, and while holding the knife in the right hand, we bring a pair of threads forward with the index finger of the right hand, in the next step, while we have removed about 2 cm of thread from With the fingers of the left hand, we cross the back of the first thread (the front thread), and after bending the head, we pass the thread from the second thread, behind it, and from the middle point on the carpet, we pull it forward and bring it down, and this is done with the help of the middle finger and the right thumb.

At the end of the work, it is necessary to use the knife blade in the right hand to cut off the extra pile.

On the other hand, the Persian knot is mostly used in the rugs of eastern Iran, Pakistan, and India. In the Persian knot, half of the thread is tied tightly and the other half is left loose. The resulting asymmetric knot can be tied together more tightly than Turkish knots, making Persian knots ideal for high-rise carpets. Density with highly detailed designs.

Is one type of knot better than another?

Neither the Turkish knot nor the Persian knot is necessarily better than the other, and both types of carpet knots have advantages and disadvantages, each more suited to the style of carpet used to make them.

  • Turkish knots are particularly strong and result in a stiff, stiff pile, however, the shape of the knot makes it difficult to pack. This makes Turkish knots suitable for thicker carpets with more geometric designs such as those found in Kazakh rugs of the South Caucasus.
  • Persian knots, on the other hand, are more delicate, but can be tied together much more closely than Turkish knots, and this makes them suitable for very soft rugs with high knot counts and smooth or curved designs.

How do we distinguish the Persian knot from the Turkish knot?

It must be said that apart from the differences in these two types, none of them has a special superiority over the other, we will explain some of the differences between them below:

  • The pile used in Turkish knot rugs will be thinner than the pile used with Persian knots.
  • Usually, Turkish knots are tied using a hook, while Persian knots are tied by hand.
  • In both knots, threads such as lint, wool and silk are used, with the amount of thread used in Turkish knots being more different than in Persian.
  • Some believe that the durability of carpets woven with Turkish knots is greater than carpets made with Persian knots.
  • Each of these two techniques has its own characteristics, which is why it is not uncommon to find them in the same work. Generally speaking, the Turkish knot is on the edge to strengthen the surfaces close to the edges, giving way to the Persian knot on the rest of the surface. As for the Persian knot, these were used The technique has been in China and India for centuries, and the crux of the problem: Density or KPSI: This number determines how soft a rug is, if not the quality of a hand-knotted rug.
  • The most obvious difference between the Turkish knot and the Persian knot is the designs that result from them, and most Persian carpets based on the Turkish knot feature rounded, oriental, and more subtle designs and motifs.
  • As for the Persian knot, it can be said that working on it may be easier, as the knots can be produced at a rate of 10,000 knots per day, and the tying or self-knotting is usually done by women who work on their own looms, therefore, it takes about 300 working days to make a wonderful carpet With an area of ​​500,000 knots per square meter and an area of ​​6 square meters.

  • In general, oriental carpets using Sinh knots and Gyurdian knots are widely used in Pakistan, India, Iran, China, Central Asia, and Afghanistan. Caucasian and Anatolian weaving in particular using the Gordian knot.


Determine the type of manual carpet knot

To identify the knot type of a hand-knotted carpet, it is sufficient to turn the rug over and examine the backing or backing of the rug, there will be thousands of small bumps or square loops like the backing of a handwoven rug, these loops are the visible part of the knots that are tied around the warp threads, if two loops are seen or two protrusions on the thread where the knot has been tied, the carpet is woven with a Turkish knot, but if only a series of edges or a loop is seen, then the sinh or Persian knot was used for carpet weaving, and if the number of knots is half or less than half the number of warps, it is likely The rug is very double knot woven.

Persian carpets, Turkish and Persian knots

The idea that only Persian carpets use Persian knots is a common misconception, in fact, the name "Persian carpet" refers to any hand-woven carpet made in Persia (Iran), regardless of the knot used in its construction, whether it is a Persian knot, or Turkish knot.

Both Persian and Turkish knots are used in regions both inside and outside Iran, so while it can give an idea of ​​where a rug was made, knowing the type of knot alone is not enough to determine whether a rug is an authentic Persian rug or an Oriental rug made in another country. The knot of the carpet should not influence the choice of carpet, but that does not mean that it is not important to know! The type of knot with which a rug is woven is part of the story of the rug and the people who wove it.

The Jifti knot (the fair knot)


The core knot, usually found in Khorasan, is wound around four warp threads instead of two, and the use of the jafti knot greatly reduces the weaving time of the rug; But the type of knot is inferior to the Persian knot and the Turkish knot, so it is a shortcut to the knitting process, and the use of this knot harms the strength, quality, durability, physical structure, and even its value, and since the winding is done through 4 threads, this carpet contains a much smaller number of knots per square inch and take a much shorter time to complete.

The easiest way to determine if a rug uses the jefti knot is to compare the number of horizontal knots with the number of warps. If the number of chains is twice the number of knots, it is very likely that the jefti knot was used in the weaving of this rug.

The Jefti knot is only sometimes used in the center of the rug, and this is out of the eyes of buyers who often think of the sides of the rug Some other weavers use this knot in the background and parts of the rug that are devoid of fine patterns Using knots in parts with small and delicate patterns causes the patterns to tangle and be lost necessary effect.

Tibetan knot


Apart from the two main knots which are frequently encountered on antique rugs, one can also sometimes find carpets that have been woven with Tibetan knots, this technique is common in Nepal and India, therefore, many rugs from these countries are hand-knotted using this method.

The Tibetan knot differs structurally from other knots because it requires the use of a temporary rod placed in front of the warp and around which the weft thread has to wind after passing behind two threads of the warp, and finally, the loops on the stem are cut to remove the stem and create the knot, so the length of the velvet depends on the thickness of the metal rod.

Other types of contract

Although there are only two types that are very popular in the knot industry, which are the Turkish version and its Persian version, and perhaps a little bit the Jefti knot, there is a great diversity in knots. Here are some of the other most important types of knots used in hand-knotted carpets:

paired knot (double knot)

The double knot is also one of the stitching techniques in handwoven rugs, which is not of high standards and is usually not used at least in high quality carpets.

When weaving a rug with this knot, the work proceeds more quickly, but at the cost of a lower knot density. The rug is also less durable and sometimes the surface may appear loose and thin. Of course, the rug will be cheaper, but much worse. The knot can be both symmetrical and asymmetrical.

Double-knot rugs can be found in Khorasan carpets in Iran. The second type of knot often used in Persian carpets is the double knot, which is tied around four strands instead of two. The double knot is sometimes used on large plain areas of the rug, as in On the center, to save material, however, because rugs woven in whole or in part with double knots require only half the amount of pile compared to traditional thoroughbred carpets, their pile is less resistant to wear and tear, and they don't last as long.

dummy (fake) knot

Perhaps when you see the name of a fake knot among the types of carpet knots, you may be a little surprised that this knot can be fake? To answer this question, we must say yes, unfortunately, that is the case, and it is recommended not to use these knots in weaving carpets because they will have very destructive results on the density and durability of the carpet and will greatly reduce the quality of work, and it also reduces the wages of the weaver of this type of carpet.

In general, there are types of fake carpet knots, which are as follows:

  1. Bow knot: In this method of weaving, the thread is tied at the edge of the rug.
  2. Coupling Knot: The way you might have guessed the name, instead of wrapping the pile around one thread, it wraps around several threads and is called a coupling.
  3. U-knot: As the name suggests, this knot has a U-shape, in this type, the carpet thread is folded and passes behind the pile, then the hook is passed through the U-shaped part and the end of the thread is guided from the U-shaped part .

The node is artistic

Technical knots are mostly used in decorative carpets, and these knots have different types, the most important of which are:

  1. Two-color knot: As indicated by the name of this knot, several colors are used to tie it, and in this method usually, depending on the strength of the color required, the colored thread is folded into two, or the thread is opened and the thread of the opposite color is pulled from it. It can be said that the most important point In using this type of knot are that the colored patterns are set in place and the colors are arranged together so that the design does not get lost.
  2. Single thread or technical twisted knot: This type of knot is placed on the upper or lower thread depending on the position of the design, usually a hook is used to tie this knot, and this knot is made so that the weaver takes one thread and passes the thread behind it and returns it, then again using the hook , and passes it between these two threads towards the bottom, and this knot is used in weaving soft and illustrated carpets, because it is very suitable for weaving parts and fine lines such as facial lines, for example it is used to show the fine points of the face such as eyes, and this knot can also be used in cases where One of the threads broke.
  3. Hanging Knot: A hanging knot is actually a knot consisting of a total of four different knots. This knot is mostly used to weave figurative designs such as faces into coarsely woven rugs.

borrowed knot

In this method, the first threads are taken and the knot is passed through them, then two of the lower threads are taken and passed between them and taken out from the desired point.


Spanish knot

Because of the high use of this type of knot in a region of Spain (in Spanish carpets) since the sixteenth century, it has been called the Spanish knot. The thread is looped around the carpet and at the end is directed downward. Among Iranian carpets, we see the use of this knot mostly in the floral reliefs between the woven images of the Tabriz carpets.

Knots in machine carpets


Of course, hand-knotted carpets are stronger, longer-lasting, and higher-value, but with the passage of time and technological advancement, the production of machine-made carpet companies has also witnessed interesting experiences, and machine-made carpets have developed, along with technology, and the production of knots with high density has become increasingly popular. Machine rugs rival their counterparts in hand-knotted rugs. Today, machine-made rugs are produced in different densities and combs. Machine-made high-density rugs are so beautiful and attractive that they look very similar to hand-woven rugs.

What is the density of the machine made rug?

The knot plays an important role in machine carpet weaving. The number of knots along the carpet is called density. Density and comb are always complementary to each other. The more combs the carpet has, the higher the density. It is interesting to know that the greater the density and comb of the carpet, the thickness of the carpet decreases.

knot and comb

The number of knots woven in one meter of the width of the carpet is called comb, and when talking about a carpet of 700 combs or 1000 combs, this number means that 1000 knots are woven in one meter of the width of the carpet. , especially in machine-made carpets, in that the more combed the carpet, the more similar it is to the hand-woven carpet, because its patterns will be finer and the knots will be smaller, therefore, the density of the machine-made carpet besides the comb of this carpet can in some way determine the quality and level of quality of the carpet These numbers, along with the type of fiber, are important and necessary factors in purchasing machine-made carpets.

The importance of knot density in a machine-made carpet

In machine-made carpets, the density is different and changeable for various reasons, and the high density makes the carpet look more beautiful and the texture is more varied, and most of the high density carpets have crowded and exquisite texture patterns, and it is interesting to know that small and busy designs cannot be implemented in 500 comb carpets, the density The high density in machine-made carpets makes the patterns stand out beautifully, and for this reason, high density is used to weave the machine-made carpet, and at present, 1600 combs with a density of 4600 machine-made carpets are produced in the carpet-manufacturing countries in limited numbers.

Features of high density carpet

High density carpets, while having a low thickness, have many advantages, which include; Having cohesion and compression between knots and roots, high resistance compared to other carpets, longer life, using very fine and delicate fibers, with short pile, small and crowded patterns, delicate and beautiful texture, more colors, high price, thanks to its advantages in dense knots, this carpet becomes a luxury item And expensive.


Knotted carpet care

Now I have invested in a valuable piece of furniture, and I have bought a hand-knotted carpet, which the best weavers have been weaving for several months, using different types of knots between Persian, Turkish, and Spanish...etc., and with the most beautiful designs and the most ancient patterns, and this unique piece of art needs special care, in order to preserve it. Your investment, and fortunately, there are simple ways to prevent damage to your valuable carpet, by taking these measures, your investment will remain safe for as long as possible, and you can use it without worrying about its damage and fading of its value..

Restoration of tufted carpets

The hand-knotted rug is a craft that originated from the Bedouin tribes, so it is popular because of its strength and durability, and in this case, repairing holes in knots, wefts or even ends that have been removed is part of the maintenance services that you must resort to in order to maintain your rug, and care must be taken With this carpet of historical value or those that are real works of art, in order for the carpet to last for a long time, and for this task, the restoration specialist must take care of the signs of wear, and you may find carpet restorers in villages and tribes, or in major workshops in cities, and it is a profession that requires experience And an in-depth knowledge of various knitting techniques.

Keep food off your knotted mat

One of the easiest ways to prevent damage to the carpet is to keep food away from it, and the hand-knotted carpet is a valuable carpet, and eating food on it may cause it to become dirty, which will require constant cleaning, so keep daily meals, or snacks and drinks in the kitchen so that they are less likely to spill on the carpet, and it is important to note This point is especially when you have children in the house because children may spill food and drink on the carpet on a daily basis.

Place a runner in front of each door

Another way to take care of carpets is to place a mat in front of each door. The mat allows people to wipe their shoes on top of it, which makes it easier to absorb dirt, mud, rain and thus moisture, which can be brought into your home on the precious carpet. Therefore, you should not skip placing a mat at each door, because it is of importance. Great at protecting carpets. (Read more about the importance of runners in this next article, How to brighten up the entrance of the doors by having beautiful runners )

Do not enter the house with shoes

In addition to putting mats in front of all doors, the best precaution would be to prevent entry into the house with outside shoes. When you get to the front door, take off your shoes to protect the carpet from mud, dirt, and other things that could stain the carpet. Getting in the habit of taking your shoes off when entering your house is one way. Very easy and effective to protect your carpet.

Do not use the mat in high traffic areas

The best and ideal area for a valuable rug, such as a hand-knotted rug, will be the spaces where there is less movement. Avoid placing the rug in the dining room, or the corridor, for example. You can use a rug made of synthetic fibers in high-traffic areas in your home. Look for strong carpets that can stand wear and tear; Also, the affordable one, which even if it gets a little worn or damaged, will still be worth the money you paid for it.

If you have to use your handmade rug in a high traffic area, know that you will occasionally need to take it out and wash it when it gets dirty, and if you do, it is imperative that you take it to a place where it can be professionally cleaned.

Installing carpet care curtains

Handmade rugs that are exposed to direct sunlight for a long time can get damaged and fade gradually, and over time, you may notice that the areas of the rug that are exposed to sunlight appear more faded than the rest of the rug.

Use a plinth under your furniture

Furniture, especially heavy ones, can damage your expensive carpet, and it can bump into the fibers of the carpet and cause crushing and permanent damage. So, avoid this problem by using, for example, a plinth under the sofa, which is designed to fit heavy furniture.

Do not drag heavy objects on the rug

Pulling heavy objects on the rug increases the risk of it tearing. If you plan to move furniture or add new pieces to the room, put a piece of cotton cloth over the rug to protect the rug when moving heavy pieces. It is also best to remove the furniture and then put it in a new place. Don't drag it on the carpet.

Cover the rug when renovating or doing a project

Cover the rug when painting, working on your own projects, renovating, or doing anything else that might damage the rug. In this case, use a rag to cover the areas you are working on and make sure the paint or other materials on it are completely dry before removing the rag. If You are doing a project in a room and that room has a carpet, you can take the carpet out of the room while you are doing the project to better protect your carpet.

Use protective covers

Some carpet companies offer products that help your carpet resist dust and stains, and this cover helps protect your carpet and can keep your carpet looking new for longer.

Keep in mind that using these covers will not protect your carpet from everything, and you will also need to replace their cover periodically.

Change air filters regularly

Air conditioner filters are used to prevent dust, dirt and other things from entering the house, and when you do not change the filters regularly, they will lose their effectiveness and eventually dirt will enter your home and settle on your carpets.

You can replace the filters regularly; This will keep your family and your carpets healthy. Most experts recommend replacing them every few months, but if you have pets or if there is constant smoke (such as cigarette smoke), replace them sooner. In general, replacing filters plays an important role in carpet care.

Clean your carpets regularly

In spite of all your efforts, accidents can happen to your precious carpet, so, when your carpet gets dirty, clean it, and this can be done with cleaners, vacuum cleaners, etc.

If the stains remain, have a professional deep clean the carpet fibers to make them look clean and new again. It's also a good idea to clean your carpet regularly with a cleaner, because even when you take preventive measures, dust and other particles can make your carpet dirty.

Clean around your house

Most of the dust on your carpet comes from the area around your home, so cleaning your driveway, sidewalks, parking lot, and all areas around your home will help you keep your home, and therefore your carpet, clean.

And to reduce the entry of dirt into the house, clean all the dust outside as soon as possible, and also, to take care of the carpets, if you encounter rain and puddles around the house, remove as much puddles as possible from around your house in order to dry quickly.

Instant carpet care

Hand-knotted rugs are known to absorb liquids quickly due to the density of their knots. If someone spills liquid or food on your rug, you should clean it as soon as possible. Wet the stain and press it a little, but avoid rubbing it.

By doing this, you will be able to get rid of the stain as much as possible, and in general, the faster you remove the stain, the more effective the cleaning process will be.

Keep in mind that although a hand-knotted rug is often considered a work of art, it was designed primarily to be used and walked on, and a handmade rug is often strong and durable, so you can use it without worry, but with some caution, in fact, some Rugs that experience normal wear and tear can look better over the years, and this is one of the most amazing features of handknotted rugs!



Types of carpet knots and their identification is a topic that many weavers and carpet lovers seek to know and investigate, and when we talk about knotted carpets, and about the different types of knots, we remember with gratitude, those graceful hands, skillful hands, hands of artisans and hands of men and women who spend hours, days and sometimes years In knotting carpet fibers with wool, cotton or silk threads to produce the most beautiful types of handmade carpets..

In this article, we tried to reveal the types of knots of hand-woven carpets in detail, so that you can use them to learn more about the world of carpet weaving, or so that you can easily choose the right knotted carpet for you, your decor or your spaces..




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