Indian Rugs

Selected high quality Indian rugs collection by WEFT for those who are looking for authentic handcrafted and traditional rugs with aesthetic touches of a special kind.
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سجادة الشرق - بوهيمي. سجادة الشرق - بوهيمي.

Alsharq - Bohemian Rug

247.00 ر.س. 1,353.00 ر.س.
سجادة روابي - بوهيمي. سجادة روابي - بوهيمي.

Rawabi - Bohemian Rug

290.00 ر.س. 930.00 ر.س.
سجادة رهف - بوهيمي. سجادة رهف - بوهيمي.

Rahaf - Bohemian Rug

290.00 ر.س. 1,598.00 ر.س.
سجادة السحاب - مودرن. سجادة السحاب - مودرن.

Alsahab - Plain Modern Rug

290.00 ر.س. 1,598.00 ر.س.

More Rug Collections


Discover Bohemian Rugs

With WEFT, you will discover the Bohemian rugs in a new way because we provide a special and different group of Bohemian rugs.

Our Picks From Classic Red Rugs

WEFT is interested in the traditional red rugs that have been decorating our occasions since ancient times until now.

Sadu Rug Designs: Heritage & Nobility

When you read the word "Sadu", you will imagine the traditional red color of Sadu, but we seek to change that. When you browse the Sadu collection of rugs from WEFT, you will discover different colors and the same traditional patterns that you know.


Turkish Rugs: The Original As It Is

You cannot overlook Turkish rugs if you are interested in rugs, as the Turkish yarns that make up the rug material are distinguished by their dazzling colors and high quality. WEFT traveled to Turkey to select the best materials and bring them to its customers in a wide variety of colors and designs that will surely satisfy all tastes.


Round Rugs: The Decoration of The House

The furnishings of the house are not complete without decorating with round rugs, and despite the difficulty of cutting round rugs in all that you can imagine, whether classic, modern, or even sadu, in multiple sizes and multiple colors.


Modern Rugs: The Modernity That We Make

It is not easy to innovate in the world of rugs, and it is not easy to reach the taste of customers easily, and we were able to achieve this equation, as WEFT designers devoted their time to the manufacture of modernity in rugs, and WEFT was able to deliver that to its customers, as the modern rug group achieved record numbers during this year.

Classic Rugs: The Classic Model

The collection of classic rugs from WEFT, is the jewel of WEFT's choices for the classic model of rugs. This group gives your home the traditional character with the luxury of history and the spirit of the era.

Long Area Rugs: The perfect choice for hallways or service passages.

Long area rugs to serve your home's cozy hallways, hallways and service aisles, as well as your guests will pass into the dining room and halls with serenity on luxurious rugs. The longitudinal rug collection is available in classic, modern, and sadu styles.