The Fascinating History of Carpet Colors (Detailed Guide)
The Fascinating History of Carpet Colors (Detailed Guide)

In 335 BC, Alexander the Great crossed the Dardanelles Strait towards Asia, and when his forces deepened into Persia (Iran), which was one of the greatest empires at the time, the military commander won great spoils after he overthrew the empire of the Persian Shah Darius III, and the Greek historian Plutarch (about 45) mentioned - c. 125 AD) who chronicled biographies of the illustrious Greeks and Romans, and wrote describing the conquests of Alexander the Great (his Life of Alexander was one of the five most reliable sources on the Macedonian general in existence); The historian wrote describing the amazement of Alexander the Great when he found wonderful carpets in the Achaemenid court, and it was said that the Macedonian leader was surprised and happy when he saw the Persian carpets of exquisite colors and designs in the city of "Pasargad", the capital of the Achaemenids, and carried five thousand pieces of purple cloth among the things he brought His forces took it, which was 120 years old, and it was noted that the colors and texture of the pieces carried by the military commander were not damaged even after dozens of years had passed!
We cannot know the truth behind Alexander the Great's fascination with the colors and designs of carpets to the extent that he considered them war booty! There is no human fondness for the magical, bright and joyful colors of carpets over the years without revealing the cover about the human relationship with colors, and the secret that makes carpet colors immortal and their magic lasts for hundreds of years. Therefore, we will take you on a tour in the world of charming colors of carpets to discover the secret of the psychology of colors, and where the dyes are extracted from. For the carpet industry, and what is its significance in the cultures and civilizations that were fascinated by carpet weaving, and how will you choose the appropriate carpet color for your space.. Continue reading this detailed guide with us.
How did man become fascinated by the magic of colors?
We cannot talk about the colors of carpets without stopping for a while at the bright world of colors. The subject of colors fascinated humans hundreds of thousands of years ago, and before we knew what color is, and what we are going to say will seem strange to many, but, in fact, colors basically do not exist! Yes, because the color of an object is only our brain’s interpretation of the light signal emitted from it or reflected from it, and for this reason the complete darkness is without color. The effect of light waves on the retina, the color of an object depends primarily on the wavelengths of light it emits, reflects or transmits.”
The presence of colors has become very important, and it has become one of the main elements on which studies of “neuroaesthetics” are based, a term that was coined recently, to express the scientific study of the neurological consequences of thinking about a creative work of art, as researchers working in the field of “aesthetics” try The neurotic" defines the systems and mechanisms of our brain that respond to aesthetic inputs (color, design, visual art, architecture, music...) to know how humans interact, and the human relationship with colors was not only an aesthetic one, but also a utilitarian one..
How was this relationship? Since when did it start, and how has it evolved over the ages?
Man and colours: a relationship spanning millions of years
The human relationship with colors is an ancient and intimate relationship, as scientists believe that "the development of color vision in Homo sapiens has produced a tricolor vision of the world compared to the majority of other mammals that have only dichroic vision, and it is believed that the ancestors of the first humans saw the world through ultraviolet vision 90 million years ago." , and that the ability to see blue light has evolved as an adaptive characteristic over time" 1 , and scientists and artists have tried to find answers about the questions that preoccupy people about colors and color vision, color has been dealt with and the production and perception of colors over the years, and away from scientific explanations Note Man is this wonderful and beautiful phenomenon in the nature around him, and immediately he tried to make colored elements by separating the color from nature, or by making these colors himself, to dye his clothes and bedding with them.
Since ancient times, man has tried to adapt the colors of nature to derive from them the colors full of vitality, harmony and balance, and to color the things he uses daily, and soon scientists discovered the fact that colors clearly affect human psychology, so a branch called “psychology of colors” appeared in psychology. This is what we will talk about in detail in this article, but now we should first know how man discovered and (invented) the color wheel?!
What is the color wheel?

All shades of color can be distinguished by the human eye. On this basis, a system called the “color wheel” appeared that brings colors together and makes it easier to master. Designers, painters, and weavers rely on this color wheel to choose from the best possible combinations to use in their creations. This selection tool allows creating harmonies and color palettes Completely successful..
So what is the color wheel?
It is this color wheel that is the basic reference tool for designers and artists. It is an ordered representation of colors in the form of a circle that follows the order of the colors of the rainbow. This system enables the rational representation of colors visible to the human eye and the easy distinction between primary, secondary and tertiary colors.
The color wheel is used in many sectors, from decoration, to plastic arts, to computer graphics... etc. It is a practical tool for the harmonious combination of colors, so artists and designers use the color wheel as a reference tool. In fact, the circle allows colors to be arranged according to their natural decay : color spectrum (which appears when light passes through a glass prism).
What is amazing is that the human eye can distinguish up to 350,000 shades of color, and graphics tools can reproduce almost all of these hues. The color wheel consists of 12 saturated colors distributed as follows:
Primary Colors : Based on color theory, primary colors are the primary colors that allow you to create all possible colors and shades, and to do that, you just mix them, on the other hand, you will never be able to get primary colors by mixing other colors together, and colors The basic are 3:
- blue
- the Red
- yellow
Secondary colors : If you mix the primary colors in equal proportions, you will get the secondary colors, which are as follows:
- Red + yellow = orange
- Yellow + Blue = Green
- Blue + Red = Magenta
Tertiary colors : Finally, tertiary colors are created by combining a secondary color with a primary color, to get another color that we call a tertiary.
color temperature
You should also consider the idea of color temperature for using the color wheel in your creations.
The color wheel also distinguishes warm colors from cool colors, green, blue, and violet blue on one side, and red, orange, and yellow on the other. Colors affect mood and have the ability to evoke emotions.
Knowing the symbolism of colors is also essential to choose the color that corresponds to the message you want to convey. It is worth noting that there are different types of color wheel in which colors are distributed according to the following aspects:
- physical
- physiological
- Technical
- Aesthetic
- idiomatic
As we mentioned, colors in nature are classified into three categories: warm colors, cool colors, and neutral colors (neither cold nor warm). Distinguishing cold colors from warm and neutral colors is essential in order for us to succeed in choosing the appropriate carpet colors and suitable home décor colors:
cold colors
Cool colors are simple and modest, we call the colors: green, purple and blue (colors that have a blue spectrum) cool colors, reminiscent of water and the sky, and one of its most important characteristics is to give calm, relaxation and coolness to spaces, and the blue spectrum in colors inspires peace and security, but, if you exaggerate In the use of these colors, this will cause discomfort and mental coldness to those in the room, and these shades of colors slow down the heart rate and reduce body temperature, and unlike warm colors, the cold color has less energy in stimulating a person.
warm colours
It can be said that warm colors are the colors that make people feel warm, by looking at these colors you feel the heat of summer, and warm colors include red, yellow and orange colors, and these colors are known as being full of passion and heat and evoke a sense of movement and mobility in humans and remind us of the flame of fire, on the one hand Others Warm colors stimulate the nervous system and intensify people's feelings. These colors are easily visible and attract attention. In fact, the length of red light is very close to ultraviolet, and for this reason it is a source of heat transfer.
Warm colors include primary and secondary colors. The three primary colors are red, yellow, and orange. The rest of the warm colors are obtained from the combination of these three primary colors.
neutral colours
Neutral colors are colors that do not exist in the range of cold or warm colors, and include many colors such as: black, white, gray, beige, brown, silver, gold, bronze... etc., and include the most important characteristics of neutral colors; Modernity, quality, calmness, confidence, elegance... Neutral colors are widely used in decoration because they are flexible, and because they are like a canvas that can be decorated with the colors and elements of your choice.
Efforts of scientists and artists to discover the color wheel
Prior to the 17th century, color was thought to result from a mixture of light and dark, with red being the "lightest" and blue the "darker". Newton believed that the aforementioned theory was flawed, and from his isolation from the bubonic plague that swept Europe at the time, he began to test the properties of white light in a test of the famous color phenomenon. In his classic prismatic experiment, Newton noticed the way each color of light bends as it passes through the geometric prism and that white light is composed of a variety of colours, he then mapped these colors into the octave diagram as the first and original color wheel.
Simply Isaac Newton discovered that the white light coming from the sun can be divided into many different colors and then reconstituted, then Isaac based himself on the seven colors of the rainbow that he merged into a circle by linking red with purple, and we can consider that the true foundation of the color wheel dates back to experiments Sir Isaac Newton with light and engineering prisms, and his experiments resulted in that theory that believes that red, yellow and blue are the primary colors from which all other colors were later derived, and although this is not entirely true, this theory is still influential in wheels Colors developed in the early 19th century as well as the color wheel in use today.
After Newton published his famous physics book "Optics", in which he deals with the nature of light refraction in 1704 (the book is considered one of the greatest scientific works in history, and Newton's second largest book on physical sciences), after publishing the famous book, the German scientist and writer Goethe set out on his own experiments with colors , He wrote many treatises on botany, anatomy and color, and in 1810, Goethe published his book "Theory of Colors", which he considered one of his most important works. It arises from the dynamic interaction of light and dark 2 , and Goethe noted that with a geometric prism, color appears at light dark edges, and the spectrum occurs where these colored edges overlap, Goethe conducted many experiments with color to address the gaps he noticed in Newton's theory, and Goethe disagreed with Newton Who considered darkness was merely the absence of light, while Goethe insists that darkness is an essential and active element in the production of color. In the book, Goethe also touched on the psychological aspects of colors and their relationship to human emotions and behavioral traits. Surprisingly, this observation later became the basis for our knowledge of how color is interpreted by the human brain.
On the other hand, two other aspects of color were expanded upon by the research of the American painter Alfred Munsell in the early 20th century. As a teacher, Munsell realized a systematic way of communicating and teaching colors, and added the dimensions of "color" and "color value" as additions to hue. Color theory is based on Munsell is based on a 3D model where each color is composed of three attributes of hue (the color itself), value (lightness/opacity), and chroma (color saturation or brilliance).
Famous Pantone colours
It can be said that Pantone invented the world's revolutionary system for naming and recognizing colors.
Pantone originally started as a small company founded in 1866 that manufactured color charts for cosmetics manufacturers, and in 1963, Pantone created the PMS color chart or (Pantone Matching System), and the purpose of this tool was to specify colors for printing by means of a specific code, and thus, It is possible to reproduce unique and accurate color as many times as necessary.
Little by little, the Pantone company later became a pioneer in the color system and the owner of the color space used in various fields, offering a wide range of more than 800 pure colors, and even Pantone values became a standard to the extent that the Scottish Parliament debated a standard that would determine the color of the flag in Pantone 300 ( Pantone 300), i.e. royal blue! The Pantone color system has become an inspiration not only for designers, but also for those working in the field of fashion and interior decoration, including carpets and others.
There are now more than 3,000 standardized colors in the color chart, and these colors are characterized by their unchangeability over time, and the company does not hesitate to add new shades periodically, in addition, it reprints its color charts every year to ensure the quality and compatibility of the colors, and the chart is used Pantone colors are now internationally in the field of printing and graphic design, and every year, the company unveils the Pantone color of the year, which will influence professionals in the fields of graphics and fashion in the design and production of their work, as it gives them a strategic direction for their creativity, as the "Pantone Color Institute" organizes two secret meetings every A year in one of the European capitals for representatives of color standards groups in different countries, and after two days of deliberations, discussions and presentations, the color of the following year is chosen. For example, the company announced that the reference color for the year 2022 is ( The Very Peri )..
This color is a vibrant shade of soft blue with a subtle red undertone, which gives this color a slightly purplish appearance. This year's reference color was not chosen randomly. Current trends and philosophy all over the world, which is why the Pantone color chart studies behaviors, lifestyles, new technologies, advertisements or works of art. In short, it breathes the spirit of the times to define this shade of color, which makes the many changes, fluctuations and events in the world the year 2022. Very Peri The color that suggests confidence, calmness, serenity, and positive change in life!
So, from Sir Isaac Newton's color wheel, to the world-famous Pantone matching system, the work of these scientists, artists, researchers, and many others has led; To understand the human experience of seeing, perceiving and using colors, and to prepare classifications of the unified color wheel, and the color space now used in arts, sciences and mathematics in many color researches, and in fashion, furniture, decorations and other products, and their scientific and artistic approaches laid the foundation for color studies for future generations, and they were Most notably, the emergence of color psychology in the twentieth century.
So? What is the story of color psychology?
A. B. The psychology of colors
In 2000, the city of Glasgow, the largest Scottish city, introduced a blue street lighting system in order to improve the general view of the city, and after that, it turned out that the crime rate had decreased significantly in blue-lit areas! Not only that, in 2005, Japan's Keen Express Railway Company also changed the color of eight lamps on the outskirts of the platforms at Gomyoji Station in Yokohama to blue, after which the company's management reported a decrease in the number of suicide attempts. 1
These experiments show (albeit limited ones) that the range of emotional responses associated with colors is very wide. Some seem logical, others not, some are specific to a country or culture, while others are universal or can be observed naturally.. So it was necessary for man to continue searching. Behind the world of colors and how the colors we perceive affect our thoughts and emotions but, from a purely scientific side this time, color psychology, or color psychology, appears.
History of color psychology
Color psychology is the study of human perception of colors and the effect of colors on human activity.
Psychologists study the effect of lights and colored surfaces on brain activity, particularly on the moods of people who encounter them, the primal and cultural associations we make with specific colors, and how exposure to those colors affects our biases and behaviors. Such as interior design and advertising.
It is believed that interest in the psychology of colors really began in the late 1560s, but the indisputable fact is that the psychology of colors dates back thousands of years, to the ancient Egyptians who studied its effect on mood and used it for holistic benefits.
Going back to the beginning of the history of modern color psychology as a science in its own right, the German neurologist Kurt Goldstein, who is considered one of the first psychologists to conduct scientific research in the field of color psychology, expanded the work of Goethe, and Goldstein was a prominent German psychiatrist in neuropsychology who treated Patients with central nervous system disorders, and in 1942 the doctor conducted a series of experiments on five of his patients to determine whether certain colors could have an effect on motor function or not, and put forward many hypotheses whose accuracy was questioned, although he did not His hypotheses could not be validated by other researchers, but Goldstein's work has had a profound impact on modern color psychology.
It is worth noting that when studying physiological responses to color, researchers measure things like blood pressure, heart rate, and electrical activity in the brain to determine whether or not a color is physiologically exciting. Usually, exciting colors increase blood pressure, heart rate, and brain activity, while decreasing them. Soothing colors, researchers have found and studies have also revealed that generally warm colors are stimulating and cool colors are calming.
How does psychology explain our ability to see colors?
Although we think we see different colours, colors are actually light waves of different lengths. Light is on the electromagnetic spectrum, which ranges from longer to shorter light waves, radio waves, microwaves, infrared light, gamma rays, The X-rays are all of different lengths in this spectrum, and in the center is a small spectrum of light waves measuring between 400 and 700 nanometers, which corresponds to the light that the human eye can perceive, and brings together all the colors we see.
Psychologists confirm that the language we speak affects the colors we perceive, and that our ancestors do not see or perceive colors the way we do. A 2006 study revealed that members of the Himba tribe in Namibia who speak the Otjihimba language do not have a word that indicates color. "blue", and they were unable to identify a blue square among several green squares, because they were all aware of the green color only in their own language 1 , while speakers of other languages such as Arabic, English and French do not find it difficult to carry out this task, and gender can also affect the Color perception, as another study showed that men see colors with a slight change in wavelength (2 nanometers) compared to women (Biology of Gender Differences, 2012) 1
“No one can be sure that he sees colors the way his neighbor sees them.” Pierre Rosenstiel, French mathematician
spectrum colors
The spectrum of white light includes all wavelengths that the eye can see. Visible light is a palette of rays, very thin at the end of the visual spectrum, but separated into "colors" because the human eye distinguishes them from one another. There are seven spectral colors: Magenta, blue, green, yellow, orange, red, and indigo, the visible lengths of visible light are:
- Magenta 400 to 430
- Blue 430 to 480
- Green 480 to 560
- Yellow 570 to 590
- Orange 580 to 620
- Red from 620 to 800
- Indigo: 435-500 nm
However, there are other colors that are not spectral and can be obtained by combining lights of different wavelengths, and there are the two colors that always raise questions: white and black , as white is actually the sum of all the colors in the spectrum, hence the name white light spectrum , and this is the phenomenon that is highlighted when we talk about the synthesis of additional color, while black, on the contrary, is the complete absence of color, and it is said that black absorbs all colors.
The world is naturally saturated in a wide range of amazing and rich colours, and it is hard to imagine a life without color, but yes, there are people who cannot see colors normally, or, they cannot see colors at all! What is the story of color blindness?!
color blind
People with color blindness have a defect in color perception, which means that they see colors differently from most people, and most of the time, it is difficult for the person with color blindness to know the difference between certain colors, and color blindness usually runs in families, and no treatment has been known for it so far other than That some glasses and special contact lenses can help those with it, and color blindness is mainly caused by a deficiency in the eye cones, as the cones are photoreceptors located in the retina, and they ensure daytime vision by converting the electromagnetic signal of light into a nerve signal, this defect affects Vision mainly affects men: 8% of males are affected compared to only 0.5% of females.
In 1794, the British chemist John Dalton submitted to the Philosophical and Literary Society in Manchester an article giving the first description of color blindness, a disease from which he himself suffered. Dalton then classified color blindness according to the 3 types of affected cones and the significance of the visual disturbance:
- Monochromatic : It is the complete absence of color perception, which is very rare, and affects one in 40,000 people, and those affected see the world around them only in shades of gray, because the cones are completely devoid of iodopsin proteins, and this type is spread on Bonapi Island located in the middle of East Micronesia, in the northeast of Papua New Guinea in the Pacific Ocean, because achromatopsia (total color blindness) is common there: approximately one in a twelfth of the population is affected.
- Dichroism : It is said that people affected by it are bi-color in terms of perception, and this type is characterized by the absence of the iodopsin protein, and this results in the perception of only two colors:
- Perceiving only green and blue
- Perception of red and blue only
- Perceiving only red and green
- Abnormal trichromacy: In this case, the protein is abnormal and its sensitivity is different. This results in the perception of the three colors of abnormal intensity:
- Red color
- green color
- the colour blue
What are the rarest colors of all time?
Nowadays techniques allow us to collect any kind of color but, in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, pigments had a very high value, either because of the scarcity of their sources, or because of the danger of their sources, and before we unveil the ten most rare colors in history it is necessary to We know that the Forbes set of pigments, which includes more than 2,500 colors of pigments, were used from 1909 to 1944 by the historian Edward Forbes, in order to distinguish between original paintings and imitations, as the pigments are examined scientifically to analyze the exact chemical composition, and it has Narayan Khandekar, director of the Strauss Center for Preservation and Art Studies at Harvard Art Museums, which has collected the 2,500 pigments, categorized 10 rare colours :
lapis lazuli
It is a naturally brilliant blue color that was originally made by grinding lapis lazuli into a powder. This pigment was mined in Afghanistan and shipped to Europe, by Italian merchants during the 14th and 15th centuries, hence the name Ultramarine, which in Latin means “beyond.” sailor", and historians note that it "was more precious than gold", and its cost was so high in the Renaissance that the use of this color was specific.
The brown mummy
It is a shade of brown, also known as Egyptian brown or mummy yellow, which is derived from mummies in Egypt, extracted from harvesting the resin that was on the banners around the bodies, and turning it into a dye. This shade was "very popular in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries." And in 1925, manufacturers had to stop producing this grade, due to the lack of mummies available, but nowadays, it is made from iron oxide, calcium carbonate, and kaolin.
scarlet red;
Cochineal red is extracted from crushing dried cochineal insects, which are found in Mexico and Central America. This color was brought back to Europe after the Spanish conquered the Americas. Cochineal red was widely used in ancient times to dye carpet wool , and it is also used in cosmetics and foodstuffs.
emerald green;
This color is extracted from "Paris green", a highly toxic organic compound that was also used as an insecticide, and was developed during the 19th century to try to improve the dye (Scheele's green) is a yellowish-green pigment that was once used in some paints (but is It has since fallen out of use due to its toxicity).
Ultraviolet blue
It is a color created by the chemist Jean-Baptiste Gemet in the nineteenth century as a substitute for the color that is extracted from lapis lazuli. In 1827, the French chemist perfected the composition of blue ultraviolet, and the Society for the Promotion of National Industry had offered, for four consecutive years, a prize of 6,000 francs to each of He introduced a viable industrial process for the manufacture of synthetic lapis lazuli that could sell for less than 300 francs per kilo, replaced the blue previously obtained by grinding lapis and cost 100 to 2500 times more, and the ultramarine blue made by Gemé was used not only by painters , but also for blue granules in washing powders and paper making.
Dragon's blood
This color is used in the preparation of varnishes (a viscous organic liquid such as paint) and inks, and traditional Chinese medicine also uses it to help heal wounds and bruises. With its beauty and the richness of its red juice, which has been transformed into a resinous substance with antiseptic and medicinal properties known since ancient times.
The dragon's blood tree produces a red resinous substance known as dragon's blood, and locals harvest this precious secretion by meticulously cutting the tree's bark to extract the bright red sap that, when dried, turns into resin.
Natural color Annatto
It is a natural vegetable dye extracted from a tropical shrub called achiote. This tree, native to the Amazon and parts of Africa, provides a hard flower that contains small orange-red seeds derived from two different forms of the pigment: the oil-soluble bixin and norbixin. Annatto is an excellent natural colorant for making Food and cosmetics, with a variety of colors ranging from reddish-orange to pale yellow.
cadmium yellow
Cadmium yellow was processed in the 19th century (in 1817), in the analysis laboratory of the University of Göttingen, by Professor Friedrich Strummer, and was present in yellow inclusions on zinc carbonate, which was called "cadmia" (before it was called Smithsonite). Cadmium is considered a mineral Heavy, highly toxic (partially absorbed via the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts).
It was widely used in Europe in paints, but cadmium compounds pose risks to human health and the environment, and their manufacture and use are subject to restrictions, although cadmium pigments are authorized, and despite these risks and their high cost, they have the characteristics of hardness, coloring power, and vitality that make them unmistakable. unparalleled.
chromosomal oak color
It is a natural yellow pigment obtained from the bark of the black oak, which is a forest tree native to North America. It was previously called the yellow oak because of the yellow pigment in the inner bark. The inner bark of the tree contains a yellow pigment called quercetin, which was sold commercially in Europe. Until the forties of the last century.
Cinder color
It is extracted from an exotic tree from the north-east of Brazil, which is considered a dye plant. A reddish-brown pigment is extracted from its wood, which is dried and crushed to give a reddish tint. Through Persia, the Venetian merchants imported it in the first times to Europe, then it became an important commercial source, and the European colonizers gave it the name of the Brazilian tree.
Meanings of colors among civilizations
Color may carry the same meanings in the arts, but for peoples the meaning of each color differs from one nation to another, and the use of colors is evident in the way of life, architecture and beliefs in these countries, and colors have different perceptions and are interpreted in different ways between different countries, the following are the meanings of colors in the regions of the world different
Colors in Africa
Color carried different meanings in different parts of Africa, and these different meanings are derived differently from one village to another, and even among families living in the same village. Therefore, the meaning and concept of color in different African countries varies from one tribe to another, and from one country to another:
- In Nigeria, red is worn only by chiefs, but in Ghana it is worn during mourning. Similarly, this color is used during funeral ceremonies in Madagascar. In ritual use of this color, red signifies death and bloodshed.
- As for the color blue in East Africa, people believe that blue stones and seeds cause fertility, Ranga is the name of a turquoise necklace worn in South Africa, the reason for wearing this necklace is the belief that the Xhosa people will be able to connect with their ancestors, Tanzania is world famous for its blue colored gem Violet, while in Ghana, blue is a sign of happiness.
China and Southeast Asian countries
The meaning and concept of color in different Asian countries is considered more prominent or discussed a lot historically and culturally, and China can be considered one of the richest countries in this field, as the Chinese traditions related to the meanings and interpretations of colors go back to the Bronze Age, which developed into a complex color symbolic system over the centuries Interpretations of colors in the countries of this region are linked to the ancient belief in the values of "feng shui", and the translation of this phrase is "wind and water", which means living harmoniously in the surrounding environment.
In Asia, harmony and balance are very important in daily life, and as a result, the concept of color will have a special place in different countries:
- Red : This color inevitably evokes communist China and leads us to southern China. Red is a traditional color for Chinese wedding dresses. Red paper envelopes filled with money are traditional Chinese Lunar New Year gifts for children. Many companies in China put employee gifts in these envelopes and give them away. As gifts, wearing red rubies in Chinese culture prolongs life. One negative explanation for the color red in Southeast Asia is that obituaries are traditionally written with red gems, and yellow letters appear on a red background on all signs, posters, and packaging.
- Yellow : The meaning and concept of the color have a long history in different countries, especially in China, and perhaps because of the yellow soil of northern China, yellow became the symbolic color of the earth in this culture, and for centuries yellow was a symbolic color, and it was exclusive to imperial families, even today This color is a sign of power and royalty in China.
- White color : It is a symbol of metal, it is also a symbol of death and mourning, and the funeral ceremony is the second most important event in a person's life (the Chinese consider marriage to be the first important event in life) and white clothes are worn on that day, and in Hong Kong, white means sunset The sun and autumn.
The Middle East
Color plays a symbolic role in ceremonies, rituals, and beautification in the Middle East. The concept of color is very attractive in different countries in this diverse region. Red, green, white, and black are symbolic colors that can be seen on the flags of many Islamic countries. The second famous combination is turquoise, blue, and yellow. Golden with red and green, these colors appear in architecture and mosaics, especially in mosques.
In ancient Egypt, the ancient Egyptians also left behind legacies of "color therapy" and "unique cosmetics", and color played an important role in various aspects of life in the time of the Pharaohs, as the red and white stripes of the Arab carpets woven in the north of this land can be seen throughout the country. .
Yellow was a symbol of lower-ranking pharaohs, spirits, and the sun. The combination of golden (or yellow) and black stripes was a symbol of the said elements and a sign of happiness and prosperity. The clerics of the Pharaonic era used to dye their shields blue as a sign of truth and justice. Blue and purple represent piety. And faith in the pharaohs, and the Egyptians have always been interested in turquoise and sky blue, and white was considered the raw color for textiles in ancient Egypt.
So, colors bear different signs from one country to another. In China, red means good luck, while in South Africa it is the color of mourning. As for black, it is the color of mourning in Western countries, while in many Asian countries the color of mourning is white, and in the United States In the United States, green is the color of envy, while in Germany the color of envy is yellow.. In addition to the different meanings of colors between different countries and cultures, the climate also affects the effect of certain colors on people, for example, people in tropical countries prefer warm colors While people living in northern countries with cold climates react better to cooler colours.
Why are colors important in our lives?
Studies and research prove the importance of colors in our individual and collective perceptions, perception, actions and choices. Color is the first component that we absorb better and that we remember easily, and this is before shapes and words. So what is the real importance of colors in our lives?
1 - Color evokes emotions
Color affects human feelings, because people associate certain colors with certain feelings, and these feelings can attract the audience, for example, and help them remember a brand more easily, so companies seek before choosing the colors of their logos to first determine the message they want the logo to convey.
2- Color attracts attention
When someone looks at an object, the first thing they notice is probably the color it has, and this is consistent with what market studies in various industries indicate, as 80% of all visual information that the human brain absorbs is related to color, usually A brand's first impressions last 90 seconds or less, so if a brand wants to create a lasting impression, its logo color must grab attention, be memorable, and ultimately become a distinctive symbol.
3 - Color sends messages
Colors are a powerful form of communication, and they send messages to human groups according to their age, gender, interests, lifestyle, and geographic area. Therefore, each human group reacts differently to different color messages and the same color may send different meanings in different contexts, depending on For example, in Ireland green is associated with good luck (due to the four-leaf clover symbol) but in Muslim countries around the world green is closely associated with Islam.
An example of the importance of color in sending certain messages is that politicians often prefer to wear a red tie to denote power, especially in election races, and Hillary Clinton chose a purple suit on the day she gave her concession speech for the 2016 presidential election, as the color purple expresses On unity (union) and the desire to move forward.
4- Color is one of the reasons for survival
One of the most important reasons for the importance of colors in human life is that our ancestors relied heavily on colors for survival, as adaptation to many environments requires an accurate sense of color, for example, ancient humans needed color perception to be able to judge subtle differences Edible plants and animals at a glance.
5- Color is a necessary element in our interaction with each other
Color also plays a huge role in human interaction. We are better able to recognize each other due to the fact that we can see in such a wide range of colors. We are able to perceive emotional changes thanks to our wonderful color perception too. Do you remember how many times you realized how Is it easy to know that the person in front of you is feeling embarrassed or shy just by noticing the redness of his face or cheeks during a conversation?
6 - Colors bring joy
This may be the most important reason of all. The simple fact is that people are happy when they are surrounded by colours. People love to see the colors of the rainbow, enjoy the green colors of nature and the different colors of flowers. Their eyes shine when they see the blue of the sky and the beautiful blue of the sparkling sea water. Interior decorations with beautiful colors bring a similar feeling, as colors make people feel comfortable and in harmony with the world, and play a special role in influencing human mood..
Certainly, factors such as culture, upbringing, personal preferences, experiences, and background also affect the effect, perception, and understanding of a particular color on a person. We will discover how each color affects a person's mood.
The effect of colors on humans: What do colors do to our moods?
Although we see the world colored around us, we rarely realize how each color affects human mood and feelings, so commercial identity makers and those working in the creative fields realize the importance of choosing a good color before making a final decision, because knowing the meaning of each color in order to use it Strategically placed colors will make their business and marketing efforts more effective, and will help maximize the meaning and impact of colors on their target audience.
So, what are the most popular colors, and what effect do they have on our moods and feelings? We will talk about the ten most common colors in the creative industries , among which is carpet weaving .
the Red
Red is undoubtedly one of the most popular colors due to its prominence and its very positive characteristics. Red was one of the first colors used in prehistoric art pieces. It was used by man in the ancient Egyptian civilization. It can even be said that it is the reference color for all civilizations. Scientists have found evidence However, over 40,000 years ago, Paleolithic hunter-gatherers collected red clay to make body paint, and for another use (protection in the afterlife), Paleolithic people would bury their dead with red powder in order to ward off evil spirits ( According to their belief), and regardless of ancient theories and myths, the red color has assumed great importance in cultures and between peoples from ancient times until the modern era, and it is always a welcome color in the world of design, fashion and decoration, and soon famous things such as: the red carpet, The Red Planet, The Red Mill, etc.
What is the symbolism of the color red?
Red evokes feelings such as vitality, self-confidence, audacity, love, passion, warmth, joy, and also anger, rebellion, and danger, and depending on the intensity of the color, it has a warming effect but may carry meanings of oppression or aggression in many cultures. Red color has an effect that stimulates the appetite and promotes metabolism, so it is not surprising that we see nutrition brands such as restaurants and cafes choose this color for their commercial identities, and it is the preferred color that you should choose in the dining room or kitchen when you start designing your home decor.
How does red affect a person's mood?
A person receives energy and excitement from the red color and can use it in a positive or negative way. On the other hand, red is considered a signal color as it directly draws attention and attention. In addition, this color has the following effects on human mood and feelings:
- It activates the strength and energy of a person.
- The color can raise blood pressure.
- Red gives a sense of protection
- Contributes to an increase in vitality and self-esteem.
- Excitement of emotional and psychological feelings.
Red carpet magic
Of all the most popular carpets in the world, red carpets certainly occupy the first place, as this carpet is highly valued and used for distinguished guests. You choose as well as the uses you can have at home.
Red carpet in the decor
The red color is a bright color and using a rug of this color will help warm your interior décor and at the same time it will add personality and rich depth to your home. In addition, the red color is considered a modern and classic color that is somewhat timeless and does not lose its value, and it can easily find its place in your decor. Home, it is important to know how this rug harmonizes with the design, for example, if the floor is covered in a dark color and the walls are in a neutral color, you can choose a red rug with patterns.
Choosing a red rug for your home involves paying attention to some criteria in order to enjoy adding the perfect fit rug to your space, and in order to choose the best rug, you will need to choose rugs with the right dimensions, for example, for small spaces, you should prefer a small rug installed in the middle to allow the view of the floor, and for For spacious rooms, it is preferable to use large red carpets to match the colors of the room. Apart from the size, you should also choose red carpets with patterns that match your room. In addition, it is necessary to take care of the maintenance of the carpet over and over again, which is very crucial to maintain its appearance. longer.
Red Carpet: International Festivals Carpet!
We cannot close the file of red color and red carpets without exploring the secret of the red carpet, which is one of the most famous symbols of international film festivals such as the Oscars and the Cannes Film Festival, as the participants in the shows stand on this carpet to take pictures, then walk on it towards Exhibition halls, and their presence has become a prestigious appearance for celebrations, and today we also find this element in cinemas or luxury hotels..
Going back to the history of the red carpet, the sources mention that the red carpet was used in ancient Greece to receive the Spartan military leaders in celebration of him after their victorious return from wars, and the red carpet was actually used to receive prominent figures in society at the time, and this privilege was reserved for the most influential politicians and military leaders Famous or important religious figures, and according to the play Aeschylus dating back to 458 BC, the red carpet was extended to receive the Spartan leader Agamemnon, after his victorious return from the Trojan War, and the red carpet was originally used only in honor of the Greek gods, when the king acquires divine privilege .
At the time, the color of the carpet was not quite red but rather purple, a deep red pigment that could only be obtained from a Mediterranean crustacean called the purple murex (Hexaplex trunculus), which was not easy to catch as a ferocious predator. Consequently, the production of dye from it was expensive, so the red carpet was later a symbol of strength and high social status.
The red carpet was used long after that in 1821, when President Monroe was welcomed by adding the red carpet during an official visit to South Carolina, then the New York Central Railway began using luxurious scarlet carpets to direct people to get on the train, to symbolize luxury, and then they were used in ceremonies prestigious.
The adoption of the Oscars red carpet for the first time dates back to 1961, but, in fact, it was necessary to wait until 1984 for the red carpet to arrive in Cannes, France, after a proposal by the journalist "Yavis Morosi" to become the red carpet after 35 years, the festival's strongest symbol. Also famous Oscar style.
the colour grey
It is a neutral color resulting from the classic combination of black and white, and it is said that it is not a true color, but the value of the intensity of light.
This neutral color is mostly used to accentuate one or more colours, gray can also be created by combining two complementary colors to get more subtle greys, it is a particularly wide color and rich in tones (pearl grey, silver grey, anthracite grey, slate grey. .etc), we usually call it a light gray, medium gray or dark gray depending on its brightness, and while neutral gray is not a dominant color, the gray palette is rich in nuances, and gray can sometimes have a different meaning If it's dark gray or light gray...
Gray is known as a sober, elegant color, and it is a good ally of almost all colors and goes well with them (except for dark gray mixed with blue or dark green).
The history and symbolism of the color grey
In contrast to the red color that was unique to those with power, influence, and the high people in ancient times, the gray color was known throughout history as "the color that has no color", the color of undyed wool, which was worn by the poor, peasants, and monks, as a symbol of poverty and humility, and in the Middle Ages in In the West, this color symbolized wisdom and knowledge, and with the passage of time, it acquired bad symbolism, as it was associated with boredom, gloom, sadness, uncertainty, old age, indifference, humility, and neutrality.
In order to know the history of the use of gray, it is necessary to go back about 15,000 to 17,000 years to discover the first known use of gray by mankind, and the Lascaux Caves in France are home to some of the oldest known cave paintings, and there we can see evidence of the first use of gray dyes by our species. A recorded use of gray as a color name in the English language was in AD 700.
The gray color carries many contradictory and different meanings, such as:
- Positive meaning: calmness and sweetness.
- Negative meaning: sadness, loneliness, monotony, melancholy.
- Representation: animals (mice, elephants), dust.
Does gray affect human mood?
The gray color is an unemotional and moody color, and we can say that it is the color of contradictions, and it has been associated throughout the ages with a feeling of depression, however, this color has the advantage of being somewhat soft, and in our current age, the gray color has become closer to elegance, such as black, Often endowed with calming virtues, gray is known to be strong and steady, making you feel relaxed and restrained.
From the point of view of color psychology, gray appears mild, stressful, dull and discouraging in many cases, and indicates that people prefer a secure and balanced life. In other cultures, gray is associated with maturity and commitment, and in fact, it is believed that its use in very large quantities, restores one To a sad and gloomy atmosphere.
The elegance of gray carpet
The gray color belongs to the family of faded colors, and it is ideal for reducing brightness and creating a comfortable atmosphere, and it can be considered a very alternative shade to white, and although gray has been associated for decades with monotony and sadness, it has lost this bad reputation, and has become an elegant and refined color in interior decoration, And the gray color remained in the mainstream for a few years, thanks to its neutrality that allows it to relate to all styles and color combinations that it allows, and it became the neutral tone associated with elegance, and during the Renaissance and Baroque eras, the gray color began to play an important role in fashion and art, black color became the color Most associated with the nobility, especially in Italy, France and Spain, the gray and white color was in harmony with it.
In the interior decoration, the gray color has acquired a unique position and has become the color that suits all rooms in the house and adapts to all styles of decoration, whether when used as a complete look or in touches, and the use of a carpet in gray allows to give a classic atmosphere as much as it is contemporary, and it has become the degree that we add in the space In decoration, carpets, accessories, and even the floor and walls, which determine the general spirit and harmony of the room, and in the art of "feng shui", gray is associated with metal, and it is a color associated with relaxation, comfort, meditation, and entertainment, but when used in high doses, this color can also cause a bad appearance.
A gray rug has real advantages, both in terms of its aesthetic possibilities and its functional attributes, and is almost the easiest choice for homeowners who fight to avoid bad taste, because a gray rug is the perfect compromise, this color is neither too noticeable nor too discreet, it is the guarantee of an element that can blend in without Exaggerating your living space.
It can also be said that a carpet in gray is:
- An adaptable element to different styles, the gray rug can easily adapt to your decorative style. Its color is soft enough to match a romantic interior, but also distinctive enough to blend in with industrial, modern, rustic, or contemporary decor.
- A great ally of the contemporary or Scandinavian style, and through its neutral character, the gray carpet naturally finds its place in contemporary interior decoration, and this is where it stands out as an essential decorative accessory. As for the Scandinavian style, it can be said that the light wood floor gives a carpet of this color Makes a good impression, while enhancing the feeling of warmth created by the wood aspect of the floor.
Surely, you can find gray carpets in different shades, and this will save you from having a uniform decor and allow you to add variety to the interior of your home. With this in mind, for your carpet, look for those that have different shades of gray.
Gray carpet in interior decoration
Nothing prevents you from choosing carpets of a different gray color when moving from one room to another, therefore, you can choose a carpet in a light gray or anthracite color in the bathroom to add more volume to the space, and medium gray carpets will be an excellent choice to emphasize the friendly side of any room, and it can A gray rug can easily adapt to your preferences in terms of the space you add to it, regardless of your taste.
Cream color
The cream color is a pastel yellow color, and it is called by many different names such as very pale yellow, pale orange, or off-white..etc. Cream and ivory are often confused, but the cream color is darker than ivory, and the use of cream more famous.
The history of the cream color and its symbolism in the color world
The name Al-Karimi comes from the dairy products that are produced naturally by grazing cows and cattle in general, which consume plants rich in yellow carotenoid pigments, and to obtain a pale yellow color, white is mixed with a little yellow for use in various arts, and it was the first Recorded use of cream as a color name in English in 1590.
Experts in the world of color believe that the cream color "is usually associated with respect and modesty, as well as warmth and comfort, and it is also a color that encourages new ideas, however, this very pale color can also indicate a lack of confidence and the need for reassurance."
How does cream color affect human mood?
The cream color is a gentle gift from nature, and its different colors can be seen in the sands of the desert but also in some animals or plants, and therefore it can be said that it is the color closest to man. It is comfortable, gives people calmness and relaxation, and people who prefer cream color often have competitive and sporty traits, because they are people who do not like to lose and always remain cheerful.
The beauty of the cream-colored carpet
Like other neutral colors, cream is versatile, and you can combine it with other neutral colors for a sophisticated, elegant, and conservative feel. For example, you can add bright red, green, or yellow for a more exciting and attractive palette, or use it alongside lavender. Pink for a feminine touch.
Thanks to its unique characteristics, the addition of cream carpets can make any ordinary home an elegant and modern home, because cream-colored carpets give any room an open feeling and can be coordinated with any direction of furniture, and it is a very clean color and makes any room in which cream carpets are placed looks bright and refreshing.
The cream-colored carpet matches any furniture or curtains that you add to your space, helps show the attractiveness of the place, and is especially compatible with modern furnishings, and if you are interested in feng shui, the cream-colored carpet is ideally suited to your space, and its soft color matches perfectly with homes Beach style.
Cream colored carpets in the interior decoration
Cream color is the most popular color tone for decoration, and it is considered a sober color that is often associated with elegance, which is why the color is often used in apartments, homes, offices, and even hospitals. Cream color helps visually expand space, creating the illusion of open spaces, and is an ideal solution for rooms with large spaces Small, it is an ideal color for finishing the bedroom, because it is relaxing, and it is easy to create harmony between natural materials such as wood, textiles and wool. It comes with the added bonus of being a great complementary color to a variety of other tones, and can be used to create a more rustic and traditional vibe and is primarily used in ceilings and kitchens.
Despite its unique aesthetics, and the bright touch that the cream-colored carpet adds to the spaces, homeowners fear its acquisition, and we find it difficult to understand the reason, especially when there are children or pets in the house, and its colors can quickly fade from Through direct exposure to sunlight on a daily basis, apart from that, cream-colored carpets need high maintenance, and require a lot of dedication and careful cleaning.
Despite this, you cannot deprive yourself of the distinctive cream-colored carpet properties, and you can acquire it and it is recommended to install it in spaces that are subject to less crowding, such as the office room or guest room, and of course it is not recommended to add it in the corridors of the house, the living room, and places where gatherings abound.
Black Color
Black is certainly the most complex color up close. It is often said that black is not a color in the literal sense. When the sources of light are all absent, and we are plunged into complete darkness simultaneously, when it is time to sleep and turn off all the sources of light, we do not realize absolute black. , because the color perceived by the human eye in the dark is rather an intense gray dotted with blue, and this shade is called "eigengrau" in German, meaning "intrinsic gray".
According to the scientific point of view, the black color is not a color, but rather the absence of light, and it does not reflect or emit light, and it has no wavelength. However, in terms of feeling and perception, we can only call black a color, although the discussions in this controversy do not It ends like the chicken and egg argument.
According to the German scientist Hermann von Helmholz, “Black is a real sensation, even if it results from the complete absence of light. The feeling of black is clearly different from the absence of feeling.” Apart from the philosophical meaning of black, this color defines in the modern era luxury and antiquity. In ancient books, black preceded all colors and had a negative meaning associated with darkness.
The history and symbolism of the color black
Because any history of colors must be a social history, the symbolism of the black color seems clear, across different cultures, ages and races, and it used to evoke death, however, its history is richer and more complex than that, and it has multiple meanings, it can be positive and embodies simplicity, elegance, sobriety and luxury Modernity, or be negative associated with sadness, death, mourning, loneliness, and darkness, and depending on the country, will have very different symbolism. In European countries for example, black is considered a serious color, often synonymous with mourning, while in China, it is the color worn by children, In some Middle Eastern cultures, black indicates pessimism.
Going back to the history of the use of color in the past, namely in ancient Roman times and during the first centuries of the Middle Ages, black coexisted with its good and bad symbolism. On the one hand, black indicates humility and power; On the other hand to the realm of the dead and the forces of evil, Benedictine monks chose to wear black in their clothes as a symbol of their humility, even if the clothes were actually dark, brown or gray in the first place, because it was very difficult to get a true black dye.
Since the fourteenth century, the black color has become familiar, a symbol of integrity, dignity, rigor and virtue, and the black color has become the preferred color of men of authority: lawyers, judges, and academics. In his book “Al-Aswad, A History of Color”.
Positive traits of black include protection and comfort, strength, formality, sophistication, charm, pleasure, endings and beginnings, while negative traits include meanings of isolation, melancholy, pessimism, mystery and secrecy.
Does black affect the human mood?
Although black was often associated with feelings of depression, sadness, fear, disease and death (we remember here: the black plague, black magic, black hole, etc.), it managed to get rid of these influences in the modern era and became the color associated with gravity and elegance, and it can extend Whoever wears it has self-confidence, strength, and luxury, and fashion specialists believe that wearing black clothes will help a person hide his emotions and show his taste, and his longing for freedom and rebellion.
Luxurious black carpet
Interior designers and architects do not hesitate to use black either sparingly or as an all-over look for several reasons, not the least of which is that black makes it possible to emphasize subtle details and lines that are unmatched by any other color, and it goes with just about everything. And it is very elegant to use it in pieces or accessories, or curtains or on a piece of furniture and accessories such as a carpet, whether it is a completely black color carpet, or a black carpet mixed with white that gives you a particularly striking contrast to highlight the room in which the carpet is located.
Black carpet in the interior decoration
One of the most important advantages of using black carpet is that it is well suited for highly crowded spaces due to its superior ability to withstand movement and stains, and it also blends well with decorative elements and light colors, and it can create an attractive contrast if combined with a light-colored wall or light furniture or other elements. Other decors are pastel coloured, and the black accent rug can be a focal point for endless design options.
The black color can add a bold look to your home, and since it is a carpet that reconciles with movement and crowding, you can install it in spaces that witness gatherings to give it a formal look, and to add a little warmth.
Pink Color
Pink is often considered a feminine color, and it is one of the pastel colors that add softness to interior decoration, and we can get pink by mixing red and white in variable amounts depending on whether you want to get a more or less dark color (more red to get to a stronger degree).
The history and symbolism of the color pink
In the collective imagination, pink is considered feminine but, during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, this color was also masculine, as it is considered a strong color derived from the color red. King Henry IV dating from 1606, painted by the painter Jacob Bonnell, shows the King of France embodying the Roman god of war by wearing a pink tunic.
And not far away, in the eighteenth century, pink became the color of women and men alike, and we can discover this through various artistic paintings such as the painting of Madame de Pompadour by Francois Bouchet, which shows Jeanne Antoinette Poisson in a pink silk dress, and during the century Only the twentieth century has pink become somewhat associated with women, as it has become feminine in the same way that blue has become masculine, and the most famous female fashion icons of the fifties and sixties of the last century (such as Jackie Kennedy and others..) helped to form this image.
Does pink affect human mood?
Pink is known as a color with relaxing virtues, which can create a feminine, romantic, and sometimes childish atmosphere, and it enhances cognitive or fine motor tasks.
In the late 1960s, the famous scientist Alexander Schauss, director of the American Institute for Biosocial Research, conducted an unusual experiment, after he persuaded two leaders of a US Navy correctional center to paint the walls of their wards pink, and after 5 months, a report was issued stating that only 15 minutes of exposure to the color pink It was enough to reduce the prisoners' aggressiveness for at least 30 minutes, and Alexander Schauss himself claimed that "pink reduces heart rate, blood pressure and pulse. It is a calming color that drains your energy and reduces aggressiveness."
Pink rugs? Is this possible?
Yes! Adding a soft, warm, and uplifting pink rug to any space can add warmth, romance, and tranquility. Pink is a unique color that can be paired with any color when it is light and soft, and on the other hand, when it is a warm pink.
This color will add freshness and softness to all rooms of the house, but you should be more careful about the accessories in the space, and if you want to install a pink carpet in any room, choose a room with a somewhat neutral color so as not to create an unpleasant impression .
Pink carpets in the decor
Of course, when we think of using pink in our home décor, the first thing we immediately think of is children’s rooms, because it is the traditional color for the girl’s room and the color of young girls who want to have a princess room decor, because it creates a pleasant and intimate atmosphere. A carpet can also be added in The female bathroom to add warmth and a romantic atmosphere, and a light-colored rug can also be added in the living room or kitchen if you do not abuse it too much, and adding some pink accessories will add softness to a very neutral or strict environment.
the yellow color
The color of the sun, located between green and orange on the visible spectrum of light, with a wavelength of 570 to 590 nanometers, and yellow is seen as a bright color because it reflects a lot of light, and the color was extracted industrially for the first time in 1770 by the Swedish chemist Carl Wilhelm Scheele, when the yellow dye was made by grinding two parts lead and one part sea salt in water.
History and symbolism of the color yellow
Yellow is one of the oldest colors used in the history of various arts. Yellow was used from the Paleolithic period to ancient Egyptian, Greek and Roman times, where yellow dyes derived from clay soil rich in ocher were used since 45,000 BC to decorate human bodies and the walls of caves, and in ancient Rome. Yellow is an easy color for dyers to make, and in classical antiquity this color was of great value and was worn by the Romans during ceremonies.
Michele Pastorio, who specializes in the study of colours, symbols and representations, mentions in his book (Yellow, A History of Color) that yellow was the most common color for Roman women’s coverings under the Republic and Empire, and yellow was the color of married women, and in ancient religions, yellow was the color Sacred, yellow, like gold, was seen as eternal, incorruptible, and indestructible. Renaissance and medieval artists used "Indian yellow," a pigment obtained when cows ate only mango leaves.
The yellow color gained wide popularity and spread in the eighties in interior decoration, fashion and various arts. It is one of the colors whose direction does not fade and is renewed over time. The yellow color symbolizes positivity, sun, gold, joy and strength, and this carries the meanings of fading and sadness, and it may remind us of autumn or Decline.. On the other hand, yellow carries different meanings in cultures, as it is considered the color of luck in China, and the color of rebellion in France.. for example but not limited to..
How yellow affects human mood?
Yellow is seen as a bright and cheerful color, which evokes feelings of happiness, optimism and positivity because it is associated with sunlight and the summer season, and yellow is also associated with spontaneity and celebration. and pleasant, but in shade it quickly gives us an unpleasant result, and the slightest combination with it makes it dirty, sad, ugly, and of less importance, such is the complete contradiction of this color, whether it is a positive or a negative symbol.”
Cheerful yellow rugs
The yellow carpet will be an ideal element to add joy and joy to the interior decoration of your home, and do not forget that the yellow color matches easily with light blue, gray or white, and by adding a little red using different accessories or furniture can also give a dynamic atmosphere to your home. Your home, for sure, there are several types of shades of yellow, and between pale yellow or light yellow, it is up to you to decide which yellow color best meets your expectations, as well as your tastes.
To determine the yellow color that you want to choose for your carpet, it is necessary to follow your intuition and personal taste, but above all think about the general atmosphere that you want to give to the room where the carpet will be installed, and to help you in your choices, know that the light yellow carpet will be more intended to add more atmosphere Soft and classic, while the bright yellow rug will add a dynamic and exciting atmosphere to the room.
Yellow carpets in the decor
You can install a bright yellow carpet in any room you want to bring a sense of radiance, joy and sunlight to, or where you sit with your guests, and to break the routine, it is really possible to introduce more enthusiasm into the decor by adding yellow carpets, and choosing a carpet with a color Yellow is perfect for brightening up any dark space.
Brown color
Brown is a compound color, brown is derived by combining red with black and yellow or red, yellow and blue, and it actually covers a wide range of shades, from light brown to medium brown, and even black! And it may seem surprising, but black hair is actually dark brown.
The history and symbolism of the color brown
In ancient Egypt, bitumen, a naturally heavy and viscous oil, was used in the mummification process. This dark brown substance was used to keep the bodies from rotting and thus ensure the survival of the deceased in the afterlife according to the beliefs of the era. In the Middle Ages, brown was considered an ugly color. , as it was associated with peasants, servants, and beggars, and the clothes were made in this dirt-resistant color from the remains of goat wool, unbleached linen-spun hair, and brown hemp, and the materials used were inexpensive; So the people who wore it were ranked at the bottom of the social ladder, and at that time, the upper class had to avoid wearing brown while attending official ceremonies.
This stereotype disappeared with the arrival of the Rococo period in the eighteenth century, which aspired to more freedom and encouraged mixing of colors, and brown became familiar, and Louis XVI loved these colors, and it became a color satisfactory to him by the king, so it was approved on Favored by the court and the people, brown became a popular color for military uniforms from the late eighteenth century, largely due to its wide availability and poor visibility. The dark parts, and this color became the symbol of the Nazi Party, and the popularity of this color remained fluctuating in modern times, as according to public opinion polls in Europe and the United States, brown is the color least favored by the public, as the color is often associated with simplicity and poverty.
Brown is widespread in nature widely, in wood, earth, human hair color, eye color, skin pigmentation, brown is the color of dark wood, soil, and fallen autumn leaves, and evokes all that is raw and natural, and in reference to nature, color is associated with Brown is associated with feelings of solidity, security, balance, and overtones of positivity and reassurance, which is why companies in fields such as real estate, carpentry, or finance use this color in their logos. Brown is also considered a symbol of brute force, and it can also inspire stability.
How does brown affect human mood?
Like other colors, brown is associated with various positive meanings, such as feelings of strength, reliability, security, and safety. It is also a relaxing color that has been linked to an increase in tryptophan (related to sleep and our immune systems) and serotonin (related to mood). It reminds us of connections with the land, home and family, and the brown color on the one hand is associated with negative feelings such as feelings of sadness, mystery and isolation on the other hand, and its addition to spaces can add feelings of warmth and comfort.
The simplicity of brown carpets
Adding a brown color rug to your interior decor will be a perfect choice to easily hide stains, and it goes well with blues, greens, beiges, and other shades of brown and even yellow, and its color is perfect for old-fashioned decor, and this rug will be very suitable with light color palettes as well, which helps In keeping the furniture light to prevent the room from becoming too dark.
Brown carpets in the decor
The brown color symbolizes tradition, originality, comfort and solidity. This color is characterized by the privacy of welcome and luxury. It is suitable for living rooms, bedrooms, bathrooms and kitchens. Where movement increases such as the hallway and stairs, on the other hand, the brown color is considered a neutral and impersonal color, and an elegant brown color carpet can be added in the office spaces.
the Golden color
The golden color is the color of luster, and it belongs in the color range to the yellow color family, and it is one of the difficult colors to blend due to its cold and warm tones. Mix equal doses of yellow and brown to get a golden color with a classic mustard color, and to get a golden brown color that can be mixed Equal doses of blue, red and yellow.
The history and symbolism of the golden color
Throughout history gold has been used as a coating, as a sign of prestige and strength in the form of very thin sheets applied to surfaces, from ancient times to the present day in drawings, and it was mainly appropriate in the Middle Ages in decoration, and was mainly used for frames and elements of interior architecture.
The meaning of the color gold varies across cultures. This color is often seen as a symbol of wealth, strength, power, and luxury, but it is also associated with deep spirituality in East Asian culture. Since ancient times, gold has been associated with many positive symbols, ranging from the sun to wealth and success. It evokes the sun and all its symbolism: radiance, the center of warmth, love, gift, fertility, and it should also be noted that gold expresses knowledge, and we mean here, for example, the term golden age that constitutes the perfection of every nation or state, and the golden color was Always present in decoration, but for a long time it was reserved for the elite.
How does the golden color affect the human mood?
The golden color spreads feelings of entitlement and worthiness and adds warmth and feelings of respect and security because the golden color brings us back to material comfort, a sense of achievement and richness, and it may often evoke feelings of optimism and joy, and on the other hand, dark golden shades can spread feelings of mystery, sadness and depression.
The luster of golden carpets
Since gold symbolizes wealth and prosperity, it is the perfect color to use if you want to make your interior design look more elegant and luxurious, as it will add elegance, paper and luxury to your space, and a golden color carpet can add warmth to your home, and this style of carpet is ideal For the winter because it provides warmth, comfort and a sense of security.
A gold color rug can always go well with black and white accessories, and any shade of blue will always look great with a gold color rug.
Golden colored carpets in the decor
A carpet of this precious color can be suitable for the living room to receive your guests in a luxurious and elegant look. A golden color carpet can also be added to the bedroom to add warmth, or to the guest room to add luxury to the place. Do not forget that you should always use this color wisely in your interior decoration. .
The color is blue
Blue is one of the three primary colors along with green and red, and it is the color that represents serenity, peace and tranquility, and blue occupies the top of the ranking of the most common colors in the world , and is considered the most widespread color in our environment, as blue is found naturally around us in the sky and sea, Blue is referred to as a cool tone.
Michele Pastoreio, author of Blue, A History of the Color, states that since opinion polls were available, circa 1890, blue has actually been ranked first everywhere in the West, in Europe as in the United States as in New Zealand. By men and women, regardless of their social and professional background!”, Many studies have been conducted to try to understand why humans are attracted to the color blue.
The history and symbolism of the color blue
Although what the color blue means differs in every culture, it is unanimously associated with vast spaces and open and endless horizons, and accordingly, it has become a symbol of freshness, purity, truth and wisdom. This color creates a sense of commitment and reliability for those who view it.
Many civilizations have honored this color, which represents strength and privilege, and the blue color was previously reserved for the families of kings, although this color did not have a name, or a word referring to it in other ancient languages, and the Egyptians were the only ones who deviated from the rule by including the word "blue" in their language, and they were also the only ones who knew how to reproduce this color.
If blue wasn't so popular as a name, until Egyptian blue dyes began to spread around the world as other cultures added the word blue to their lexicon, then blue dyes were seen as a rare (and expensive) commodity and blue gained prominence, especially in the spiritual life. And it was associated with the ancient peoples with calmness, gods and confidence, and the Egyptians associated the blue color with the Nile and abundance, and the color became synonymous with kings, as the dyes needed to create the “Egyptian blue” were expensive, scarce, and labor-intensive.
Blue became familiar only after industrialization, or it became easier to manufacture, then blue became a very popular color and perhaps that is why today it is the favorite color of a large majority of us, and the color reserved for males without women.
In Western cultures, blue is often associated with tears and sadness, and according to A Dictionary of America (1848), blue means gloomy, harsh; So extreme, it has also been said to mean low morale. According to the Oxford Dictionary, the word could be derived from the word "misfortune".
Other influences of blue include:
- Enhance intuition
- Promotes self-confidence and strength.
- Stimulates feelings such as attachment and serenity.
How does the color blue affect a person's mood?
Some research investigating short wavelength (blue) light has shown that blue is a potentially effective treatment for seasonal affective disorder (a seasonal type of depression), and helps reduce stress.
Blue is considered a reassuring color and has positive connotations and a calming and relaxing effect on the psyche and can therefore be used to support the fight against depression and anxiety. Additionally, blue helps fight nervousness thanks to its effect, and helps lower blood pressure naturally, which is why this color is often found in Hospitals and clinics, blue can also reduce hunger, as some specialists recommend eating in blue dishes to help lose weight.
Blue inspires serenity and inner calm, and this color helps with meditation, imagination and dreams, but in its negative counterpart, those who prefer blue may tend to be gloomy.
Shine the blue carpet
The blue color is very pleasant to use inside your home, and although some shades of it are difficult to use, especially in interior areas that lack light, others help create a soft and comfortable atmosphere, for example, adding a blue carpet at the bottom of the sofa A splash of color is as refreshing as it gives the space a modern look, and the many shades of blue rugs, from the lightest to the darkest, enhance a calm, relaxed and elegant atmosphere.
If you want to use a dark blue rug, you can coordinate it using neutral colors for the rest of the room, while adding a light blue rug will make the spaces brighter and livelier.
Blue carpets in the decor
The blue carpet can be used in almost every area of the house, and you can complement the look with many color schemes and patterns, and it may be the best place to install blue carpets of deep pile in places of rest and sleep specifically, as it adds calm and feelings of relaxation, And a sense of warmth and softness for the feet upon waking up, a small blue carpet can also be added in the bathroom, or in the children's room to give them a comfortable and intimate atmosphere.
Common Colors in Persian Carpets: Colors and Their Sources
Colors are among the most important elements that must be taken into consideration when choosing a carpet, because the color of the carpet has an undeniable effect on the appearance and atmosphere of the room, and the right color can bring life to the space, and since the world of carpets and their colors is wide, we will talk about the colors of Persian carpets, for example. The example is not limited to..
Both hand-woven and machine-made rugs are produced in a unique variety of colors and designs, and the color of the rug casts a shadow over the entire room. In addition, each color of the rug carries a hidden meaning. The wool is dyed by master dyers before it is delivered to the rug weavers, and before The introduction of synthetic dyes into the world of carpet making. Mineral and plant materials were used to dye wool in a wide range of attractive colors. The Bedouins, who pioneered knotted carpet weaving techniques in Persia, used all kinds of sea creatures, insects, and plants, both local and imported, to create eye-catching colours. Using snails, beetles, and all kinds of flowers and seeds, from red seeds to dried pomegranates, to bring out the mesmerizing colors of the patterned carpet.
Persian carpets are famous for their bright red background. Lacquer, walnut, khaki and sky blue colors are among the dominant colors in authentic Persian carpets. The more colors used in the carpet, the more expensive the carpet. Approximately 250 colors in a rug, creating a rug with this complex color combination requires years of experience and knowledge.
The natural sources from which natural dyes were extracted include:
- Madder wild pigment root of cochineal red.
- Blue indigo plant for blue color.
- Turmeric and blueberries for green.
- Oak tree for black color.
- Tree bark or nuts for an earthy hue.
- Saffron or pomegranate for yellow color.
- Lighten the color of the pigment root of the rose color.
- tannins or oak bark to extract the brown colour.
There is certainly a hidden meaning behind every color commonly used in Persian and oriental rugs, and the variety of rug colors is a reflection of the ideals, emotions, and characteristics of weavers over time. In the modern era.
Although the colors symbolize different meanings according to the values of the nations and the cultures of the peoples, the colors of the Persian carpets carried different meanings for the weavers. For the weaver, the colors are like spices for the chef, so what does each color of the Persian carpet weaver mean ?
Before that, we need to understand the meanings of colors in the history of the Persian Empire:
- Red: happiness, joy, beauty, courage, luck and wealth
- Green: Heaven, holiness, rebirth, and spring
- Brown: fertility.
- Yellow/gold: power and glory
- Blue: trust and commitment
- Orange: selflessness, piety and humility
- White: chastity, purity, peace and tranquility
- Black: mystery and comfort
What does each color mean for Persian weavers?
Using different colors, each carpet tells about the professionalism of the weavers in choosing colors, their harmony and clarity, and to understand the story, we need a better understanding of the meaning of the colors used in the carpets, for the Persian weaver..
Yellow and gold : two colors that look distinct, and the yellow color is generally associated with happiness and energy, while the golden color is used more to indicate division, however, both colors have the same roots, and both colors come from India and Europe, which means gold and means more attention, and connects the Persians Yellow is the color of sunshine and the joy of life. In hand-woven Iranian carpets, golden and brown colors are often used together, which symbolizes wealth and power. These colors were mostly used in carpets for royal families and represented the strength and highlight of the design.
Green : The color green in all parts of the world represents prosperity, balance, health, and growth. But when green is used in the design, it shows a special effect and feature.
According to the historical accounts in the biography of the Prophet, the favorite color of the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, was green. Perhaps the green color is somewhat sacred and less used for carpets, but ancient Persian carpets sometimes used this color.
Red color : The red color is associated with a sense of enthusiasm and excitement, and depending on the degree of this color, it indicates warmth and vitality, and is used to express feelings and to attract more attention, and the red color is the color of blood and fire, which are powerful symbols in the forces of nature, and the red color was used in Persian carpets To create stunning designs with a wide range of visual effects, early carpet designers used the color red to emphasize their designs, and this color in the carpet represented strength.
Blue : The color is used to create a sense of inner peace in designs, and in many cultures, the blue color symbolizes trust and loyalty, and after red and beige, blue is one of the most common colors in Persian carpets, and perhaps due to the scarcity of sources of this color in nature, most weavers have tried Antique carpets replace this color.
Brown color : It is one of the colors that were also used to weave Persian carpets, and it is a color that expresses connection and originality, and the brown color in Persian carpets represents the mother planet, the earth, and is used as a sign of fertility.
Orange : It is a fun color associated with fire and excitement, and while Western cultures consider orange a symbol of adventure, its meaning in the East is completely different. Persian carpet weavers have chosen a spiritual meaning for the color orange, as it is used to express piety and humility as well as faith and sacrifice, and yellow and red colors are used Different shades of orange in old rug designs, and the union of these colors has created an exciting color and show a sense of completeness.
Black color : Black is an official color that evokes strength and mystery, and reminds us of emptiness and dark emotions. Persian weavers rarely used black in different styles of Persian carpets; But there are also examples of unique Persian rugs that used black to create detailing in the designs.
Beige and white : White was considered the color of purity and innocence in most countries, and Persian weavers often mixed white with beige to create different designs. The lighter shade of white or beige varies depending on the type of wool used in Persian carpets.
Persian weavers are attested to have known how to adapt the colors of nature, and to discover the secret of obtaining these magical, bright, joyful and immortal dyes that we see today in ancient Persian carpets, and by returning to the spoils won by Alexander the Great after his overthrow of the Persian Empire, the historian Plutarch mentioned two important points that explain the reason for preserving the carpets On its colors and intensity: "One is how strong the purple was against light and air, and the other is that the ancient Persian weavers used complementary materials in dyeing..."
In this context, Plutarch adds, "The consistency of color and strength of fabrics is due to the fact that Persian weavers used a mixture of honey and wax to maintain the transparency of color, and the same applies to white and undyed fabrics."
Plutarch's notes draw us to the desire to know the secret of the preservation of the bright colors of the authentic antique carpets found in the major museums in the world, including the carpets in the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, the Los Angeles Museum, and the Museum of Applied Arts in Vienna, And the Doha Museum of Islamic Art, etc., and because we cannot count all the carpets in the major international museums; We will talk about the colors of the oldest carpet in the world, the " Pazyryk carpet", which is now in the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia.
Why are the colors of Pazyryk carpets still bright?
The Pazyryk carpet is one of the unique types of hand-woven carpets, which has a very long history, as studies conducted on the Pazyryk carpet indicate that it dates back to 2,500 years ago and was used to cover horses, and most experts trace its lineage back to Persia, so what is the secret of this The unusual carpet?
The history of the Pazyryk carpet
In 1949, the prominent Soviet anthropologist and archaeologist who discovered and excavated the most famous burial of the Scythians (Persian nomads) in Siberia, Sergei Rudenko, embarked on a new expedition, and there in the Pazyryk Valley of the Ukok Plateau, in the Altai Mountains of Siberia, at an altitude of 5,400 feet above sea level. The surface of the sea, the archaeologist found tombs dating back to the Stone Age, and the tomb of a nobleman contained a frozen carpet, and it was evident that it was left by grave robbers who plundered the valuables of the tomb, and left behind the antique carpet inside the tomb that was left open after looting what was Inside it, the snowfall and the extreme drop in temperature caused the carpet to freeze and remain for long periods under a thick layer of ice, which experts believe is the main reason why the carpet remains intact.
Pazyryk carpet design
The Pazyryk carpet is decorated with a floral border, and a square patterned center in the middle, and on the edge are deer, warriors on horseback, and the mythical animal, the winged lion known as the griffin, and all parts of the carpet are made of wool, including the pile and the base, and this carpet contains 3,600 identical double knots for each square decimeters, the exact size of this carpet is 1.98 x 1.98 meters, and due to moisture, one side of this carpet has rotted, which has been restored and restored to its original shape, and it is believed that this type of carpet was produced either in ancient Armenia, Persia, or Middle Asia.
The origins of the Pazyryk carpet
Mystery still surrounds the true origins and the exact source of the ancient carpet, as some consider it to belong to the Oghuz Turks during the early Middle Ages period, as the numerical values of the carpet show striking similarities in genealogy with the Turkish Oghuz legend, and others attribute it to Armenian origins, given that the carpet is woven with a technique The Armenian double knot, and that the color of the red threads is made of Armenian scarlet, however, prevails in the opinion of those who believe that the carpet dates back to Persian origins, especially with its discovery in the tombs of the Scythians.
Some of the Pazyryk tombs discovered by archaeologist Rudenko were preserved in an almost complete condition, and contained intact skeletons and bodies of mummified horses and humans, along with a large collection of artifacts including saddles, riding gear, war chariots, carpets, clothing, jewelry, musical instruments, amulets, tools, and a "cannabis inhaler".
Also found in the tombs were fabrics from Persia and China, which the Pazyryks must have obtained on journeys covering thousands of miles. Experts believe that the Pazyryk carpet belongs to the Persian-Scythian nomads.
There is another reason given by supporters of the Persian theory of the oldest carpet in the world, which prompted experts to attribute it to the Achaemenid era and the fifth and fourth centuries BC, which is that the designs of this carpet are similar to the designs of the Achaemenid period in many similarities, in addition to the extensive use of red color in these The carpet, because the color red was abundant in Persia during the Achaemenid period, and the carpet weavers used this color extensively in their designs, on the other hand the yellow spotted deer with wide horns present in the design of the carpet was unique to Persia in the past.
Although we cannot be certain of the original home of the carpet, there is no dispute about its magnificence and stunning appearance, despite the passage of more than 2,500 years since its weaving, as the carpet still shows a level of sophistication in workmanship that modern historians did not think was possible, because most woven carpets And the rugs of the same time period were more primitive, so how did a carpet from the fifth century BC preserve its colors and design?
The secret behind the everlasting bright colors of the Pazyryk rug
It is no secret that the red, green, yellow and blue colors used in weaving the Pazyryk carpet are still bright and bright even with the passage of hundreds of centuries, which is the secret that puzzled scientists for a long time. A group of scientists at the German University of Erlangen-Nürnberg examined the carpet using high-resolution microscopy. X-rays, and their findings were published in the journal (Scientific Reports), and the big secret was in ( traditional dyeing techniques for the bright colors red, yellow and blue of the carpet) 1
Scientists believe that fermenting sheep’s wool before dyeing increases the spread of dyes towards the center of the wool fiber, and leads to an increase in color brilliance and longevity to be brighter and more continuous. Fermented wool can be identified by scanning microscopy through the distinctive high position of the outer layers of the cover, and thirty years earlier. In 1991, Professor Karl Meislinger received a sample of some eggplant carpet nodules for analysis by means of scanning electron microscopy, and he discovered with Dr. Manfred Biber, an expert in dyeing techniques for oriental fabrics, that through scanning electron microscopy it is possible to identify wool fibers made by a special dyeing method It is based on the previous fermentation of the wool.
The researchers explained the techniques used in dyeing the fibers of the bazyriki carpet. “The ancient weavers of Anatolia are familiar with a less expensive but reliable technique, whereby they spread the dyed wool on fields exposed to direct sunlight for several weeks, and then store it in a barn as bedding for their animals,” said Dr. Karl Meslinger. before finally washing it in a stream or river water.”
The golden rule: Criteria for choosing the right carpet color for the right place
The carpet is one of the important elements in the interior decoration, which can add spirit and dimensions to the home space. In fact, we can say that the carpet is the heart of every place and its role in interior decoration is not hidden from anyone, except that choosing a specific color for the carpet may change the interior decoration. its entirety and style.
Carpet makers are aware of the great influence of colors on human mood, and how some colors can spread calm and relaxation in home spaces, while other colors add vitality and brightness to carpets. Below we will discover how to choose the right carpet for the right place and what criteria you should pay attention to before buying a carpet:
Practical aspects
To get a large room
Do you want to make the room look bigger? Light-colored carpets make the space appear larger, which is a feature preferred by many owners of small and medium-sized homes. On the contrary, if you want to make the room look warm and cozy, it is best to choose a carpet in dark colors.
Keep stains invisible
If you have small children, pets, live in a rented house, or are a party goer, the chances of staining your carpet are high, and the question is, what is the best color to hide the stains? If you know that staining is the inevitable fate of your carpet, it is best to choose a dark color carpet.
away from dust
You may be wondering what is the difference between spot and dust masking? They are similar in some way, but they also have a fundamental difference. The cause of a stain is that something has been spilled on the carpet, but dust and dirt along with the accumulation of grease give the entire carpet a dark brown color. If you want dirt and dust not to appear on your carpet over time, choose a multi-colored carpet with a crowded design so that dust and dirt are less visible and it is not clear how much the carpet needs to be cleaned.
crowded spaces
To choose the right rug color for your living room, consider what you're doing in your space. Whether you spend all your daily activities in the living room or enjoy the rug while resting, there are two separate categories that can help narrow down the options in choosing the right color for this space. Definitely, for a living room where all the daily activities take place, it is best to choose the color of the rug from the ones with the look neutral and slightly dark; But for living rooms where there is little movement, there is no barrier to using light colors.
Decoration colors
All the accessories and other things in your decor can influence the color choice of your carpets; Therefore, if the decoration elements are complete and you intend to buy a carpet, it is better to choose the color of your other accessories in harmony, and pay attention to the color of the furniture and curtains, and choose the color of the carpet accordingly. This makes the space look monotonous and boring.
Get to know your taste
If you want to completely change your decoration, you must trust your intuition and taste. Search for different types of designs on the Internet. When you find your interests and know the style and color you prefer for your decoration accessories, you can choose the desired color of the rug more easily. If you are one of those people who find it difficult to coordinate colors, it is better to use neutral colors; These colors will coordinate well with other items and look beautiful in the end.
Carpet cleaner
If you are a person who cares about the cleanliness of every part of the house, especially the carpets, avoid buying light-colored carpets, as it is not recommended to use light-colored carpets in high-traffic areas, such as the entrance, hallway, stairs, sitting room, living room, and other places that can be accessed shoes.
Carpet durability
Some areas in the house really need more durable carpets than the carpets in other places, the choice of carpet for stairs seems to be one of the most controversial questions because stair carpets are used constantly and a bad choice can make the carpet look old and worn very soon but, on the other hand by looking at The main points of stair carpets, you can make a wise decision, for example, choosing the right carpet color for stairs is effective in making it last longer, dark colors are better because they show dirt and stains less, you can also bet on the durability of the carpet, even if it is expensive The price, as the use of durable carpets on the stairs will enable you to enjoy its look and feel for longer periods.
Carpet color psychology
Red color
It has become clear to all of us that red is an exciting and stimulating color, but this explanation is a bit vague. What does the color red conjure up? There is no definite answer to this question. The feelings aroused by red carpets depend on the environment. Studies have shown that in addition to arousing a person, the color red also causes physical signs of stimulation, such as increased heart rate and rapid breathing. Love, enthusiasm and hunger are also The feelings aroused by the red color, therefore, we can say that the red color is suitable for children's playrooms or the dining room, and you can easily install red carpets at the entrance to your home or in the living room, and it is preferable to exclude them in the bathroom and bedroom.
The color orange
Orange has a similar effect to red, but is less intense. Orange creates a lively, warm, and welcoming atmosphere. Certainly, different shades of orange carry different meanings. Orange is rarely used in rug weaving, but, it can be a fun color for a children's room or playroom, as well. Dark orange, like red, is suitable for the dining room.
the yellow color
One of the most refreshing and energizing colors, and this color is also considered a symbol of glory and luxury because it is associated with money and gold. The golden color is suitable for adding energy and stimulation in the office, or for making the living room and playroom fun and lively.
green color
The color of life and wealth, and a symbol of nature, renewal, and health, the yellowish green usually has a negative charge and is used to express jealousy and illness. Therefore, in any place where you want to evoke a sense of freshness and natural vitality, add a light green or original green carpet. Using a green carpet for the reception creates a luxurious, classic and modern style in the space. If you choose this carpet color in the living room, for example, it is better to use plants to emphasize Creating a natural unity in the environment, allowing plenty of natural light to enter the space.
As for the other colors in the decorative furniture, which can merge with the green carpet, they are: coral, light pink, brown close to yellow, and other shades of green such as olive, cream and dark blue.
the colour blue
The color of calm and a reflection of the sky and the sea, and a symbol of wisdom, trust and loyalty. It is the opposite of red. It slows down the metabolism in the body and has a relaxing effect. Evidence indicates that blue helps relax the mind and body. Since blue is a common color for men, it can be used in the man’s room. Or in rooms where you want to have a calm atmosphere, you should also know that blue is not suitable for the dining room and kitchen, unless you want to suppress your appetite!
It is a mixture of red and blue and symbolizes strength, well-being and prosperity. The light purple or lilac color evokes feelings of romance and nostalgia. On the other hand, the dark purple color evokes negative emotions such as sadness. Purple is an ideal choice for a girl’s bedroom or a study room that is supposed to To be a seat of power or wealth.
Black Color
Since this color evokes strength, demonic power, and mystery, and reminds us of a sense of emptiness and dark feelings, you should be careful when using black in your home décor, and you should make sure that there is plenty of natural light in the place so that the space in which you place the black carpet does not look boring, And you can install the black color carpet in the stairway as it is a high traffic area.
White color
White is the color of perfection, purity and innocence, and it is a good color in itself as a meaning, but it is required to keep it clean, keep in mind that cleaning a white carpet is difficult, and a white carpet that has already been stained will not look as good as the first day you acquired it, and it is never recommended to put White carpet in crowded areas.
other neutral colors
Cream or beige and gray, and the rest of the neutral colors, and they are colors that also have meaning, but they do not awaken strong feelings but are considered calming or monotonous, the cream and gray colors are widely used and suitable for any room and are consistent with a wide range of different wall colors, and you will not find it difficult to choose Where to install a carpet of a neutral color, unless you want to place it in spaces with less movement to preserve its color, on the other hand, gray is especially recommended in bedrooms and libraries.
The color of the walls and the color of the carpet
The choice of the color of the rug also depends on the color of the wall, if the wall of the space is painted red on an entire part of the wall, this option visually scales the room, making it appear smaller, and since red is a difficult color to deal with, we recommend choosing a few accessories with Red color, which does not include carpets, in this case you can choose a light color such as white.
If your walls are gray, you have the freedom to choose the color of the rug, gray is a neutral color that goes with any color, light gray walls make a perfect combination with darker colors like blue, black and red lacquer, if your walls are gray, you might want to make the house look Larger, so it is better to choose light-colored rugs, such as cream-colored or multi-colored rugs.
But if the color of your walls is beige, carpets with soft and bright colors, such as light blue, turquoise, and even pink, are an ideal choice for beige walls, and the question here is, do these colors match the rest of the home’s furniture? If you want to be conservative, you can choose your favorite color from a wide range of beige colors, and choose a darker or lighter shade of the beige wall color to create a nice contrast with the wall color and maintain the neutrality of the environment. Several multicolored or patterned and crowded rugs can be appropriate. For beige and cream colored walls.
Carpets fall somewhere between being a work of art and an element of decor, and there is no arguing about the importance of this unique piece, which has made its way into home decor hundreds of years ago, as the most beautiful and timeless decoration piece that always transcends fashion trends without losing its importance..
The carpet, with its beautiful colors, designs, and patterns, adds warmth, depth, originality, and aesthetic decorative touches to any space and provides contrast with other colors. Choosing carpet colors may be more difficult than expected, because choosing the right carpet color in home decor has a great impact on completing the interior space. It was interesting to discover, in this detailed guide, the history of colors and their contradictions, their relationship to humans, the effect of colors on humans in psychology, the history of colors in carpets in different civilizations, and how to choose the appropriate carpet for the appropriate space..
We hope that you have enjoyed and benefited from this amazing carpet color guide, just as you have enjoyed choosing the color of your new carpet to create a look worthy of receiving the ones you love in a warm and cozy home décor.
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