Rug Styles

WEFT designed rugs to suit all tastes. From modern, classic, and bohemian rugs to sadu rugs that represent Arab culture. You will find a wide variety of rug styles to suit your style.

Modern Rugs

The collection of modern rugs, is a summary of WEFT's choices for modern rugs that give your home a new spirit of modernity, this group of carefully selected rugs will harmonize with the modern furniture that you will have.

Shop Modern Rugs

Classic Rugs

The collection of classic rugs, is the jewel of WEFT's choices for the classic model of rugs. This group gives your home the traditional character with the luxury of history and the spirit of the era.

Shop Classic Rugs

Sadu Rugs

Sadu rug collection in WEFT is the crown of our collections because it is from our ancient heritage. We have redesigned sadu rugs to suit the times and to match its designs with furniture and in several colors and sizes.

Shop Sadu Rugs
سجادة أنتولا - بوهيمي.

Bohemian Rugs

Bohemian rug collection by WEFT is not just a choice of chaotic rug colors, but rather considered paintings of art, each bohemian style rug WEFT chooses to tell a different story and spirit steeped in fantasy that transports you far.

Shop Bohemian Rugs