

Carpets fall somewhere between being a work of art and an element of decor, and there is no arguing about the importance of this unique piece, which has made its way into home decor hundreds of years ago, as the most beautiful and timeless decoration piece that always transcends fashion trends without losing its importance..

The carpet, with its beautiful colors, designs, and patterns, adds warmth, depth, originality, and aesthetic decorative touches to any space and provides contrast with other colors. Carpet colors It is more difficult than what can be expected, because choosing the appropriate carpet color in home decor has a great impact on completing the interior space, and it was fun to discover in this detailed guide the history of colors and their contradictions, their relationship to humans, the effect of colors on humans in psychology, and the history of colors In carpets in different civilizations, and how to choose the right carpet for the right space..

We hope that you have enjoyed and benefited from this amazing carpet color guide, just as you have enjoyed choosing the color of your new carpet to create a look worthy of receiving the ones you love in a warm and cozy home décor.

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