Carpet World Blog - Weft Carpets

6 سجادات آسرة تُصنّف كأعمال فنية

6 captivating rugs are classified as works of art

on Oct 06, 2022
These wonderful furnishings go beyond the traditional use in the room, the walls are often dominated by hanging paintings, but today the ability of the floor of the room also has the ability to add an artistic touch in the home. “In a changing world where art and design come together more than ever before, our new collection of Art Deco-inspired rugs reflects this,” says Doris Leslie Blau, the world's most recognized brand for antique rugs. These pieces also take a lot of time and skill to produce, and should be considered works of art no matter how they are used.” Bollor was not alone in appreciating these creations. Here are these examples. A decorative-inspired rug by Doris Leslie Blue blurs the line between rug and painting. This silk rug from the S. de Gunzburg Collection is just as enchanting as the dot-centric work of Yayo Kusama and Damien Hirst. French designer Neo Duchaufour-Laurence, who originally trained as a sculptor, uses metals and natural materials to inspire his design for Lengfeld I, a style in his new collection Ru by Taiping. Delicate pencil drawing creates a charming sea-inspired pattern in blue waves by Adam Hunter. Colorful foils make a statement in a rug from the Jenny Collection from Stark. The lines and patterns of the Fiesta rug from Loloi's Gemology collection recall Frank Stella's bold and imaginative architecture. Did these works inspire you to take on another dimension of carpets that are not traditionally known? Share your comment.. [Translated by adaptation from ]
6 مواد مختلفة يُصنع منها السجاد

6 different materials that carpets are made of

on Oct 06, 2022
One of the most distinguishing elements of carpets is the material from which they are made. Below is a list of different types of materials that carpets are made from. 1. Nylon carpets Nylon rugs are a very popular choice, thanks to how strong and durable the nylon material is. The nylon fibers can resist soil, and will stay that way for years without warping. Nylon rugs are popular, but they can produce static electricity due to friction; So this thing should be considered if you are going to choose a carpet of this type, and while you decide to buy a nylon carpet, you may want to use an anti-static spray to help reduce electric shocks to a minimum! Also read: The benefits of carpets 2. Olivine Olefin is a polypropylene compound, and it was originally used in outdoor spaces, due to its ability to resist moisture, now it is used in indoor spaces because olefin fibers provide a wool-like texture and are very durable, it is also necessary to know that overexposing them to UV rays The sun can damage her appearance. 3. Polyester Another popular choice for those looking for durability in a floor mat (without compromising on looks), polyester rugs are a synthetic material that resists stains, resists moisture and is also easy to clean. Also read: The best rooms to use carpeting 4. Acrylic Acrylic material consists of wool-like particles and has a high level of stain-resistance making this variety particularly attractive to areas subject to stains and general wear and tear. 5. Wool Wool is attractive because it has a series of carefully woven fibers that resist dirt. Wool can also resist stains well, however, it is also more expensive due to how durable its surface is. 6. Triexta Triexta is becoming a more popular choice in many homes with pets and children, thanks to how strong the synthetic fibers are, which rarely tear like other materials. The best choice for those looking to get a carpet at a lower cost. [Translated by adaptation from ]
العملية الإبداعية للفنان خافيير مارين

The creative process of artist Javier Marín

on Oct 06, 2022
Javier Marín's work is about the creative process One of Mexico's leading artists, Javier Marín has developed his career over three decades of mastering visual art. He's most prolific in sculpture, but his art portfolio includes breathtaking paintings and drawings as well as other works. Recently, Javier collaborated with a luxury carpet manufacturer to create Stunning tapestry set of two rugs and five tapestries. History of Javier Marin Born in Uruapan, Michoacán, Mexico in 1962, and educated at the National Autonomous University of Mexico in Mexico City, Javier Marín has been incredibly prolific over the course of his three decades of career, appearing in over 90 solo exhibitions and over 200 performances. Collectively, his work has been exhibited all over the world, including his native Mexico, Latin America, the United States, Europe and Asia, and he has also been highly awarded, winning first prize at the Third International Beijing Biennial, among others. Artist Javier Marin Javier Marin's style and creative process Javier Marín's work usually shows the human form. His work was developed by drawing the human form directly at the base. His work evolved into painting and sculpture eventually. His practical touch and the materials he uses in his final works stand out, rather than masking them. The supporting structures of the sculptures are exposed, or defined holes in the material. Sculptures by Javier Marin Marin's work is often compared to Renaissance statues by Michelangelo and Rodin. Huge bronze nudes that accentuate the human form are combined with a modern twist of his own to show his style. These "imperfections" are said to represent the inner struggle, quest, and grief of man. Carpet and textile business One of Marín's most recent works has departed from his sculptural models. Marín exhibited in Mexico City in February 2020, for the first time a collection of masterfully woven carpets and tapestries. Literally his creative process into a completely new creative piece of art the carpet. Sculptures by Javier Marin Javier Marin Textiles Marin's tapestries are handcrafted and woven using the traditional Gobelin technique. Marin photographs pieces from the molds he uses to make the sculptures, then recreates that image by weaving custom-dyed New Zealand wool. The biggest challenge was including all the little details, which is An important part of art for Marin. Tapestry by Javier Marin In addition to the five tapestries, the collection also includes rugs. These round rugs are referred to as "battle rugs," which depict the concept of the battle one might have with oneself inside one's head. These rugs are woven using a traditional Tibetan weaving technique. The rugs, like the tapestries, use New Zealand wool, beautiful pieces for the floor or the wall, Marin describes his technique as a free combination, he cuts letters randomly into black paper and throws them on a white surface, then weaves the resulting image. The Battle Rug by Javier Marin Marin asserts that these tapestries, like all of his work, were as much about the creative process as they were about the final product, his work known for building a story out of nothing. Javier Marín still lives and works in Mexico, and his creations can be seen all over the world. [Translated by adaptation from the website ]
تنسيق المرايا

5 tips for decorating with mirrors

on Oct 06, 2022
أين توضع المرايا في المنزل؟ . . لا تستخدم المرايا لتفقّد مظهرنا في اللحظة الأخيرة قبل المغادرة وحسب فهي تلعب دور حيوي في عكس الإمكانات الحقيقية لديكور المنزل فهي تعتبر قطعة مثالية رائعة لا يمكن الإكتفاء منها ابداً وذلك يعتبر جيد حيث يمكنك وضعها في كل غرفة في المنزل لكن عليك تنسيق المرايا وترتيبها اولاً !
عن السجاد واللغة

About carpets and language

on Oct 06, 2022
In researching and then sourcing rugs in Morocco, the most obvious thing became the many translations involved for the terms. At first, our buying and research teams were obsessed with understanding each piece as well as we could, "What does this symbol mean?" We'd ask, "What is this rug called?" What we have learned over time is that the answers are often not accurate or definitive, or that they shift dramatically from one language or intention to another. Berber craftsmen widely known as rug weavers by the name of the Berbers, a name derived from the Berber language Barbarus, the Latin word for barbarian, or Barbaros, called in Greek, "bar-bar" a meaningless term in Greek, this term was a phonetic spelling of what the languages ​​sound like An unknown (i.e., non-Greek) alien to Greek ears, it was used by the Romans to refer to anyone who spoke a language they didn't understand: Gauls, Celts, Germans, everyone else...and maybe everyone. Illustrated map of Berber groups (source unknown) The term Berber refers to the indigenous people of North Africa, who call themselves the Berbers, or the Amazigh people, meaning "free" and "noble" in their dialect, but primarily, the Berbers identify themselves by the name of their individual group or region. Like Beni Ouarine, Ait is a Berber word meaning "people", Beni referring to "son", the next word - Bou Chaouen, Ouren, Mughild. Refers to the place where people lived, or the name of the ancestor. Berbers speak one of three main dialects: Tarifit in the north, Tamazight in the Middle Atlas, and Taselhit in the High Atlas and Small Atlas. These dialects refer to oral rather than written languages. Phonetic explanations explain why there are multiple spellings of the same name, and there is no "correct" way: Orin is also Warin, and Zayan is Zayan. The Amazigh alphabet is called Tifinagh There is also a visual component that requires a flexible understanding of what we see differently, with translation, whether in text or tapestry, some incomprehensible, some unknown, or better than explained, the appeal of these rugs, carefully crafted and managed to stay on Alive for decades, as unique as pattern or colour, each piece carries with it a hint of the hidden layers of unknown language, it is the weaver's secret. [Translated by adaptation from ]
اخطاء في الديكور المنزلي

Common Home Decor Mistakes (And How To Avoid Them)

on Oct 06, 2022
إن العثور على السجادة الكبير المثالي لغرفة ما أمرٌ محيٍّر، فأنت لا تريد سجادة كبيرة جدًا أو صغيرة جدًا، فالمطلوب أن تكون السجادة مناسبة تمامًا! إذا كانت السجادة صغيرة جدًا، فستظهر كما لو كانت تطفو في الغرفة، أما إذا كانت كبيرة جدًا، فسوف تطغى على الغرفة وستجعل المساحة تبدو أصغر مما هي عليه، يعتمد اختيار الحجم المناسب للسجادة لغرفتك على هدفك من التصميم، هل تريد أن تكون سجادتك نقطة محورية في المساحة أم أن تكون قطعة مميزة؟
أفضل 6 نصائح حول السجاد

Top 6 carpet tips

on Oct 06, 2022
An important part of our tasks every day with customers is to guide them to the perfect rug and make sure that the rug fits all their needs and matches their taste, so we ask a wide range of questions about where the rug will be placed, what type of use it will be, and what effect the customer would like it to have. The carpet for the room. Wanting to let it be the focal point of the space, or subtle guidelines on how to handle more than one rug in one space, here we share some of our most popular tips. Tip 1: Color Don't waste your time trying to match the colors exactly, it won't happen, and if you try too hard, you'll end up looking artificial. Designers often use a special trick when designing a room from scratch or remodeling a room, by starting by choosing the rug first and subtracting Color options, if you are afraid that the colors you will choose will be bold, start slowly, the tribal rug is a great start, it goes with everything, over time, you will discover the favorite color and you can match this color with the walls or vice versa, the wonderful thing about the carpets that contain The advantage of so many colors and design elements is that you are not limited to one aspect and can change the color of the walls many times over the life of the rug. Dark colors make items appear smaller and lighter colors do the opposite, making items or spaces appear larger. If your space is small, try using a light-colored rug; To make your room look spacious. Many people take up the topic of color matching, wanting to get a perfect match, this is perhaps the biggest frustrating reason, colors don't have to match perfectly, the golden rule here is: stick to similar colors and they will all fit perfectly, you have an example for that; A bed of roses, all the colors of the roses are mismatched, in fact there are hundreds of shades of color in one flower tree, different greens in the leaves, and gradations in the petals, color is the least of the problems when choosing a carpet. Tip 2: Sizing the rug The first mistake most people make is to choose a carpet that is too small. Carpets that go beyond the edges of the furniture can make the room appear larger. It is necessary to point out that the size of any carpet can be suitable, but some carpets are already very small, as in the image below, and the problem of having a small carpet They make everything else seem out of the ordinary. One of the practical tasks of the rug is that it prepares the ground for what we are going to put on it. Tip 3: More than a rug Can more than one rug be placed in the same space? The simple answer is of course it can! It's like adding plants throughout the space, however, if you do, you have to keep the color scheme in each area and ultimately do what feels right to you. Tip 4: Rough texture The most common material in carpets is wool, but synthetics and viscose also account for a huge market share. Wool has a higher price compared to synthetics. Viscose is used as an alternative to silk. It has the same feel as silk but like wool. It also has the advantage of being a little cheaper, but keep in mind Nothing beats real silk. There are many grades of wool, in general, the wool of sheep from the higher regions is finer, and the neck and belly region also contains finer wool, and the wool from young healthy animals is better, and cutting the wool from the animal while it is alive without having to kill it is one of the best methods to obtain It provides high-quality wool and at the same time maintains good health for the sheep, as getting rid of the accumulated wool helps them to graze without feeling any burden or effort. Tip 5: Shop Bring your fabric, paint and flooring samples (carpets, wood floors, tiles, etc.) to orchestrate the perfect look, you can follow these brief steps to create a photo album on your smartphone or a private Pin Board on Pinterest where you can store your home photos, room details, Furniture etc. This way your home is with you wherever you go and that is very important. Measure everything in your space and keep a list of these measurements with you at all times. Include the sizes of chair heights, window frames and doorways, the size of the room, and the sizes of the pieces of furniture or accessories you want to have such as mirrors or paintings. Tip 6: Bonus tip “Saturate your mind with images of interiors and colorful stories you feel excited about,” says Elsie Larsson of Red Velvet. “Once you collect enough images and have time to analyze them, you will find the trends and styles you are drawn to, and then you will be able to think about how you can incorporate them into your home.” At Weft online store you will find the best types and styles of rugs, our goal is to help you make your home beautiful, comfortable and a place you can be proud to design for your family and in front of your friends. [Translated by adaptation from the website ]
نمط التصميم الداخلي الانتقائي

Eclectic interior design style

on Oct 06, 2022
A variety of businesses, furnishings, and architecture can create a home that is both simple and full of energy. “Eclectic style combines elements of at least two decorating styles, and the beauty of an eclectically decorated home is that it doesn’t stick to just one main style, but gives you the opportunity to get creative by incorporating other styles.” Georgina Devereaux, Medley Decorator Portland-based designer Angela Todd recommends the following tip: "Try the 60%, 30%, 10% formula when implementing eclectic design in a space... To determine your style ratio, start with the architecture in your room (60%), try to use what you like." More in 10% of the method." Combine old, new and modern with traditional influences, as well as many different ones and the result is something very original and beautiful. Eclectic is the term used to describe a style that includes a little bit of almost everything, from traditional furniture to antiques to modern art, the possibilities are endless in fact, and oftentimes there will also be the possibility to add a bit of personal style. Either through the interesting things on display, or the use of bold colours, it takes some skill to understand what will actually fit together, and even if the essence of each element's styles is vastly different, the rules and principles of design still apply, but in a very abstract way. ". "Eclectic design purposefully involves combining so-called contrasting elements such as modern and traditional pieces, under the logic of 'anything goes.' However, it is critical that one stays true to the basic principles, such as size, form, balance, and harmony." Although eclectic decor is warm and welcoming, design can often be challenging, and this style can be implemented effectively if design principles are understood, namely: line, color, texture, proportion, and form. What styles would you like to combine for an eclectic design scheme? Do you have questions about how to achieve your favorite decor design? [Translated by adaptation from the website ]
كيفية استخدام سجاد ذو رسومات جريئة في منزلك

How to use bold graphic rugs in your home

on Oct 06, 2022
Graphic rugs have become a popular trend at the moment, so we see them everywhere and everyone loves them. We can usually describe graphic rugs as stripes, chevrons, or geometric patterns; But I feel like a bold animal print or a modern floral could fall into that category too. How do you make these bold and fun rugs work for your space? "If you have a room that has basic pieces but lacks a personal touch, consider using graphic rugs," says designer Caitlin Creer. "You'll be surprised how instantly furniture with a simple stripe or geometric pattern can liven up and update," a graphic rug is simple, yet They do a lot to liven up the space. It's essential to liven up a living space with organic, consistent tints of color, no matter the season. Incorporating colors, especially in the winter months, can make your home warm and inviting. Yellow is a sure way to brighten things up, don't you think? Patterned rugs are great in any room, if you're a little worried about bold modern rugs, try placing small patterned rugs in your bathroom, kitchen, or even hallway, that way you'll still be able to get gorgeous solid pops of color. It's important not to go overboard with your carpet hues, so make sure you choose colors in your space that match your rug either as an accent color (in small doses) or stick to a monochromatic scheme, and the "rule of thumb" that most interior designers follow here, is the 60-rule. 10-30, and this rule is easy to follow to ensure you incorporate the right amount of color into your interior design, for example, for a room choose 60% as the main color, usually your primary paint color; the 30% should be your second color, usually Whether the primary furniture or cabinet color is in the space, Lauren MacGregor advises that the remaining 10% is what you should use for accent colors that add variety. Katelyn Krier also suggests, "If you have a mostly finished room and want it to be bold, consider other patterns and colors already in the space, and make sure that incorporating a bold piece won't overwhelm the space or make things too full. It's all about creating balance." .” Layering a room is key to visual comfort and warmth, so Freshome's Shelley Little suggests the following: "As you think about the layers you want to add to your design, consider choosing different textures and fabrics. Think velvet pillows, silk curtains, mohair blankets, and plush area rugs." ". You can use a variety of patterned rugs to bring visual interest to your spacious space. Will they add any boldness to your spaces this season? We'd love to hear what you've got planned. In the Weft online store, you will find great options in a variety of colors.. [Translated by adaptation from the website ]
كيف يؤثر لون السجاد على طابع غرفتك؟

How does the color of the carpet affect the character of your room?

on Oct 06, 2022
Colors can have a huge impact on moods, feelings and emotions, so when it comes time to select colors for a room or a home, you should think carefully about the colors you want to use from start to finish. Carpets offer a wide range of options when it comes to flooring, Ranging from navy blues to neutral beiges, rugs can give you the most flexibility when it comes to adjusting the look and feel of your space. Here we offer some tips to consider when you are ready to choose your rug. What is the effect of the color of your carpet? Many of us probably do not take the time to think about the color of the carpet to choose, however, like any space in the room, the color of the carpet can affect your mood every day, even if you are not aware of it, in fact, the color can even affect your thoughts, and it may They feel differently or perform differently depending on the colors you choose for your space. After all, the colors you choose are a reflection of your personality and choosing them is an important decision. There are some effects of color that have been proven true for many people: Red is a warm color that, depending on the hue, can bring a feeling of warmth and can also help elevate the energy level in a room. Orange is also a high-energy color, and it is not suitable for every space. It can bring an uplifting effect to rooms where a lot of activity is happening. Yellow is usually seen as a cheerful color and can be very energizing in open areas due to it being a warm colour. It is also welcoming and relaxing and can make the perfect effect in an entryway. Blue is a cool color and is often seen as calming and relaxing. A blue rug can be the perfect choice for your bedroom. However, light blue can be very cold and should be balanced with warmer tones in the furnishings. Green is refreshing and cheerful, and it is a good combination of the qualities of blue and yellow. It also reduces stress and helps to relax. Purple is a rich and dramatic color and is often associated with luxury. In its lighter tones, it takes the role of a cool color, while in its darker tones, it tends towards the warmth of red. Are you afraid of having too much color in your carpet? There's a reason beige, brown, gray and neutral white are so popular, they are the most flexible color options available allowing for color to be added or matched with furnishings and accessories based on your preferences. But feel free to choose other colors@ Questions to ask yourself when considering carpet color: What character do you want to create? Who will use the room most often? What is the use of the room? What is the size of the room? Color trends will come and go, and what makes a perfect color for your room is the color that reflects your personality. Mix the colors you like best and you will have a home that suits your style and welcomes all who enter it in your own way. When you are ready to buy carpets, we invite you to visit our online store. We help homeowners find the right rugs for their homes and moods.
أغرب 14 سجادة وأكثرها ابتكاراً

14 of the strangest and most innovative carpets

on Oct 06, 2022
We all have carpets, rugs, doormats, and walkways at home or in the office, and when we look and focus on the places we are in, we will find them everywhere, but with the passage of time we no longer notice them, or talk about their beauty, and yet there are some unusual designs that deserve interest. The history of carpets began a long time ago; The oldest existing carpet is more than 2,000 years old, and it was found in 1949 in a cemetery in southern Siberia, where it was preserved in ice. The origin of this rug is either attributed to the Scythians or the Persian Achaemenids, from ancient beliefs, the rug was believed to protect those sitting within its magical borders! Nowadays, no one believes in magic carpets, but there are so many innovative, clever and even crazy designs of carpets and mats that are worth checking out! These are some unusual designs for carpets and rugs. 1. Scale-shaped pedal Designed by Emilio Alarcon 2. The carpet of the dead body Designed by Alex Carpenter 3. Brush pattern rug Designed by Giles Miller 4. A small bathroom mat with a grass pattern Designed by Nguyen La Chanh 5. The space invaders doormat 6. A puzzle-shaped carpet Designer: Norris Kalinokas 7. Mat with bed shoes Designed by Daniel Meyer 8. Wood pattern rugs Designed by YLdesign 9. Egg-shaped carpet Designed by Valentina Odrito 10. Monster Rugs Designed by Joshua Ben Longo 11. Mario themed rug 12. Sausage rugs Designed by Flashbuild 13. A bandage rug Designed by Ricardo Garza Marcos 14. Recycled rubber key pad on the keyboard Designed by Peter Woodt 15. Carpet of flowers Designed by Studio Tord Boontje for Nani Marquina [Translated by adaptation from ]
السجادة على أريكة فرويد

The carpet on Freud's sofa

on Oct 06, 2022
Who is Freud? While reading the biography of the founder of the school of psychoanalysis and psychology, Sigmund Freud, I came across this text: “The famous sofa was a production in itself, piled with cushions, and additional carpets for patients to use if they were cold, and covered with Shiraz Persian carpets.” When I read that text, I had to Looking for all the information about this rug... Peter Jay describes the rug as being of the Shiraz type. Shiraz is a city in the Iranian province of Fars, the place where the rugs were produced in the late 19th century, and which is famous for its rhombic motif. (in the form of a diamond). Freud's sofa as it is kept at the Freud Museum in London Design and pattern of the rug The rug, which covers the entire sofa, was made in the latter half of the 19th century and was presented to Freud by his cousin, Moritz Freud in 1883, according to Marina Werner in her article Freud's Couch: A Historical Case Study. Initially called Smyrna carpets, this type of carpet is now believed to be from Qashqai, made by the sheep- and goat-herding tribe of the same name in the eastern province of Fars. Quoting Marina Werner in her article, where she brilliantly uses the design of the rug covering Freud's sofa as a metaphor for his analysis: The central three diamond medallions of the rug on Freud's couch are framed within several rims of different widths and details, one within the other, ten in number, but others may distinguish them differently. Going toward the core, it is as if Freud chose to give his patients a place to lie, dream, and speak, which reproduces patterns of patterning, knotting, repetition, intertwining, and combining what was there to decode as he listened to the patient. place rug today Today in the Freud Museum in London, this rug provides an honest insight into the personal life of someone who spent his career delving into the personal lives of those he treated. Do you have handmade oriental rugs in your home? If you don't have them, visit Weft Store and view our inventory of luxurious handmade oriental rugs. Translated from
نصائح حول اختيار أفضل نوع سجاد لغرف النوم

Better rooms to use carpet

on Oct 06, 2022
ما هو أفضل نوع سجاد لغرف النوم ؟ أكثر ما يسيطر على ذهن سيدة المنزل عندما تخوض مرحلة اختيار السجاد لكل زوايا المنزل، خصيصاً سجاد غرف النوم فهو بحاجة إلى اختيار السجاجيد بناءً على مجموعة من العناصر لأن غرفة النوم هي المكان الذي نتوجه إليه غالباً عند الحاجة إلى الراحة والهدوء بعيداً عن ضجيج العالم الخارجي وممارسة ما نحب نشاطات بمفردنا أو برفقة من نحب لذلك نميل دائماً إلى أن تكون أكثر عملية من كونها مودرن.
كيف نجعل السجاد القبلي التقليدي ملائمًا للمساحات العصرية؟

How do we make traditional tribal rugs fit into modern spaces?

on Oct 06, 2022
Traditional and/or tribal rugs are known for their distinctive and unique patterns and colors, each unique rug tells a culture and a story of history, and you may be wondering how you can fit a historical piece into a modern space? In fact, minimalist and modern design is considered a design classic, so whatever element you choose will be timeless and look attractive in the space forever. Here we share some beautiful photos that showcase traditional rugs in a modern space, as well as some tips to follow when choosing a rug for your space. Get a splash of color with oriental rugs Home design and décor firm Apartment Therapy suggests the following tip: If you prefer spaces with a neutral theme, an oriental rug can give you just the right amount of color and glow. Featuring highly detailed and layered patterns and colors, these rugs give any room an opportunity to diversify the colors in an attractive way. Blue lighting can radiate a beautiful color that no one else has seen. before in the oriental carpet. Choose colors that accentuate your space As for the Manhattan Nest specialized blog, it suggests this advice: When choosing a traditional rug, the most important thing to take into account is the color. Or opt for classic elegance with deeper, more sophisticated hues. Choose patterns that balance the space For patterns in tribal rugs, there are some differences, but they are usually characterized by symmetrical geometric shapes that help balance the space. When choosing a traditional rug, buy a great rug that complements your room and does not overwhelm it. The great thing about using a traditional style rug is that if it is chosen appropriately for your space, it will be a classic masterpiece that increases in beauty and value over time. Translated by:
كيف تنشئ لوحة إلهام لاختيار ألوان الديكور؟

How do you create an inspiration board for choosing decorative colors?

on Oct 05, 2022
While we continue to spend a lot of time at home, many of us are investing that time in doing our own home renovations. Taking care of the general decoration of our homes has clearly become our focus in recent years. If you've made your home improvement a priority, but don't know how to start, we'd love to help you with some tips from interior design expert Jess Konomichalos. Her number one piece of advice is to "start every interior design project with an inspiration board" spaces that will be used. Jess explains this tip: "Whether I'm designing a room for a photo shoot or remodeling a space in my home, the best way to start is by creating an inspiration board. It will give you clarity and help ensure the best results for your colors, your style, and all the key elements of the decor together in one moment. It also allows you to show your ideas to others clearly and easily. Tips 1. Choose How You Want to Create an Inspiration Board When designer Jess Konomichalos wants to create an inspiration board for one of her clients, she often uses PowerPoint, which makes it easy to share slides with them. Pinterest would also be a good option but, if you are going to design an inspiration board for a room in your home, the best way of all is to create a physical inspiration board by using samples of fabrics, sheets, tiles, flooring, and paint samples so that you can preview the colors. and tissue, touching it. 2. Variety of colors, this palette represents the mood you want to design, and even the most experienced interior designers in their field can make mistakes so don't be afraid to change your mind if necessary, for example if you feel that the color is too strong, It can simply be brushed off and use light colors! 3. Make sure the inspiration board is realistic for the space you want to remodel. Consider what will fit perfectly with the room, how you can adapt the style, and will the results be satisfactory? On the other hand, you may have a wonderful interior space and you want to make it stand out in the right way. In this case, you must decide whether you will choose to add a colorful carpet, or add colors to the walls? Well, if that space is small for design, choose light-colored or neutral carpets (such as gray), and choose a medium color for the walls, but if you are looking for exciting colors, you can choose a more versatile wall color. 4. If you do not have a strong light source in the space (such as windows and doors), using neutral-colored furniture may be the ideal option, with the addition of colorful pillows and covers, and some pieces of art, in order to personalize the space. 5. It is important to add some aesthetic touches to the inspiration board such as pictures, or samples that show the design that you really want, for example if you are going to design a beach themed bathroom, adding pictures of shells and beach memorabilia will really help create the mood and put you on the right track . We hope that interior design expert Jess Konomichalos' advice on creating an inspiration board has helped you in choosing your decor colors! Translated by: