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نصائح حول اختيار أفضل نوع سجاد لغرف النوم

Better rooms to use carpet

on Oct 06, 2022
ما هو أفضل نوع سجاد لغرف النوم ؟ أكثر ما يسيطر على ذهن سيدة المنزل عندما تخوض مرحلة اختيار السجاد لكل زوايا المنزل، خصيصاً سجاد غرف النوم فهو بحاجة إلى اختيار السجاجيد بناءً على مجموعة من العناصر لأن غرفة النوم هي المكان الذي نتوجه إليه غالباً عند الحاجة إلى الراحة والهدوء بعيداً عن ضجيج العالم الخارجي وممارسة ما نحب نشاطات بمفردنا أو برفقة من نحب لذلك نميل دائماً إلى أن تكون أكثر عملية من كونها مودرن.
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How do we make traditional tribal rugs fit into modern spaces?

on Oct 06, 2022
Traditional and/or tribal rugs are known for their distinctive and unique patterns and colors, each unique rug tells a culture and a story of history, and you may be wondering how you can fit a historical piece into a modern space? In fact, minimalist and modern design is considered a design classic, so whatever element you choose will be timeless and look attractive in the space forever. Here we share some beautiful photos that showcase traditional rugs in a modern space, as well as some tips to follow when choosing a rug for your space. Get a splash of color with oriental rugs Home design and décor firm Apartment Therapy suggests the following tip: If you prefer spaces with a neutral theme, an oriental rug can give you just the right amount of color and glow. Featuring highly detailed and layered patterns and colors, these rugs give any room an opportunity to diversify the colors in an attractive way. Blue lighting can radiate a beautiful color that no one else has seen. before in the oriental carpet. Choose colors that accentuate your space As for the Manhattan Nest specialized blog, it suggests this advice: When choosing a traditional rug, the most important thing to take into account is the color. Or opt for classic elegance with deeper, more sophisticated hues. Choose patterns that balance the space For patterns in tribal rugs, there are some differences, but they are usually characterized by symmetrical geometric shapes that help balance the space. When choosing a traditional rug, buy a great rug that complements your room and does not overwhelm it. The great thing about using a traditional style rug is that if it is chosen appropriately for your space, it will be a classic masterpiece that increases in beauty and value over time. Translated by:
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How do you create an inspiration board for choosing decorative colors?

on Oct 05, 2022
While we continue to spend a lot of time at home, many of us are investing that time in doing our own home renovations. Taking care of the general decoration of our homes has clearly become our focus in recent years. If you've made your home improvement a priority, but don't know how to start, we'd love to help you with some tips from interior design expert Jess Konomichalos. Her number one piece of advice is to "start every interior design project with an inspiration board" spaces that will be used. Jess explains this tip: "Whether I'm designing a room for a photo shoot or remodeling a space in my home, the best way to start is by creating an inspiration board. It will give you clarity and help ensure the best results for your colors, your style, and all the key elements of the decor together in one moment. It also allows you to show your ideas to others clearly and easily. Tips 1. Choose How You Want to Create an Inspiration Board When designer Jess Konomichalos wants to create an inspiration board for one of her clients, she often uses PowerPoint, which makes it easy to share slides with them. Pinterest would also be a good option but, if you are going to design an inspiration board for a room in your home, the best way of all is to create a physical inspiration board by using samples of fabrics, sheets, tiles, flooring, and paint samples so that you can preview the colors. and tissue, touching it. 2. Variety of colors, this palette represents the mood you want to design, and even the most experienced interior designers in their field can make mistakes so don't be afraid to change your mind if necessary, for example if you feel that the color is too strong, It can simply be brushed off and use light colors! 3. Make sure the inspiration board is realistic for the space you want to remodel. Consider what will fit perfectly with the room, how you can adapt the style, and will the results be satisfactory? On the other hand, you may have a wonderful interior space and you want to make it stand out in the right way. In this case, you must decide whether you will choose to add a colorful carpet, or add colors to the walls? Well, if that space is small for design, choose light-colored or neutral carpets (such as gray), and choose a medium color for the walls, but if you are looking for exciting colors, you can choose a more versatile wall color. 4. If you do not have a strong light source in the space (such as windows and doors), using neutral-colored furniture may be the ideal option, with the addition of colorful pillows and covers, and some pieces of art, in order to personalize the space. 5. It is important to add some aesthetic touches to the inspiration board such as pictures, or samples that show the design that you really want, for example if you are going to design a beach themed bathroom, adding pictures of shells and beach memorabilia will really help create the mood and put you on the right track . We hope that interior design expert Jess Konomichalos' advice on creating an inspiration board has helped you in choosing your decor colors! Translated by: