Carpet World Blog - Weft Carpets


Ideas to welcome the Hijri year with Islamic carpets

on Jul 05, 2024
Ideas to welcome the Hijri year with Islamic carpets The advent of the Hijri New Year comes to us as Muslims with a lot of reverence, beauty and prestige. Because it is linked to a great event from the life of our noble Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - and this is one of the most important and beautiful occasions and seasons celebrated and celebrated by many institutions, schools and even Muslim homes. And as we always say, there is no celebration, occasion, or meeting in our Arab/Muslim homes that can pass and we prepare the places for it without thinking about suitable carpets for that occasion. . On this occasion, we will talk about a distinctive type of carpet that has very special features and shapes that are not repeated in other carpets that bear other names and nature. We will talk about Islamic carpets and how they are appropriate for this honorable occasion, and we will put forward ideas and suggestions that will help you use them in the most appropriate way, place and situation.  What do we mean by Islamic carpets: There is no doubt that everyone knows that the Islamic carpet is that type of carpet that bears motifs, shapes and artistic designs based on the elements of Islamic decoration, whether plant and animal or geometric and written, in addition to human inscriptions and decorations, and may be limited to carefully designed geometric shapes similar to Islamic architecture. Which contains some Islamic stars eight angles. In addition to this category, which bears drawings of domes and minarets, or the gates of mosques, and many of these carpets may bear drawings of famous mosques - the old ones in particular - or of the Holy Kaaba and the Grand Mosque in Makkah Al-Mukarramah, and the Noble Prophet’s Mosque in Medina, and other landmarks of Hajj, Umrah, prayer, and even different acts of worship. We can also count among them carpets on which Quranic verses are inscribed, or a group of the most beautiful names of God, or even the name of God - may He be glorified and exalted - with some verses that express monotheism, or the name of the Prophet - Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace - and often these inscriptions and verses are limited to Carpets made to beautify the walls, and used as decoration, give the place a luxurious and exquisite beauty. The Islamic carpet industry is one of the most important Islamic arts that show the aesthetics of Islamic art, and it is an industry that roamed all countries of the Islamic world, and made Muslims very proud of that great industry that won the admiration of caliphs, rulers, and the general public, as it was indicative of luxury and prestige, but unfortunately he did not have Its acquisition only the rich. Islamic carpets are made in various inscriptions and colors in specific places such as the Levant, Turkey, Iran, India, Egypt, the Caucasus, Armenia, Morocco and Andalusia, and this industry was based on men with a new innovative job called the one who works in it (the owner of the model). These rugs are characterized by their colors that vary between: dark red, light, bright green, blue, earthy brown and shades of tree green, black that shows the details and the gold that suggests luxury dominates most of the designs, and the dazzle is shared by the shiny silver color. As for the materials from which Islamic carpets are made, they are a mixture of luxurious wools, natural silk, soft cottons, books, sheep’s hair, and camel hair. Carpets with exquisite Islamic inscriptions and motifs have been preserved in international museums such as the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.   How does the Islamic carpet serve to revive the reception of the new Hijri year? Many event houses, as well as mosques and Islamic institutions, as well as schools, public libraries, Islamic complexes, and even some popular neighborhoods and various markets, hold special rituals and celebrations for the advent of the new Hijri year; Because it bears the memory of the migration of the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - with all its details, stories, valuable lessons, and the lives of the honorable Companions and their honorable stances in it. The Hijri year also brings seasons and events that bring together the hearts of Muslims and make them feel connected and in solidarity, and from here you will find them often celebrating its advent, by holding seminars and simple celebrations in which there are chants and conversations about immigration, lessons and lessons about it, or various and various competitions. We used to decorate places to suit the occasion, with appropriate paintings and murals, and because carpets always complement the scene in our homes and even in our institutions and mosques, it is beautiful and distinctive for Islamic carpets to participate in the revival of an occasion such as the occasion of welcoming the new Hijri year, even if by simply renewing the carpets, brushing them, or placing them on the walls and in the entrances or Use some of the light materials as decorative adornments for tables, chairs and ceilings.   Ideas to help you decorate the occasions of the Islamic New Year with Islamic carpets Merging the beautiful Islamic carpets in homes with modern carpets is like combining originality and nobility with modernity and modernity. However, Islamic carpets have a prestige that is not at all similar to the prestige of modern carpets. Some people who appreciate the Islamic carpets and the ancient art or the value they represent still insist on furnishing their homes with the types and colors of Islamic carpets that are suitable for all shapes and types of furniture. But here we will give you some ideas that will help you and be a guide in decorating the occasions of mosques, schools and homes in the New Hijri Year: First: Decorating mosques with Islamic carpets All modest and medium mosques, even the luxurious, famous, large and ancient ones, use Islamic carpets for floor coverings. In order to suit the prayer above it and to suit the line-up of the worshipers, and the use of the seclusion and the refugees to the houses of God Almighty, but most mosques hold ceremonies to welcome the Hijri year and commemorate the Prophet’s migration. These occasions are suitable for Islamic carpets that are decorated with various Islamic motifs. In order to change the system of mosques a little to befit the occasion, those in charge can change the floor covering or add a new one over it temporarily, or make a platform decorated with Islamic carpets to hold events commemorating the Prophet’s migration over it, or decorate the pulpit with new Islamic carpets in order to complete the painting when the imam and preachers talk about this memory Venerable.   Second: Decorating schools with Islamic carpets In schools, the journey of education, instilling values, and loving students with what is useful and valuable begins, and there is nothing more beautiful than practical means and field experiences in achieving this. When one of the Islamic occasions approaches, and if we talk specifically about the advent of the new Hijri year, we recommend teachers or teachers in a school to ask the school to provide Islamic carpets, whether through students’ participation so that they feel that they have contributed to preparing the place, or through other means, then opening the school chapel Or the library hall to be equipped with Islamic carpets to revive the occasion, for example by hosting a preacher to talk to students and teachers about the details of the event with Islamic chants and reading clear verses from the Holy Quran. Before that, we suggest providing the school corridors and the main rooms of the administration building with appropriate pieces of carpet, whether they are rectangular for the times, or circular for the meeting rooms, or square for the waiting rooms and visitors, in order to suggest the prestige of the occasion, and the constant readiness of the school.   Third: Decorating libraries with Islamic carpets: The library is the second most important place that we should take care of, and it is located in our homes, schools, and different neighborhoods. And to prepare it to be a suitable place for educating and educating people about their religious and worldly matters, and to activate its role and increase its activities on various occasions that still revive in our souls the honor of our noble religion, and deepen our pride in it. In the advent of the new Hijri year, it is possible to agree with the place’s management to provide the library with pieces of Islamic carpet suitable for the space and budget, as it is generally the most suitable and suitable for the atmosphere of reading, culture and office activities. Perhaps, unless it is a children's library, then Islamic motifs can be combined with childish paintings, or Islamic motifs can be chosen from plants and animals that delight the child, so that we achieve psychological peace for him appropriate for his age group, and at the same time we begin to instill value in him from an early age.   Fourth: Decorating event and conference halls with Islamic carpets In welcoming the new Hijri year, officials, interested persons, and directors of cultural events have always held celebrations, seminars, and even conferences in which some experts and scholars explain the noble event of the Prophet’s migration, and discuss the lessons learned from it. Rectangular carpets for the corridors leading to the halls are suitable for these occasions, and large square carpets for the platforms on which scholars and speakers sit, and perhaps if they contain stairs and stairs, you will need to add decorative rectangular carpets as well, because this will be the visible part in the halls, and we do not forget the platform stairs and the speakers’ pulpit. It is also proposed to add pieces of decorative carpets embossed with expressive drawings and immigration events made especially for the occasion of the advent of the New Year, to be placed as backgrounds for the platform and hung on the walls as a suitable decoration, and to add pieces of light carpets similar to mattresses on the backs of the front chairs, as well as on the speakers’ table.   Fifth: Decorating institutions and companies with Islamic carpets Many private, civil, and even governmental institutions must care about their appearance, in order to look their best in front of their clients, visitors, and beneficiaries. All companies and institutions depend on customer service to develop their capital, and it is in their interest to participate in their events. On a solemn occasion such as the advent of the new Hijri year, it would be nice if companies, institutions, medical clinics, banks, consulting offices... and other establishments that provide services to clients would be provided with appropriate carpets bearing appropriate Islamic inscriptions and decorations, and in decent colors. place and audience. In addition, we put perfumed, clean, and ready prayer rugs for prayer, and institutions and establishments can present prayer rugs and decorative rugs at reasonable prices, as gifts on this occasion to employees first, and to distinguished customers secondly, with a Qur’an, “calendar” or calendar for the coming Hijri year with a narration Brief summary of important Islamic events. These gifts can also be adopted among relatives as well. A scented carpet with Islamic inscriptions and decorations accompanied by a calendar or books on the occasion will be a beautiful and new gesture. Likewise, Islamic carpets are suitable as nice gifts for families after returning from a tourist or business trip in one of the countries that produce Islamic carpets in particular.   Finally, Many people like to have a special imprint, so they buy carpets that indicate places and countries they visited, or that carry ideas that they adopt or gift to people who mean a lot to them, so they bring carpets as a souvenir that reminds them of their travels, connections, and companions. In general, we have become accustomed in our Arab world to be optimistic about beginnings and change for the better, and we expect goodness with the advent of good days, memories of Islamic conquests and inspiring Islamic occasions. In it or we need it to hold our events and rituals. As we have seen and read above, carpets completely change the features of the place and give it a special luster and a new style that is not similar to the old one, but rather efficiently expresses what we want to express, and connects the elements of decoration, beauty and furniture in the place to each other as if it was designed as a complete and integrated set. Hence, we have chosen to share with you our ideas and proposals regarding the possible changes and renewal to hold events and activities that coincide with this occasion.   Sources: D8%A5%D8%B3%D9%84%D8%A7%D9%85%D9%8A--%D8%AF%D9%82%D8%A9-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8% A7%D9%84%D8%B5%D9%86%D8%A7%D8%B9%D8%A9-%D9%88%D8%AC%D9%85%D8%A7%D9%84-%D8% A8%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A3%D9%84%D9%88%D8%A7%D9%86
مجموعة نحن نصنع السجاد: سجاد مفاهيمي برسالة مؤثرة!

We Make Rugs Collection: Conceptual Rugs with an Impactful Message!

on Jul 03, 2024
In the past years, carpet weaving was a cumbersome process and was done very slowly. Some of the artistic masterpieces that we inherited today took groups of professional carpet weavers years to weave them, but they were distinguished by high quality that allowed them to last for many centuries, especially if they were preserved and taken care of properly. Nowadays, huge quantities of commercial carpets are available at lower prices, but they lack the charm of handmade carpets by professional carpet makers who weave them with great care, and give everything they have to produce wonderful carpets that carry a message from the world that says: "We make carpets." Shell rug design We make rugs to turn things into beautiful rugs We Make Rugs is a Dutch group that transforms ordinary objects into beautiful rugs with different artistic textures. Their philosophy is to exploit things that are often mass-produced and then thoughtlessly thrown away when they expire. Their artwork transforms ordinary, everyday objects (such as sponges). forks and plates) into beautiful displayable mats. Close-up of a shell rug Before carpets developed and turned into a wonderful work of art, they were initially a practical and necessary tool to help people survive, as they were used to protect people from the cold floors in the winter months, then hung on the walls as pieces of art, and were also used as bedding. People have been fascinated by carpets for centuries, because it remained an attractive work of art without losing its basic functions, and many unique and rare pieces still impress us today due to their technical prowess and craftsmanship. Rug made of bandages   Technical Process of We Make Rugs Group The artists in the “We Make Carpets” group aim to make us feel about ordinary everyday things with the same appreciation that we look at for luxurious carpets, and just as we benefit from the benefits of carpets, we also benefit from other things such as: a clothespin or a food fork, and the artistic process of this group begins with the purchase of huge quantities of The things we use to start the group artists choose the patterns to make rugs with these things. The artwork then emerges from the mound of ordinary, everyday objects. The design is capricious and unstable at this point, just like the objects themselves. Artists use different patterns and colors until the masterpiece finally emerges. The works display stunning colors and ever-changing patterns. Design a "rug" from a first aid bandage What the organizers of the “We Make Carpets” group hope is that viewers appreciate the things they use daily, and the artistic process may take a few days. The location in which these works are displayed is a source of inspiration for the size, color and design of the carpets. The artists in the group adopt a systematic approach to creating these beautiful pieces, But it also includes self-expression. A carpet of fireworks Exploring the temporality of the material world The works of the We Make Rugs collection are not intended to be primarily utilitarian, nor to be permanent pieces, and the collection's art rugs will not be used for the utilitarian purposes that traditional rugs would have but, the objects themselves were primarily created for disposal after daily use, in addition of course To design an exceptional work of art that can be appreciated in a time and place of its own. "Carpet" designed pencils In our consumer world, We Make the Carpets carry a powerful message: to break the norms of society that have become palatable, and the collection is displayed just steps away from a trash can filled with the objects from which the works of art were created. After the show is over, these artifacts are dismantled, and all that remains is a collection of photos and reviews, unlike things that are thrown into the trash every day without being properly appreciated. used locally. Pencil Carpet Design Who We Make Carpets These unconventional carpets have patterns and textures that evoke the senses, but in an exclusionary society these works eventually disappear even though they are made with love. Sometimes these fragile creations don't last long, even for the duration of an exhibition. Once he designed a piece of art using 20,000 folded A4 sheets. The messages in these artworks encourage us to appreciate the material world, and to think carefully about the choices we make on a daily basis. They also highlight the impact of seemingly insignificant decisions that affect one way or another on the world. This type of art completely changes the way we think and view the world. As professional carpet weavers have done for many centuries. Translated by:
مظهر عتيق مع ديكور عصري وتوظيف السجاد المثالي

Vintage look with modern decor and perfect rug employment

on Jun 26, 2024
If you want to design your home decor using old-fashioned carpets, then it will not be as difficult as it seems, you can do so by using the appropriate decor elements, to give your home the perfect combination of quality, elegance and originality, in this article we will present some ideas to inspire you in choosing the perfect carpet for your space , and to discover how famous designers incorporate vintage-style rugs into their designs. Choosing Old Rugs It can often be difficult to choose the perfect pieces of furniture for your interior design style, and often the hardest part is choosing the perfect classic rug. A favorite not only among rug collectors and consumers in general, but also among interior designers. Five modern designers love mid-century vintage rugs In recent years, a trend has emerged that is actively trying to revive the mid-century style, with modern rugs, modern motifs, and elegant interior designs appearing everywhere. Full adherence to the mid-century style is one of the methods followed in this direction, but some have other concepts, such as incorporating a piece Tastefully typical of the past with a modern interior, if you love adding vintage mid-century style rugs in your interior design, there are some must-have interior designers that you can check out. New York City-based interior designers Jane and Joanne Michaels use vintage-style rugs. Jane and Joan Michaels often incorporate vintage rugs into their designs Jen and Joan Michaels, twins, were models-turned-interior designers. New York City-based 2Michaels Design team won the Design Center of the Americas "Stars on the Rise" award in 2012. The duo's chic interiors have made an impact in the community. The decor, where elegant Swedish kilims in antique hues used to be, appears regularly in the modern interiors of this team. Vintage style rugs are a Ryan Korban favorite Ryan Korban is one such designer who uses vintage rugs in his designs in New York. The artist creates a twist with his luxe, whimsical designs that effortlessly blend fur, zebra and animal skins into his interiors, often using mid-century rugs and striped kilims in spaces The designer's eclecticism, which shows his ability to bring a modern twist to mid-century style. Ryan Korban's elegant interiors often include flat-woven rugs Designer Nina Garcia and her beautiful antique rugs Old rugs can be seen in Nina Garcia's home Nina Garcia is the creative director of the popular French women's magazine Marais Claire, and this gives her the opportunity to show off her talents in design. When we talk about decor, we all want to know how fashion experts design their spaces. As for Garcia's home in Manhattan, it's impeccably designed, with a collection Delicate Moroccan rugs, rye (traditional Scandinavian wool rugs), Scandinavian rugs and kilims blend with elegant Hollywood Regency furnishings that light up the pages of Architectural Digest. The antique rugs are by Palmer Weiss West Coast Palmer Weiss maker of mid-century modern rugs. Her unique style combines California casual chic with Southern elegance. Some of her best work is pairing elegant brown rugs with luxurious cottage-style furnishings, and the result is perfection. Antique rugs from Morocco by Nate Berkus Nate Berkus incorporates ancient Moroccan rugs into his designs Nate Berkus has a knack for incorporating mid-century style features into his interiors, which feature the use of flat-woven bani arayn rugs, Moroccan kilims, and dori (a hand-woven rug or thin flat rug), complemented by Indonesian ikat textiles and lattice-inspired cushions. From Morocco that showcases the huge variety of mid-century creations from different points around the world. Some inspiration from vintage style rugs to style your interior To give you some inspiration for decorating your interior with vintage rugs, we picked some of our favorites and what we like the most about them, we hope they inspire you. Large spanish art deco rug This colorful Spanish Art Deco rug is the perfect classic mid-century style rug that will show off your bold style, featuring a bright red border lined with floral khaki (a shade of light brown with a yellow tinge), and a medallion blue exterior adds a fun feel It's quirky and elegant, making it perfect for a high-rise downtown apartment and would also work well as a fun accent piece for a beachside home. An antique Swedish kilim This vintage Swedish kilim rug will surely add delightful style to the living room, the gentle ivory background has a series of playful color combinations that result in a beautiful degree of variety for the viewer to enjoy, it is the perfect rug to add fun and excitement to your home creating a boisterous and frolic scene. Vintage Scandinavian rugs by Britta Mollen Dating back to the mid-20th century, this vintage rug designed by Swedish rug weaver Britta Mollen would perfectly fit in a sumptuous room furnished with artwork. This rug depicts an ocean scene cut horizontally down the middle to create two distinct backgrounds: Deep navy blue, the other part a rich and attractive sea green color, this rug can make any room modern, elegant and attractive with its colors especially when added with beautiful pieces of wall art. Translated by:
نصائح لشراء سجاد متين للمساحات عالية الإستخدام

Tips for buying durable carpeting for high-use spaces

on Jun 19, 2024
One of the most important factors that you should consider when purchasing a new carpet is its durability, and its ability to resist wear and tear. In fact, not all rugs are woven or made with the issue of prolonged use or heavy traffic in mind. Some rugs hold up better than others over time, and the relative durability of rugs depends on several factors, including: wool quality, weave strength, The general condition of the carpet when it was purchased. What are the factors determining carpet durability? Material (wool): The material from which the carpet is made is one of the most important factors that control the durability of the carpet. A carpet made of wool rich in lanolin, for example, is a shiny and healthy wet wool, and it withstands friction and traffic better than a carpet made of dry, brittle and dull wool. . Knot Density: Rugs with a high knot density can be strong, and can stand up to heavy foot traffic, better than loosely woven, floppy carpets, regardless of the overall quality of the wool with which the rug is woven. Pile or thread height: On the other hand, antique rugs that are densely woven from fine wool can withstand a greater amount of foot traffic, but the best option is to use antique pieces with a low pile in an area with a lower volume of daily foot traffic. If you are having a problem with the durability of your rug, it is important to check the quality of the wool, its density, and the pile depth no matter how old your rug is. On the other hand, not all modern, newly woven rugs are automatically durable. Place: The place where you will put the rug is of utmost importance, whether it is an antique or a modern rug. Determine the average amount of foot traffic in that place so that you can determine whether that space really needs a durable rug or adding a light piece that you like can be enough. Buying durable carpets for areas with heavy traffic is essential. However, you may not have enough experience to distinguish whether the carpet is durable or not. Here, you should ask the carpet seller before purchasing the carpet about the durability of the chosen piece and make sure to obtain the specific information before purchasing. carpet. Translated by: nazmiyalantiquerugs
كيف يفسر سبعة فنانين معاصري أعمالهم مع النسيج؟

How do seven contemporary artists interpret their work with tapestry?

on Jun 12, 2024
"Besides cave paintings, tapestry was among the first objects that conveyed meaning," Anni Albers Annie Albers, the American textile artist, is credited with breaking the line between traditional crafts and art. Many consider her the godmother of textile arts, which she learned from her weaver teachers in ancient Peru. spread all over the world. Weaving has been used in many cultures for functional, decorative, spiritual, and expressive purposes. The highly developed textile culture emerged in ancient Peru due to several reasons, including the absence of written language. In the Middle East, textiles were often believed to possess magical properties ( the flying carpet tales ). These days, the masses have accepted textile artists and more and more institutions want to display their works that work in several directions, including referring to political conditions and expressing the harsh conditions produced by conflicts, or to raise issues of identity! However, there remains a sense of resentment on the part of the weavers due to the slow pace of their work affecting the abundance of their production, which led to the fact that few have the desire alone to trade in this unique approach to hand-woven art, we share with you here seven ideas of artists who took us to the limits in this traditional arts. 1. Diederick Brackens Reading the textiles of Diederick Brackens, whose artwork often revolves around his identity as an African-American man, clearly discerns the blend of diverse West African textile traditions, Flemish textiles, and American quilts in his textiles. The Los Angeles-based artist draws inspiration from the ability of textiles to tell symbolic and material stories. His textile threads are drawn from folklore, religion, mythical creatures, cosmology, and the artist's personal experiences. His choice of materials adds more appeal to his work, along with the dyes and pigments he uses, such as Tea to color cotton textiles, which in their symbolism refers to the slave trade. Diederick Brackens has a nuanced way of describing the intertwining of social, political, and personal issues through a medium (textiles) that is both contemporary and traditional. The artist's textiles are receiving attention, with Brackens winning the 2018 Joyce Alexander Wein Prize presented by the Studio Museum in Harlem. 2. Erin M. Reilly The furnishings by Brooklyn-based Erin M. Reilly capture the pace, dynamism, and stillness of contemporary female life, as the artist's signature renderings emerge in woven images of her personal portrayal of women. Riley grew up on the Internet, and the tapestries reflect her personal experience as a "geeky human being who grew up in chat rooms and conversations" as a way to explore life as well as human trauma. It is slow, and the weaving process allows for a complete disconnection from the Internet with a simple connection to technology. The nature of the weaving process on the loom allows Riley to focus on enlarging specific details in the piece of weaving, and she also dyes some threads by hand to weave each piece separately as an attempt to slow down the movement of the viewer’s view of the piece of art and dwell on the details more in an attempt to guide the viewer to understand the content to be communicated. 3. Terry Friedman Terry Friedman resides in the Bay Area in San Francisco, and her art was inspired by the Spanish painter Joan Miro. Friedman's first encounter with weaving was on a trip to Barcelona, ​​and because her interests in weaving began late, Friedman is not only known as a weaver, but prefers to be seen as a multidisciplinary artist. "I use a weaver or a loom to make my colorful and attractive paintings using texture," she explains, adding that she also uses a drawing board. Instead of finding inspiration in the work of other textile artists, Friedman looks for and is inspired by painters such as Joanne Greenbaum, Kelty Ferris, Nicole Eisenman, and Sarah Cain, especially for their unconventional paintings. The undulating, uneven patterns of the works Friedman has created in the past five years bear some resemblance to the tangled elegance of the bright, crowded coogee jackets popular in the 1990s, describing them as "unstable and unfamiliar" patterns, qualities that inspire Friedman. "My work does not seek perfection in a sense," she says. traditional craftsmanship, but rather seeks passion and story-telling in an abstract way.” 4. Brent Wadden Most of Brent Wadden's engineering works - despite their similarities to "color field" painting, which is an abstract painting style - consist of woven panels sewn together and stretched over wooden frames. Wadden studied painting when he was a university student before teaching himself how to weave, but He remained true to the art of drawing and the abstract gestures that dominated the paintings of the great painters of the mid-century. Brent was influenced by traditional folk art in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia, where he grew up, and this artist is distinguished by the "honesty" that he tries to show in his practice, so Waden focused his attention mainly on the lack of affectation in addressing the errors that occur continuously in his paintings as he is a weaver who taught himself By himself, for example, if he runs out of certain threads, he uses others, which leads to a difference in color shades! 5. Aiko Tezuka Artist Aiko Tezuka prefers to make the structure of the materials used in her tapestry work transparent, weaving them as if ornate folk fabrics melt into a jumble of loose colored threads that run the length of the wall or the length of the floor. Tezuka has taken an academic interest in this idea. She explored it in her doctoral dissertation, which she received from Kyoto City University of the Arts in 2005. Although Tezuka lives in Berlin, her Japanese background helped her with this thesis. Tezuka also explained that boundaries were created. Between painting, weaving and embroidery In the late nineteenth century in Japan, when the ports of the isolated country were made available to the rest of the world, and to accelerate the process of opening up, Japanese artists began to reproduce European culture, including giving priority to painting over crafts, and Tezuka works to transcend these boundaries in her latest work . 6. Josh Fout San Francisco-based Josh Vaught delights in the messy, intricate possibilities of weaving. He employs a range of materials in his textiles, turning them into collages ranging from cotton to old toys to cultural waste like VHS tapes and nail polish; and archival materials. Josh Vaught, Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Textiles at California College of the Arts, is enthusiastic about the expansion of the traditional definition of textile, saying, “Textiles have always been a tool through which we can share and celebrate stories and experiences that have been marginalized through the subjugation of lost threads,” and how can we Exploiting these experiences by understanding textile not only as an artistic object or subject, but as a tool, a piece of cloth, and a space for display. 7. Julia Bland Wall works by artist Julia Bland blurred the distinctions between tapestry art and painting, in which textiles are placed at looms and painted with oil; Pieces of cloth and fabrics such as silk, wool, and velvet are woven or sewn together, and hand-knotted threads are threaded through intricate structures, often squares of about 2 m in length. Brooklyn-based Bland describes her blending of painting and hand-woven textiles as "a series of events that combine and dissolve, ultimately impossible to analyze exactly what happened or how, what happened first or what happened last." Although Bland asserts that the images and patterns in her work arise from an imprecise process with the materials she uses, the colorful and intricate works always appear to be arranged in symmetrical geometric structures. “This is the history of tapestry that is so rich, so big, so deep,” Bland says, that the artist finds it hard to get around. Tapestry can be a way of combining, of indicating, of contradicting, of breaking, of mending, of contracting, of expanding. History is rich and vast, but we don’t have to live it. Again, we can create completely different things." Translated by:

12 inspiring ideas on how to lay bedroom rugs

on Jun 05, 2024
12 inspiring ideas on how to lay bedroom rugs That early morning when you wake up from a deep sleep needs a comfortable carpet that provides your feet with a soft ground to get off. This does not mean that this is its only mission, but rather that bedroom carpets play another important role in decorating the place and adding beauty and elegance to this warm room that we all love. . To make sure you're getting the right rug for your bedroom, keep reading to learn more about bedroom rugs. Basic rules when choosing the size of bedroom rugs The bedroom is characterized by many pieces of furniture of varying size, and in light of the variety of room sizes, it is not possible to recommend fixed sizes. To solve the challenge of choosing the size of bedroom rugs, learn the following basic guidelines to guide you in choosing the right size: The most appropriate place to place rugs in the standard arrangement of the bedroom - with the bed in the middle flanked on either side by two wardrobes - is to place rugs under the bed. Here, you have two options, depending on your budget: Option 1: If the budget is large, buy large rugs so that you put the bed and all the furniture completely on the rug, including wardrobes, chairs, etc. To determine the size of the rug, calculate the length and width of the entire room, then subtract at least 20 cm from the dimensions, leaving some space between the edge of the rug and the walls. The second option: If you prefer to save a little on the budget, buy a medium size rug, so that it enters the bottom two-thirds or one-third of the area of ​​​​the bed. Place the rug perpendicular to the bed, ensuring that it extends outwards from both sides, with sufficient space to provide a soft landing when waking up. Place the side cabinets on the floor and make sure there is space between them and the edge of the rug to keep the cabinets level so they don't wobble or feel unbalanced. If you don't want to hide part of the rug under the bed, or if the bedroom is small, or the bed is in a corner, and there isn't enough room for a full-size rug, buy two-piece corridor rugs on either side of the bed. Choose the sizes of the runners so that their width is slightly wider than the width of the side cabinets and the length extends from the front legs of the cabinets to the exact end of the bed. You may need to order a custom size so that it will fit your space precisely. Any other seating area in the room needs rugs to make it look complete, for example a reading nook or desk. For safety reasons, to prevent you from tripping, and to keep the edges of the rug straight, always choose a rug large enough to slide under a wardrobe or other large piece of furniture, or choose a rug small enough to leave about 8 cm of floor visible between the edge of the rug and the piece of furniture. Use tape or a bed sheet to measure your rug size. This method will help you to accurately visualize the rug in the bedroom leading to a perfect fit before you buy. What about materials and designs? The bedroom is your sanctuary to rest from the pressures of the day, so it often receives special attention in coordinating the decor, and bedroom carpets are an essential part of it. We give you the following suggestions on designs and materials: First: the designs To add some attractiveness to the room's decor, make sure that the bedroom carpets contrast with the rest of the decor. For example, if the bedspread is plain, choose a patterned carpet that increases the vitality of the overall look of the room, and vice versa, if the bedspread is patterned, choose a plain carpet or a simple design to highlight the beauty of the bed patterns. An important consideration should be noted here, which is to be careful to choose neutral carpet colors - shades of white, black, gray, silver, gold, ivory and beige - if the bedroom carpets are very large, in order to maintain the calmness of the general appearance of the place. In addition to the above, you can place an antique oriental carpet, for example, in the bedroom in order to give the decor a luxury and warmth that is not provided by any other type of carpet, as in the previous picture. Second: raw materials Since the bedroom doesn't get a lot of traffic and may be the only space in which you walk barefoot, it's the perfect place for high-pile, deep or even uneven rugs as well as upscale shag rugs and silk rugs with a reflective sheen. This means that wool and silk are suitable materials to be included in the components of the carpet, but for carpets made of silk in particular, despite its extreme elegance, it is preferable to place it in a small area of ​​the bedroom due to its poor resistance to stains. In contrast to silk, carpets made of polypropylene seem to be a more durable and economical choice for the bedroom, especially since polypropylene is the most common material in the manufacture of carpets, which means that it comes in a variety of designs and is also good for stain resistance. But if you are in the process of choosing children’s carpets to put in the children’s bedroom, be sure of their durability before anything else, and choose a flat carpet so that dust and dirt do not accumulate inside, and it is easier to clean. 12 inspiring ideas on how to style bedroom rugs If you feel that coordinating bedroom rugs is a challenge, read the following inspiring ideas to turn it into a fun challenge: Weird shapes sometimes work This idea is a solution to the nature of some bedrooms with a difficult or irregular design, for example, the ceiling may be inclined in one of the corners, or one of the corners of the room may come in the form of an acute angle. Irregular shaped carpets (neither round nor square nor rectangular) blend well with this type of room as it softens the irregular lines of the room. Reflect the room's colors in the rugs Carpets can be a great element to enhance the home décor inspiration when it comes into contact with it. For example, choose carpets that include colors inspired by wall paint and bed linen. This will make the entire bedroom from walls to floor harmonious and cohesive in design. Make it a soft piece in a harsh decor If the bedroom is devoid of colors, its finishes are slick, its floors are stone-type, or its walls are dark, then the room needs an element that gives a touch of softness to the place, which is the role of the carpet. For this harsh decoration, choose a carpet with a comfortable design made of wool, silk, or nylon. . Only one side may suffice If you do not prefer the placement of carpets in the bedroom that we referred to, you can simply place a carpet next to the bed on the side that you are used to going down to, as in the previous picture. To enhance the beauty of the room, make sure to choose a rug design that matches the overall bedroom design style. For example, if the decor is modern, choose modern carpets, and if the decor is traditional, choose classic carpets. Deal with floor problems When you have to live with carpeting that you do not like, which is installed from wall to wall, if you are a renter, for example, you can get out of this impasse by adding bedroom carpets of your choice over the existing carpeting. Choose a rug with a vibrant design and bright colors according to your own taste. Refresh the decor with neutral colours How about a bright color rug like a rich red or a rug with a large pattern? Despite the boldness of these colors, they are the perfect ground for a room with a decor dominated by neutral colors. This vibrant rug can successfully break up the monotony of a room's neutral look and draw attention to the brightly colored floor. Add bedroom rugs leading to the bathroom If the bedroom has an en-suite bathroom, long and narrow carpets of the type of corridor carpets can be placed to occupy the empty space between the bed and the bathroom, a simple idea, but it gives an impression of elegance and that the choice of pieces was intentional. Express yourself with a printed rug Printed rugs are custom-made rugs that you can put on the rug design yourself. Since the bedroom is the area where you feel most relaxed and comfortable, it would be a delightful idea to put a rug that expresses you. Think of quotes that you love, cute or inspirational phrases. It would also be a great idea to put a rug in the guest bedroom with the words "Welcome" written on it. Lay one rug on top of another Sometimes placing carpets on top of each other is a good idea for bedroom decor. For example, you can place a thick carpet on top of flat carpets. This addresses the defect of flat carpets, with which furniture appears to float. Another good idea for stacking rugs is to place a patterned or antique rug on top of an organic rug made of jute or sisal, however it should be done in order for the final look to be neat, so make sure that at least 8 cm of the under rug is visible. Show off the beauty of design If your bedroom rug design is so visually appealing that you feel it should stand out, place only the end of the rug under the bed so that most of the area of ​​the rug is clearly visible outside. Put two rugs together Large rooms need more than one carpet to break the monotony of the wide floor and introduce some beautiful colors and shapes. In this case, it is better to put two different rugs, whether in terms of colors or design, for example, put rugs for the times with rectangular rugs, or put two pieces of hallway rugs, one plain in the color of the bed cover itself, and the other with a classic pattern. Choose a fun design for the children's bedroom Designing children’s bedroom decor needs a different mentality than designing adult bedrooms, so it is necessary to add a touch of fun to it that reflects the vitality of young people and their playful and fun personality, so choose for your child’s bedroom a carpet with a fun design such as the colors of the sea or stars. Conclusion Keep bedroom rugs as long as possible with simple practices, for example fixing their edges to the floor with double sticky tape that protects the edges from bending and thus prevents the risk of tripping. Another important practice is to turn the bedroom carpet from time to time to remove the gaps that occur in it due to the pressure of the furniture legs, whether side cabinets, chairs or wardrobe. When you run the carpet, treat the gap with a small ice cube, put it on the compressed gap and leave it until it melts, then lift the carpet with your fingers to restore its strength again, and in the end, do not forget to dry the carpet well. Sources:
السجادة الحمراء

Red carpet story - the staple of the Oscars

on Jun 04, 2024
بحلول العام الجديد تبدأ التحضيرات لحفل جوائز الأوسكار الشهير في هوليوود، وفي هذا مهرجان الفخم، تصل النخبة في هوليوود للسير على السجادة الحمراء عند دخولهم حفل تكريم الأفضل من بين الأفضل في صناعة السينما، تم نسج السجادة ضمن تاريخ ومشهد حفل توزيع جوائز الأوسكار في هوليوود، فما هي قصتها؟
من أين يأتي صوف سجّادتك؟

Where does the wool of your rug come from?

on May 30, 2024
Luxurious and soft-touch wool carpets are the intimate friend of our warm home decorations. Wool is the only authentic, sustainable natural fiber that synthetic materials seek to emulate. In this article, we will learn about the types of sheep (sheep) that produce the finest wool for making your carpet! Mostly mountain sheep or hill sheep are among the breeds from which the best types of carpet wool are made. The strong mountain rocks help keep the sheep warm in the winter months, and when summer arrives the sheep do not need their wool and this turns into beautiful and durable carpets. A lot of carpet wool is imported from New Zealand, but the UK is also known for producing high quality wool. 1. Mountain sheep Mountain sheep, the hardiest of sheep, produce the coziest wool and are ideal for pure wool carpets. 2. Scottish Blackface These robust sheep are the most common sheep in the UK, with 30% of all sheep in the UK being Scottish Blackfaced. Both males and females have antlers and can survive in the harshest climates, with many living year after year in the Scottish Highlands without shelter, raising their lambs outdoors. They have been bred in the UK since the 1500's (replacing the now extinct Scottish Dunface! It is also found in the United States, in order to use its meat in particular, but its long thick wool is of high value in the carpet industry. 3. Swaledale sheep Named after the valley of the same name in the Yorkshire Dales National Park, east of the Pennines, these sheep have distinctive facial markings, being bright white around the eyes and nose. These sheep are themselves very expensive, (known as 'tups') selling for about £25,000, though their wool is relatively cheap (40p a kilo), which makes them excellent in bulk, after all. The breed is an official symbol of the city of Yorkshire Dales, and the origin of this breed has been the subject of fierce dispute; So much so, that when plans were presented in 2003 to build a "Swaldelle Sheep Visitor Center" at Kirkby Stephen in Cumbria, residents of Hawes in Richmondshire (about 16 miles south) vehemently objected, who had plans for their own visitor centre, with both towns claiming home. original to the breed. 4. Hillside sheep Lonk The origin of this exotic name for this breed of sheep comes from the Lancashire word "Lanky", which means: long and fluffy, and this breed is one of the largest of the hill breeds, with a weight of about 40 to 46 kilograms and its very dense wool ideal for making a thick and luxurious carpet. This breed has existed for hundreds of years in Penneys, and is believed to have been nurtured by two monks of Cistercian monasteries in Lancashire - Whalley and Sawley - in the 1530s. And the smoothness of your color was found only in three counties (Lancashire, Yorkshire, and Derbyshire), and this confirms that a catastrophe affected sheep in 2001 when foot-and-mouth disease broke out in the region, and the total smooth color of sheep at that time was just over 10,000 heads, and because they were exposed to this infectious disease, Which threatened its existence, there was a real danger that this strain would become extinct. Fortunately, this did not happen, and preventive measures were taken, as the Heritage Gene Bank was established at the University of York, and samples were taken to preserve this strain from extinction, along with other strains (Herdwick and Rough Fell). Since then, two lambs have been born using the samples taken, although all three strains have survived the threat of extinction! Sheep of the North Cheviot Many breeds of sheep are called Cheviots, named after the hills between Northumberland and the Scottish Borders, and this particular breed is supposed to have been nurtured by Sir John Sinclair, the original founder of the Board of Agriculture, who brought Cheviot sheep to Caithness in northern Scotland in 1791, and all Cheviot sheep in the North originate from his flocks, there are three sub-species: Hill, Caithness and Border. Common in the UK and abroad, the Cheviot is considered a good sheep on many levels, its wool is used in knitwear as well as carpets in the North County Cheviot, and is easily recognizable because it has very long, straight ears. 5. Sheep hybrid It is a crossbreed of sheep, but when it comes to wool, there is a specific type of crossbreed, based on a formula that has proven to be very effective. Also known as "rams", these hybrid sheep are the result of cross-breeding between a breed of ram in the lowland and highland (hill or mountain) iwi, these sheep produce excellent wool for 100% pure wool carpets or woolen carpets with a mixture of materials other. marsham This bright-fleeced sheep, comes from a cross between a Teeswater sheep or a Wensleydale ram, (both of which have a truly amazing curly fleece almost to the ground), and a stout sheep such as the aforementioned Swirldale, or the Dalesbred, its close relative, and is named after To Marsham, famous for its sheep fairs where thousands of sheep are sold every year. Rams of Northern England The rams of the North of England are descendants of the blue rams of Leicester (a long breed and whose wool is better suited to fine cloth than a carpet) and the stout Swildale sheep, these sheep being hornless, mottled, and of good form; In an example of what biologists call "hybrid activity" or "heterogeneity", the best traits are inherited from both parents, and its wool combines the strength of the mother's wool with the luster of the father's wool. The northern ram is similar in appearance to the Scottish and Welsh rams, both of which were also bred by the Bluefaced Leicester (or BFL for short). The northern ram of England is found throughout the UK and is one of the most popular commercial breeds. Its wool is frequently used in the production of rugs Brintons. Now that you have more information about the origin of the wool that is used to make rugs, it is great to recognize the effort that goes into making a great rug, and to give the process the recognition it deserves. There are many other breeds of sheep that we could have mentioned; Like the rare Manx Loaghtan sheep, which, like the Manx rugs, originate in the Isle of Man, or the Mountain Badger-Faced Welsh, which is believed to have been bred in the UK as far back as the seventh century AD. Carpet makers go a long way before turning sheep's wool into a comfortable, soft and attractive carpet, to add it in the design of your interior decor, and add more warmth to your home spaces. We hope that the above information has helped you in exploring the types of wool that are used to make the original wool carpets! Translated by:

How to choose carpets at the beginning of the fall season

on May 29, 2024
How to choose carpets at the beginning of the fall season And after the departure of the summer, with its heat and humidity, the distinctive autumn atmosphere sets in; With the look of the fireplace, warm drinks, wood decor, and beautiful woolen quilts that complete the decor, but.. the scene must be completed with the right rugs. When autumn comes with its details and colors that give its distinctive sense to life in general, then a person needs to deepen his sense of warmth, so he prefers to surround himself with colors that suit autumn, between orange-brown colors, yellowish green, tree brown, glowing light brown, or golden and earthy brown as well. . Autumn requires carpets of different shapes and sizes, but the common element is the autumnal color gradient, between the scenery of the autumn fields with their leaves and branches that spread the ground like a charming natural carpet, candlesticks and saddles that contain candles that add more atmosphere of warmth, pictures of wooden spoons and spices of warm colors. For kitchens and dining rooms, he engraved abstract and surrealist paintings in warm autumnal colors, and finally pictures of beautifully neglected umbrellas and wooden chairs distributed for rest here and there in front of the beaches to bear a great harmony between the scene of the fiery sunset and the coolness of the water, while containing comfort with autumnal symbols such as umbrellas and pergolas. Tastes may differ, but everyone agrees on the warm colors and charming atmosphere of the coming fall, and we are here to offer you this article in which we help you choose the right carpet pieces for the fall atmosphere, these very days; In order to be able to prepare your home in proportion to the season that is approaching these days.   Options that save you from confusion in choosing fall carpets In the past, people often resorted to covering entire lands with carpets or “rugs.” This is no longer widespread, especially with the expansion of options for manufacturing and equipping floors in homes. The prevalence of marble floors, whose beauty seems striking, and the spread of three-dimensional floors that are painted or designed efficiently and attractively, to other ceramic or wooden floors or what is called “parquet”. All of these modern options have made carpets a secondary option, perhaps in the summer and spring season, or the hot and warm seasons in general. However, the introduction of autumn and winter turns the use of carpets from a luxury into a necessity. Because without a doubt it makes the house warmer. In order to choose an autumn carpet for every corner of the house, the following are tips and suggestions that will help you choose the colors, sizes and shapes of carpets suitable for the rooms of the house: Choosing carpets for the living room Choose a piece of carpet with the shape of the room, whether it is rectangular, square, or circular, and let the carpet be rather large; to cover most of the floor of the room; Because the living room is the place where the family meets most of the time, so that they can enjoy warmth and sharing together, and perhaps eat some snacks and warm drinks. Choose carpets in fairly dark colors; to bear daily use for most of the time, and to be decorated with paintings or frills of fallen leaves on the ground of a field that was green in spring; In order to fit the atmosphere of the fireplace and pillows that bear warm colors as well.   Choosing carpets for the guest room   For guest rooms or the salon in which you receive visitors, choose smaller pieces of carpet, and you can vary in shapes and sizes between circular, oval and rectangular shapes, and be careful - if the carpets are equipped with fringes - make sure that the fringes are organized and take a dark color, but it is definitely lighter than the color of the carpet. If the guest rooms or the “atrium” and the reception hall are spacious, you can distribute the carpets in a striking manner. It is not recommended to place them in parallel as if they were a formal line, but rather let them be slanted, and let others be traditionally placed between chairs, sofas and couches, for example. You are free to distribute colors and paintings as you wish, but with a preference for abstract paintings for these places. it gives an illusion of beauty without requiring focus on it; This is to allow the beauty of other pieces of furniture and decoration to stand out. But if the guest lounge contains a dining table or "dining room" and its chairs, choose a piece of carpet suitable for the shape of the table (whether it is round, rectangular or oval... no problem), provided that it bears the same colors and details from the abstract paintings that you chose for the guest room in general. Finally, I suggest that you add additional beautiful touches with carpet pieces that are in different and beautiful shapes, such as: "the shape of the tiger's body in its autumnal colors, the shape of the warm sunflower, the shape of the fireplace, firewood and fires ... etc. from the shapes available in the market around you" so add them to the walls, for example , or small passages; In order to give the additive more attractiveness. Finally, in order to feel the harmony between the colors of the chairs and cushions with the carpets you have chosen in the guest room, you can do one of the following: Add pillows, cushions, or "shalat" pieces in warm, neutral colors, whether on or around sofas and chairs, and under hospitality and service tables. Add to the arms of the chairs and their backs some colorful quilts in colors that are in harmony with the colors of the carpets to add an attractive decorative touch and increase the harmony between colors. Use warm lighting and lampshades or lamps of yellow colors, not white. In addition to making you feel luxurious, you will also find them giving the place an awesome warmth and depth, as if you are watching a magical painting or a scene in a foreign movie.   Choosing carpets for bedrooms   Bedrooms are divided into adult rooms / or matrimonial rooms, and children’s rooms in general, whether they are female or male, children or youth, and in fact the matter differs when choosing autumn carpets for each of them. For the children’s rooms, choose carpets with nice paintings in darker colors, and let the carpet be a size that covers the entire floor of the room in order to provide warmth for the children, especially on cold nights. And so that you do not have to clean and wash them more than once during the season. As for the rooms of adults and couples, you can choose bright – but warm – colors to some extent, varying between golden, beige, and light apricot orange, especially if the room is only used for sleeping, as it will be a strong complement to the required warmth and intimacy palette. In all cases, and whatever the age of the users of the room, be sure to cover the entire floor with carpets in cold weather, and choose inscriptions that are characterized by warm fiery colors.   Choose carpets for bathrooms and kitchens The kitchen is the kingdom of the lady in which she spends most of the time, so the choice of the appropriate kitchen carpet should be according to the mood of the housewife and his mistress and according to what pleases her, makes her happy, and matches her mood. Perhaps the kitchen is suitable for carpets of different sizes, sizes and shapes as well, according to the shape of the kitchen and the corridors in it. The kitchen that contains a cutting table And work or for meals, it differs from the kitchen in which all the spaces are corridors, and it also differs from the kitchen in which the space is completely square or rectangular. You can choose rugs with traditional geometric shapes or rugs cut and cut into a shape you like, such as coffee pots, tea pots, pots in which food is boiled, or in the form of tools and a chef's hat. In fact, in the fall, the kitchen is the warmest place in the house. Perhaps because it contains ovens and burning stoves most of the time to cook food and sweets in it, but the matter will not be complicated by more nice carpets that make the stay of the ladies in it comfortable and enjoyable. As for the bathrooms, they are often furnished with pieces of pedals or pedals of different sizes, which are placed around the chair, under the basins, and often at the doors from the outside, and we suggest that you choose warm colors that are closer to dark as well, in order to give the bathroom more warmth and calm, especially since the presence of water in the bathrooms in cold times It gives a feeling of cold in general, even if the person does not use water.   Tips to help you take care of fall carpets You must agree with us that in the cold seasons the need for carpets increases more, especially in the areas where the autumn season and winter are bitterly cold, and this - in fact - makes the choices difficult, between thinking about the pollution that rain may cause and the mud that it causes around the houses On the porches, and between thinking of the warmth that the family often likes to radiate into the house in every way, both visual and real. It must be noted that the aesthetics of the fall season in the Arab countries in general; Because it is a season similar to spring with its pleasant atmosphere, which makes women and housewives more able to be creative in choosing decoration, especially carpets that they fear from being contaminated by dust, dirt and rain in other seasons. The pleasant autumn sunshine accompanies. Autumn is usually dustless, which means that you will be able to brush warm colors that range from beige, light brown, warm and not too bright orange, pale yellow, yellowish green...etc. Of warm colors without hesitation because of your concern about pollution and the need to wash it several times, except in emergency situations. Here are tips for things to consider before and after fall: Wash carpets, drapes, and upholstery that you want and need to wash before fall; In order to take advantage of the summer sun, which purifies the upholstery from bacteria, and helps the textiles dry out of the water faster. As soon as the fall and winter season ends and spring arrives directly, remove all the fall furnishings, wash them and dry them under the sun to take the necessary ventilation and sterilization, then fold them and sterilize them well and then store them properly, so that they are present, sterile, clean and ready for use directly when the next fall comes, God willing. In order to feel more warm in the fall, use decorations that increase warmth and spread a warm scent as well, such as scented candles, candlesticks, and decorations that carry warm colors that are consistent with your autumn colors, and also use incense and air fresheners with sugary scents; Because it makes you feel warmer in turn. Make sure to ventilate the house well every day during the fall and winter seasons, take advantage of every moment when the sun rises and the cloudy weather sets, and open windows and doors that allow sunlight and breezes to pass through, not only for the sake of carpets, but for the health of your children, your family and your entire home. I would like to remind you that carpets, warm colors, and the ideas we suggested to you in the article are all suitable for the fall and winter seasons. Because the cold weather will require warmth in every detail, big and small, in the house. Because autumn and winter, with their coldness, are two seasons full of the spread of heating means and during which it is pleasant to light a fire in the Arab environment, and perhaps also to drink warm drinks around it and even to sleep and stay up late around burning firewood and various heaters, whether inside or outside the homes, and from this standpoint we will warn you to take the utmost care and caution by granting ventilation suitable and breathable; To prevent suffocation and burning.   Finally, your taste and autumnal mood determine what suits you and suits your home from the aforementioned proposals, but that does not prevent taking advantage of the opinions of those around you, consulting experts in design and carpeting, visiting more than one site and reading more articles and guides before deciding what you will choose for your home this fall. We wish you a warm, safe, full of benefits, beauty and fun   sources:

Post-weaving: What are the stages of preparing carpets for markets?

on May 22, 2024
Step-by-step rug finishing guide Woven carpet weaving is one of the wonderful and unique arts that has a long history in the world of handicrafts, and the steps for producing handmade carpets are completely carried out by artists either entirely manually, or by machine after the automatic loom was discovered, and although this art involves a long process, However, the end result gives you stunning beauty and timeless pieces of art, some of which we enjoy in our homes, and others that are more ancient and more rare that we enjoy in the world's largest museums. After the carpet is woven, a set of operations are performed to provide the best appearance of the carpet, which is called the finishing process. In this article, we will examine the different stages of the finishing process, from start to finish, to know how the carpet reaches its final appearance step by step, to decorate the spaces of our homes! Stages of hand weaving carpets In the beginning, before we get acquainted with the stages of finishing carpets, before preparing them for the markets, it is necessary to know what are the steps of weaving manual carpets, and weaving machine-made carpets alike. The following are the most important of these steps.. The stages of manual carpet weaving differ from one weaver to another, or from one workshop to another, according to the type of carpet (woven, knotted, tufted...etc.), and according to the materials used as well, but there is no doubt that there are common steps in this process, and weaving steps can be described The rug is handmade from scratch as follows: Preparation of raw materials for weaving handmade carpets The first step must be taken seriously, depending on the type of rug the weaver wants to weave and what he expects from the appearance of his rug, hand woven rugs are made using raw materials and tools, including fiber yarns (he can choose different types of fibers, and among the fibers that are used In manual carpet weaving, we mention silk threads, lint, wool, and cotton...) and carpet looms, combs, hooks, etc..., and the type of fiber used varies according to the quantity of carpets, the type of design, and the loom, for example, in weaving silk carpets, silk is used in the warp and weft yarn We also use materials such as cotton, wool, and silk for warp or weft threads. Also, cotton is used with different knots, both thin and thick. (Learn more about carpet weaving tools and materials in this article: Hand Carpet Weaving Secrets: Tools and Materials ) spinning process The first stage of carpet preparation and weaving is spinning, and spinning means producing a thread from raw fibers, and the longer and straighter this series is, the higher quality threads will be produced. Yarn of any sex must be spun to prepare for weaving. In ancient times, cotton or wool and linen threads were spun with hand spindles and wheels. Spinning the thread makes it durable because, firstly, fluff is removed during spinning, and secondly, the fibers show greater resistance to impact and weight And texture and have more strength, and the threads are woven with different numbers, the more the number of threads, the greater the amount of wrapping that we give to the thread, and these threads are known to the weavers with numbers, as each thread carries a number according to its strength, for example, thread No. 10 contains a coarser texture than Thread No. 15, and these threads are made from natural fibers such as cotton, wool, silk, or synthetic fibers such as polyester, viscose, or polypropylene, and sometimes some fibers are heat-set to give less lint after weaving, and sometimes spinning the thread causes the carpet to not contain much Lint or always contain lint. After spinning all kinds of yarns, it is time to dye them. Dyeing the yarns makes it possible to use different colors in the weaving, and the colors of these yarns appear evident while inserting them into the carpet, for example, a carpet of 700 combs in eight colors, that is, the number of colors of the fibers of this carpet is 8, The colored yarns are wrapped around special spindles and sent to the weaving department after the dyeing process. Taking the fiber to dyeing Among the stages of hand-woven carpet production, dyeing is one of the first stages. After obtaining the appropriate fibers for the carpets he wants, the weaver needs to dye the fibers in the colors of his choice (of course, at present the carpet weaver usually does not participate in the dyeing process, but this step is considered Part of the process of making a handwoven rug, for this, he needs to visit a dyer. At first glance, dyeing may seem like a simple task, but it is not. Dyeing is also a very professional and specialized work. The type of material used in the rug is the determining factor for the final result, so the quality of the wool is as important as the fastness of the dye. Traditional weavers used to dye the sheep’s wool themselves, after washing, soaking, drying, combing and spinning it in the traditional way by hand. The dyeing technique varies from place to place and so do the plants. Natural color used in the industry. Traditionally, raw natural colors from various plants and insects are used in the preparation of the dye. To give color stability minerals are used in combination with natural dyes, for example, using dried or fresh pomegranate peel gives a yellow colour, and by combining pomegranate with stabilizers such as metal, the color is obtained. Yellow to brown and black. (Discover more about plant-based dyes in this article: Handmade Carpet Dyes: A Colorful World.) How is the dyeing process naturally and chemically? In dyeing, professionals dye yarns with dyeing fabrics mainly of plant origin, following traditional dyeing techniques that are centuries old, for example for the preparation of the seven primary colors (red, green, yellow, black, dark blue, white and purple) and their dyes used in the manufacture of carpets, professional dyers use Green walnut shells, pomegranate peel, indigo plant, mulberry leaves, quince and walnut plants, madder roots, to obtain the yellow color and its shades, they use onion peels, mulberry leaves harvested in late autumn, etc. At the end of the yarn dyeing process, the dyer adds salt or Alum or vinegar is added to the dye solution to increase color intensity, strength and durability, then the dyed threads are pressed and dried with special techniques. As for the beginning of the use of industrial dyes, this type of dye appeared in the middle of the nineteenth century, and it was discovered by William Henry Perkin in England, where he used aniline extracted from coal tar (resulting from the destructive distillation of materials of organic origin such as wood, peat and coal), to dye Wool, aniline-based dyes were introduced very quickly in Turkey and Persia around 1870, and although they were very successful due to their low cost and brilliance, these aniline-based dyes were very unstable; It loses its luster and deteriorates quickly (yellow to greenish-brown, red to violet, blue to gray-brown), and today, aniline-based dyes are no longer used for dyeing wool. The most common dyes for dyeing wool are chrome dyes, which were developed in Europe in the 1920s. Their properties are excellent: they are more stable than most natural dyes, they do not drip, they resist light well and they do not fade to wool, and their use has spread widely in all countries where Carpets are made there. Choosing the right design Depending on the taste of the weaver or the owner of the carpet, the appropriate design should be chosen for the texture of the hand-woven carpet. Apart from the beauty of the design and its visual features, some designs are difficult to embellish. If the weaver chooses a design that he cannot weave the carpet according to, either he will encounter problems in the middle of the carpet weaving process. Or the thing he will weave will not resemble his design and pattern! Equipping the necessary tools for weaving handmade carpets Fiber and design are the two main materials for weaving a hand-woven carpet, but the weaver needs to prepare other tools to weave the carpet, and choosing the appropriate rug or carpet weaving tools is one of the important points that he must pay much attention to. The convenience it provides, if the weaver is not comfortable with his carpet weaving equipment, he will get bored and not enjoy carpet weaving, and this problem will also affect the quality of his work. Preparing the carpet on the loom (carpet installation) The installation of a rug is a specialized work that must be done by an expert carefully. Starting to weave a hand-woven rug means that the weaver spends a lot of time with the rug loom during the day. Incorrect installation and improper rugs can cause physical harm to him. Once the design is determined, a frame called a loom is set up and the fibers needed to weave a new rug are woven onto it. The yarn columns (called the warps) are stretched vertically or horizontally depending on the type of loom. The warps are usually made of cotton, which provides an ideal surface for a flat and straight rug. The warp is secured by arranging horizontal rows called wefts (usually made of cotton, wool or silk). Once the loom is in place, the design can begin to be illustrated by the master weaver to the weavers (if more than one weaver will be working on the rug), this may or may not happen depending on the size of the rug and knowledge of the design by the weavers themselves, and in general, if The woven rug is small and has been woven many times by a family of weavers, perusal of the design is not required, these weavers have already preserved the design in scrolls from their memory, this is common in tribal rug designs often passed down from generation to generation, from master to the student. However, if the design is unfamiliar to the weavers or we are going to make a medium or even large sized rug, the assistance of the master weaver will be needed to describe the design, in some Asian villages and tribes the master weaver is called the master, and the master is the one who leads the weavers during Singing, he speaks not to any particular weaver, but to everyone at the same time, and in some cases the master weaver memorizes the rug so well that he needs no design, and uses his memory to guide the weavers, and in the latter case, the teaching becomes more than a reference guide, Generally, in a warm environment, to weave a carpet on a vertical loom, the weavers sit on their knees facing the loom and start weaving. Start weaving Weaving is one of the important initial stages of carpet weaving. This work is also very specialized and must be done by an expert. Any error in the weft can waste his efforts on carpet weaving. Weavers have some tricks and techniques that help them achieve the best results at this stage. It may be difficult for beginners to weave rugs at first, but it is usually difficult to start with anything, and with the passage of time and gaining more experience in this field, their skills will increase and the difficulties they will face in weaving handwoven rugs will decrease. Hand-woven rugs are often called "flat-woven" because they are flat and have no pile, in fact, it means that the rug has no knots, and these types of rugs, depending on their place of origin, are also called kilims, douri, and tapestries because they are flat-woven, and in the rug Flat woven, the weft colored threads are woven through the warp to create the pattern, and are woven like a "basket", making the top and bottom symmetrical and therefore reversible. The knot industry Weaving a hand-knotted rug requires a lot of skill and often a lot of time. The quality and cost of a hand-knotted rug is often determined by the number of knots per square inch. In this case, higher density means better quality. An intricate pattern may require very dense knots, which It can take a long time, on average, a weaver can tie about 10,000 knots per day, so you can imagine how long it can take to make a rug, especially if it is large, and the cost of a hand-knotted rug also takes into account the production time, which is usually longer Thus, it is more expensive than handmade carpets. When the rug is woven by hand, the weaver ties a continuous thread around it, and after making about ten wefts, the weaver is ready to begin the greater part of the work, and with a piece of wool or silk, he takes one or two chains in the same row and ties a knot about them, and the weaver works delicately, knot by knot , until the pattern is complete, and manual knitting is the most complex and arduous method in weaving rugs currently used, and among the most important types of knots most used in the past centuries in the production of hand-knotted carpets are the Persian knot, the Turkish knot, the Tibetan knot, or the mixed knot, which combines Two knots, two of these and that. Pull the rug After the completion of all stages of manual carpet production, the carpet is pulled (downloaded) from the carpet hanger. Of course, this work requires the accuracy and experience of the carpet weaving artist as well. For this purpose, it is not possible to cut all the carpet threads at once; Because it may cause the carpet to deform and form wrinkles, which will waste all the hard work of the carpet weavers. To pull the carpet, the pile is first divided into several different parts, and then each part is patiently cut with scissors until there are no wrinkles in the carpet. Soften the carpet Once the weave is complete and removed from the loom we come to the shaving process. During cutting, unnecessary fibers are removed and the knots that appear on the back of the carpet are fixed for smoothness. For this, the carpet is brought to a well flat surface and specially designed long scissors are used to start the cutting process. And the hand of the weaver moves gently and efficiently over the carpet for several days, and this is to obtain all the patterns and colors that are distinct, clear and consistent with the design, and this is after smoothing the level of the pile, which improves the clarity and originality of the graphics. *There is another step in the carpet production process, and it is very important, but not most weavers use it. After processing the surface of the carpet, which becomes homogeneous and shiny, which is a very effective step in the final quality of the carpet, the next step comes, where it is the turn of the coating, by coating the surface The backing of the rug is coated with special resins and adhesives to hold the woven knots in place. Hand beaten carpet After the delicate stage of manually weaving the carpet is over, it is time to get rid of the dust or fluff stuck in the carpet. After finishing the hand-woven carpet, one of the basic finishing stages in the handmade carpet comes, which is hitting the carpet with a stick, where the weavers, after removing the carpet from the loom, hit it with a stick. Of course, the meaning of the beating is not to exhaust the carpet by beating, but to shake it off, and modify its appearance, which is likely to be hooked. At this stage, the carpet is polished so that it becomes a complete, beautiful and suitable carpet to start using. Automatic carpet weaving It is possible to obtain durable and high-quality automatic carpets, which are close in quality to manual carpets. The automatic carpet weaving process also passes through general stages, including spinning, weaving, and finishing. The following are the most important steps for automatic carpet weaving in detail: Spinning and weaving carpets automatically The first step in carpet production is spinning and preparing the threads, which we will use to make the warp and weft, as each carpet consists of about 80% of the warp thread and 12% of the weft thread, and the rest is made of the chain threads that we see in the appearance of the carpet and it is made of acrylic, wool and polyester and polypropylene, or a mixture thereof, and the process of preparing and dyeing the fibers is one of the most important spinning steps, which we will give a brief description of. The raw fibers, which are brought to the factory in the form of long strands, are made into compressed and stretched bundles after being oiled and passed through machines, and the monolayer fibers are wound around bobbins for steaming and after swelling and cooling (so that the thread maintains its complex shape), it is transported to weaving machine. You may have noticed that when buying a carpet, it is recommended to make sure that the thermal fibers are used in the machine carpets, so that you can choose a carpet with less fluff, and the heat setting process means that the fibers are treated with water vapor by spinning machines under a certain temperature in order to produce woven yarns, Machine-made carpets made of heat-setting yarns are more durable, with much less lint, softer and more convenient to use, more heat-resistant and soil-absorbing, and in general, their fibers are fixed for a long time: The fibers used in machine-made carpets are divided into two categories, Continuous yarn and partial yarn, these yarns vary in length, and the price of "continuous bulk fiber" is said to be low compared to other machine-made carpet fibers, and machine-woven continuous yarn carpets have a very narrow weft and no fluff at all. Automatic yarn dyeing In the dyeing stage, we will find many methods according to the capabilities of the dyeing workshop, for example, 227-455 kg of prepared and spun fibers are placed in basins or tanks under air pressure, where the desired color is spread in the fibers, or in another way, the fibers or yarn coils pass over successively through the coating troughs to exactly match the color required, and the third method of dyeing the threads is to form the threads and then the hot dye is forced to flow over the forms of the threads to dye them, and also, in another method, the threads are pressed through colored printing rollers, while in a last method the threads are woven Then the threads are mixed with dyes before being unwound, and regardless of the method of dyeing, the threads are evaporated in the next step, then washed and dried to be ready for knitting. After preparing the woven yarns and dyeing them in the previous stage, the weaving stage comes, and the yarns are placed in the bobbin behind the automatic carpet and inserted into the field by means of a nylon tube equipped with knitting needles, and in this way a root or base of the carpet is made, and weaving operations are carried out by very fast machines and several thousand of needles, and thus the carpet weaving speed is high, and the weaving steps are similar in all types of carpets, designs and colors, we will talk about that in detail as follows: Automatic carpet weaving stage At the back of the carpet loom there is a motorized bobbin where the threads are placed and fed by a nylon tube attached to the knitting needle, the needle is inserted into the field, thus the thread is inserted into the loop, the penetration depth of the needle into the field is controlled by electro-optical sensors, and can Also control the height of the loop in the same way, the hook or clip alternately grabs and releases the knot, the needle moves in the opposite direction, the back side or the back of the rug goes forward and the needle repeats its work again, also to cut the threads, there is a clip on the other side, and it is equipped with a blade that starts the work of scissors With knot cutting, this weaving process is carried out by several thousand needles and several thousand rows are woven every minute, so the loom can produce several hundred square meters of carpet per day. Dye the finished rug In some workshops, this method of dyeing is carried out on a completely ready-made carpet. If the threads have not been dyed in the previous steps, it is called integrated carpet dyeing. At this stage, several standard carpet panels are connected together, and then the long carpet panel of the machine is placed inside the tub. Then the weavers fill the pond with water, heat it, and dissolve the chemicals in it, then this mixture is boiled by increasing the heat for 4 hours. Putting these long carpet panels under the tubes that spread the colors on it, after the machine carpet is dyed, the carpet is placed under steam to fix the color, and in the next part, the excess color is washed off, then the carpet is dried and rolled into a tube shape. There are other methods for dyeing ready-made and machine-made carpets. In this method, the white carpet is passed under the sheets that have holes and slits in the shape of the desired designs and decorations for the weaver or customers, and the desired colors are sprayed through the screen holes, then the carpet is pushed forward 91 cm It is placed under another screen of different colors and patterns, and in this method, the raw carpet is dyed up to eight times. There is another form of dyeing the printed carpet with a machine, in a way that makes them pass the raw carpet under rollers that have relief patterns, and parts of these rollers are marked with a design that presses the required color on the carpet, and each roller has different patterns that press the required colors, and after dyeing, the printed carpet is placed By machine under steam, as in the previous method, the excess colors are washed off, then the carpet is dried and delivered to the final part of production. Separation of carpet texture At this stage of automatic carpet weaving, two carpets are woven together in the form of a lower weave and an upper weave, in one machine, and in the end they are separated from each other with a special blade, and among the machines specialized in automatic carpet weaving, we can mention Texima and Vandeville machines CRX, ASR, VTR and HCP. After the completion of weaving and production, the carpet is made in the form of tubes, and it is placed in special ovens under steam pressure and brushed to remove excess lint. In the ventilation stage, the moisture of the carpet is completely removed to prevent it from rotting. Finally, it is packed with cloth or plastic bags and sent to market, and at this point, the machine-made carpet is ready for use. We will learn more about these stages in the next part of the article. Stages of carpet finishing after weaving After getting acquainted with the methods of weaving carpets manually, and weaving carpets automatically, we will now discover the complete and detailed method for the finishing stage of the carpet after the final weaving process.. After completing the weaving, the carpet will be in a raw state, and it will not be usable until it goes through other stages, and these stages are called finishing and completing the carpet, and the steps of the completion and finishing process include many stages, including trimming, polishing, cleaning, fumigation, and others.. Lint carpet finishing Trimming excess lint from carpets, which is usually done after the completion of carpet weaving, is called carpet polishing or lint removal, and this stage has many benefits for carpets, and it has different ways to do it, and a specific time also to perform it on carpets, and the trimming process takes place in Two different times, or sometimes in several stages, that is, after each monitoring and evaluation process! The carpet can be finished twice during and after the completion of the carpet weaving. Carpet polishing during weaving has the advantage that it identifies the carpet errors and thus the weaver can correct these errors. The design and pattern of the carpet will be very clear, and the weaving method can have a link with the defects of the carpet that are identified. In time when pruning, and then it can be repaired. * In handmade carpets, some people polish carpets using old shavers. Note that using a hair trimmer to remove carpet pile is only suitable for small sized carpets (200 cm or less in length). How is the finishing process done? Carpet finishing is an art that many people don't know, the finishing process is mostly done by hand, because the finishing machine leaves marks on the carpet and removes the lint of the carpet, the master finisher spins the carpet back and finishes the carpet by hand using only big scissors, if the carpet pile is too long, the carpet will look wispy , and the pattern of the carpet will be inconspicuous and will not be seen well, and on the contrary, if the pile of the carpet is too short, the spaces and wefts between the knotted rows will attract attention, and this not only harms the beauty of the carpet, but also reduces its durability and life, and the carpet is finished and covered Hand-woven in two ways: in some areas, after weaving 2 to 4 rows, additional sections of thread are cut with scissors, but in other areas, after finishing the carpet weaving, the finishing stage is done with electric scissors and finished. Finishing the carpet during weaving has a special advantage over the second method, which is that it is possible to notice and correct any error in weaving, so there can be less errors in weaving and any other problems such as burrs, design breaks, etc., as they are identified and corrected in time, And in the event that the carpet is not polished during weaving, due to the unclear design and pattern, the defects of the carpet cannot be seen and repaired, and after the carpet is finished and polished, if the carpet has errors through texture, it is almost impossible to repair it sometimes. Polishing makes the design of the carpet more beautiful and is performed manually and automatically. In the manual method, special polishing scissors are used. In the machine method, special electric lathes are used for polishing operations. For a long time in some carpet weaving centers, the finishing process is carried out with special electric machines. Of course, it goes without saying that the carpet should be polished not only after the carpet has been woven, but also in cases where the freshness of the carpet diminishes over time as a result of use, sitting, standing on it, etc., when the carpet becomes old and is no longer as attractive as before, especially when Washing carpets several times in an inappropriate way (whether in the method of washing carpets or in detergents and carpet washing tools), so carpet polishing is a solution to restore the freshness and beauty of the carpet, and it is better to know that carpet polishing in these cases is suitable for old carpets and not for new carpets, because with polishing Your carpet will become thinner over time. As we mentioned earlier, there are two types of carpet pile finishing, manual finishing, and machine finishing: Hand finished carpet In some types of carpets, due to the type of fibers, the density of the fabric or its size, it cannot be polished with a machine, so it must be finished with a manual razor blade, which requires high skill and precision. In this way, the finishing expert, using manual razors or special scissors, Finishing work on the surface of the rug, and these blades and shears have different types and vary according to the texture and quality of the rug. Basically, fine woven rugs are finished by hand. Machine carpet finishing Machine carpet polishing is that the machines perform the tasks of manual razors or polishing scissors of the first method, and the construction of this machine includes a sharp blade (first blade) and a comb (flat blade) at the front of the work and a lint-collecting bag arranged at the end, as the comb makes the surface The carpet is smooth and uniform, and the scissors also cut off the excess lint. In addition, this machine has two electric dynamos, one of which is connected to the tube blade through a hose tube with a spring inside, and the other dynamo is connected to the lint bag through another tube. As a result of the dynamo, It first rotates and picks up the extra length of the piles on the surface of the carpet, the flat blade (shoulder) is stable and helps straighten the long threads of the surface of the carpet to shorten them, when the second dynamo starts working, the suction that takes place, collects the accumulated lint inside the collection bag. Finishing the carpet One of the types of carpet final finishes is the embossed carpet finish, which is done with special scissors (thread scissors) and this type of finish creates edges for the carpet, which gives a special beauty to the carpet in terms of dimensions and gives the design an aesthetic appearance. It is necessary to ensure that during the weaving process and after the completion of weaving Carpets, the polishing process must be done by a professional and expert in this field, because excessive polishing means cutting the pile of the carpet excessively, and the movement of the hand can affect the beauty and value of the carpet. *Thanks to the structure and design of weaving machines, carpets are woven from the back to the front, and on the back of the carpet, after leaving the weaving machine, we will see the carpet threads spread irregularly, and these irregular threads must be separated from the back of the carpet, for this purpose, and to perform this process, it helps Back of the machine In this arranging process, there are machines that contain several cutting blades in their structure. With the help of these blades, the threads on the back of the carpet are removed and cut to give the carpet a regular appearance from the front and the back. cleaning process After the rug is cut, it is washed to remove any particles of detergent, dirt, and thread accumulated during weaving and to give the finished rug a shine. The rug is laid flat on the floor, cold water is poured over it, and the rug washers then use a wooden plank, sharpened on one edge, to push The water runs through the pile (fibers) of the carpet. This action helps remove impurities that have been picked up during the cutting process. In many areas, certain chemicals are added to the water when cleaning the carpet. This chemical wash, also called a reduction bath, removes the short hair fibers that stick in the carpet, and it also lightens the color tone of the carpet. Grades achieved only after years of use, and chemical washing can be done in the country where the rug is manufactured or at a regional collection center.  For automatic cleaning After going through the trimming stage, the carpet cleaning process must be done, because there will be a lot of lint, threads, and fibers on both sides of the carpet, in addition to that lint that covers the surface of the carpet, which is considered carpet waste, and for this purpose it is placed inside the cleaning machine, and in the cleaning machine , There are many scrapers as well as brushes that move back and forth to clean the surface of the carpet and cut and remove the excess fibers above the main surface, until the threads and lint stuck to the carpet are removed, through the other part of the cleaning machine that sucks out the dirty water, which works like a vacuum cleaner, All waste will be removed from the carpet. After the end of this stage, the carpet reaches a state in which all its parts are clear. If any part of it is defective, it can be identified after this stage. drying stage Once the washing is finished, the carpet is exposed to the sun until it is completely dry, and the carpet is placed outside in a large yard on clean river rocks, or in some cases it is hung to dry on pegs and ropes, and the reason for exposing the carpet to the sun instead of drying it inside the knitting workshop, Or, for example, in a warm room, is that sunlight helps new carpets fix their colors, so when natural dyes are used to dye the fibers, after exposing them to sunlight gives the best result, and the carpet must dry completely at the same rate so as not to warp. In some workshops, special suction devices and brooms are used to completely remove moisture from the carpet, in addition to placing it in a warm room with fans or air conditioners that help in quick drying, but as we mentioned, drying under the sun is the best option. The fumigation step in completing the rug Some of the carpet’s passage through the drying stage and the drying chamber enters directly into the fumigation section, and in this part, the carpet is passed over large cylinders called “tambourines”, the diameter of which is about 2.5 meters and a length of about 4 meters, and this large cylinder is heated with steam, and the task of the tambourine, which It works like a large steam iron, is to press the cleaning roller against the back of the carpet into the texture of the carpet until it dries, this action causes the back of the carpet to take on lower elevations of the waxed fabric and makes it look more natural. In addition, it can be said that steaming the carpet will remove the possible creases of the carpet. Also, at this stage, a kind of heat-fixing is done on the carpet fibers. In this way, the carpet fibers in normal condition will look more beautiful to customers. After steaming, the carpet goes through the dryer. Again, with this, the water vapor remaining between the fibers of the carpet is removed and the carpet is completely dried. For automatic carpets... After the carpet is completely dry, the carpet is trimmed or cut again, and the cutting part, which is at the end of the machine, does the final finishing of the carpet. The carpet that is passed through the machine must pass through this stage. Smooth surface, this is necessary, at this stage, a very detailed but partial trimming of the carpet is done, for which there are very strong suction cups in this machine, these suction cups collect the lint of the cut fibers from the surface of the carpet, in this way, the carpet coming out of part Trimming at the end of the machine will have a very uniform, velvety and clean surface. After doing this process, it is time to remove the short, irregular piles and threads on the back of the carpet as well, which are also cut by the combs in the back cleaning machine and then completely removed from the back of the carpet, and by carrying out the mentioned steps, the entire surface behind the carpet will be smooth And unified too. At this stage, and after going through the previous steps, it is time to trim the carpet again, and after this stage, the height of the carpet surface must be similar in all parts and areas, and the carpet must have the same size in all areas. By doing this step, the carpet has a very regular and uniform appearance, and when If you touch or step on the rug, all the dots will be the same size. Turning or cutting the carpet will be a multi-step process, although the frequency of the steps will depend on the irregularity of the carpet bed height, and the more uneven the existing carpet and the greater the difference in height compared to other parts of the carpet, the more often the cutting step should be done. After completing this stage, very powerful machines similar to the function of a vacuum cleaner must be used to remove the lint and threads resulting from cutting carpets every time to clean the carpets completely. Finishing the edges of the rug The side parts or the waxed weave of the two sides of the machine-made carpet is a kind of woven fiber without edges. Therefore, the pile threads on the sides of the carpet can be easily pulled, and thus the edge threads will also follow. In order to solve this problem and repair the longitudinal sides of the carpet, the sides of the carpet are sewn or stretched, In the automated carpet finishing industry, this work is also known as the "zigzag process". A zigzag machine is used to zigzag the edges of a carpet, and a zigzag machine is a type of sewing machine that uses two types of threads at the same time. One of these threads is the zigzag thread, which is the same as the carpet thread. This thread has the same color and specification as the outer edges of the carpet. This thread By sewing the bottom and top edge of the tarpaulin together in a zigzag pattern or back and forth needle movements of 1 to 1/5 cm, the other thread is sewing thread, which is much stronger, and the job of sewing thread is to strengthen the zigzag edge of the rug, usually it is the sewing thread used to finish the rug White in color and made of polyester or cotton and polyester. The zigzag machine is located on the edge of the carpet table. The carpet table is a metal table used to move the carpet easily from one stage to the next. Normally, after a zigzag line is completed on one side of the carpet, the carpet is turned over and the other side is zigzag. Of course, in some workshops, it is Using two winding machines on both sides of the table, this increases winding process speed and production efficiency. Adding a leather strip on both sides of the motorized carpet In some workshops, when the longitudinal edges of the carpet are zigzag, the leather strip is also sewn under the edges of the carpet, and the purpose of adding the leather strip is to prevent the carpet from slipping on the ceramics, and preventing damage to the edges of the carpet is another advantage of this work. The use of this leather tape in recent years. In the art of hand-woven carpets, some carpets are woven with natural leather, and artificial leather with a width of 3 to 4 cm is used for the sides of the carpet, and the colors used in the leather bands on the sides of the carpet are usually light brown or garlic green. The leather is sewn to the sides of the rug at the same time as the zigzag sides, for this purpose the leather sides are placed together with the long edges of the tarpaulin and entered into the zigzag machine together. Separate the carpet after the finishing is done All kinds of carpets pass through the finishing line in the form of interconnected rolls, so, at the end of the finishing line, the tarpaulin or the bonding fabric between the carpets is cut off, and the carpets are separated one by one, and the tarpaulin between two carpets, which connects two consecutive carpets, has a length of 5 And 10 cm, and the waxed fabric is cut between two successive carpets so that at least 2 to 3 cm of waxed fabric remains at the beginning and end of each carpet, and this tissue is used in the next step to root the carpet. carpet rooting In the weaving of hand-woven carpets, after the completion of the carpet-weaving stage, the weavers cut the ends of the piles attached to the loom, as a result, the woven carpet is separated, and the cut threads in the hand-woven carpet become part of the carpet weaving, and the hand-woven carpet weavers weave these threads together In a chain to add more beauty, or to make a pretty bow. In the machine-made carpet, after completing the above-mentioned steps, a process called “rooting” is performed. At this stage, the prepared roots covered with fringes are sewn onto the waxed fabric for the beginning and end of the carpet with a rooting machine. This work increases the beauty of the carpet and strengthens the threads of the transverse sides of the carpet. In this way, the warp and weft threads are prevented from coming out of the carpet fabric. After the carpet is rooted and the quality of the carpet texture is monitored, the ready-made carpet is sent by the specialized expert for monitoring. The carpet finishing process plays a big role in affecting the beauty and quality of the carpet, so one of the factors affecting the price of the carpet is its final quality. Improve appearance This stage is very important and crucial, because the carpet is in a state in which all its areas are very clear and its surface is completely smooth, and the finishing process has actually ended, so carpet weavers and experts can easily find any part of the carpet that has a problem and then perform the cleaning process to fix it. In order to correctly and accurately identify carpet defects, such as the presence of many veins in the carpet, two colors of the carpet texture, poor texture, fractures, a broken pattern in the carpet, or the unevenness of the carpet, the carpet must be placed inside the special device of the cleaning machine, So this device can do the diagnosis well. The function of this device is that it puts the carpet on an inclined surface, and then the experts can shake the carpet in any direction to see all parts of the carpet with the help of the light of the device to identify and find any problem and try to fix it. Final preparation of the rug After completing the stage of separating the carpet from the finishing stage, and implementing all the above-mentioned steps, we reach the final stage of cutting and finishing the carpet. At this stage, the final examination of the cutting must be done by skilled specialists several times in succession. After that, the final fumigation process of the cutting must take place. And if some parts of the carpet are uneven after completing this step, the steps related to cutting or trimming the carpet must be repeated again. Then, when the carpet reaches the ideal pile height, it should be cleaned by cleaning devices with very strong suction, and all the steps mentioned during the production of the high-quality machine-made carpet will be carried out by skilled and expert people in reliable carpet factories, so that the carpet that reaches Customers are free from any problems or defects. Final examination And since the process of weaving carpets is done by machines, and human hands do not interfere during weaving, there is a possibility of many defects, and in this case, despite these circumstances, it is necessary to carry out all the steps related to weaving, and the finishing of the carpet must be done in an accurate manner. ** It is necessary for the carpet to be checked frequently at every stage of the process, and this requires finding any errors, no matter how small in the model, which will be corrected by a specific team, and it is necessary that each carpet is also stretched to ensure that it conforms to the measurements Lines are checked to make sure they are the way they are supposed to be, and cleaned after each operation. Packaging After examining the woven carpet and making sure that it is free of any defects, the process of packing and shipping begins for buyers abroad or inside, and it is important to note that the packaging is not always the same and varies from one supplier to another, however, most carpet suppliers will provide double-layer packaging, in other words Once the rug has been rolled, it is first wrapped in plastic (usually clear polyethylene) followed by a more rigid outer layer of coarse or white cloth. Experience, the rug is wrapped with cardboard center backing or plastic tube to prevent wrinkling or bending during transportation by land, sea or air. What are the defects that affect the carpet during weaving and finishing? A defect is damage and complications that occur on the carpet and its materials as a result of damage and pests during the weaving process or during the finishing process or even before them. These defects not only reduce the beauty and natural condition of the carpet, but also reduce its full efficiency, life and functions. These defects may also occur during the preparation Raw materials, carpet weaving, or during the final stages such as transportation or after use, the following are some of the most important defects known in the world of hand and machine carpet industry: The design is not original If the carpet is woven from designs prepared by foreign and unknown standards, then it is said that this “rug is not original.” That is, if the design of the carpet is not inspired by ethnic and cultural characteristics, as well as customs and traditions, and the nature of people’s lives, then the design is called non-original. Commercial, especially the imported side, it will be less valuable and lower in price, and for handmade carpet weavers, this is considered a defect in the carpet industry. Low quality texture The woven carpet may not have a high-quality feel for many reasons, for example, the fiber scale does not match the pattern, or there are defective carpet weaving tools that damage the texture of the carpet, or the inaccuracy of weaving and weft and other steps will reduce the quality of the woven carpet. Increase and decrease in height Increasing or decreasing the length of the carpet according to the carpet catalog or according to the main design is considered a defect, and in this defect, the flowers and patterns appear longer or narrower, and the carpet becomes curved, and this can happen for many reasons, so the weaver needs to find out the reason and then fix it. If the problem is caused by a high or low density of rows (i.e. the yarns of the rows are too close together or too far apart), the weaver must try to line up the rows, which is usually very difficult after starting weaving, and it is best to do this immediately after Discovering the defect so that it does not fall into a problem later causes damage to the complete appearance of the carpet. Sometimes, due to the thickness or thinness of the woolen threads or fibers, it happens that the weaver has to choose the appropriate thickness of the woolen threads, and he can also slightly increase the thickness of the woolen threads in the part that has a hollow state, and another reason for this problem is to stretch the thin weft of the carpet, which lead to precipitation. warp in the carpet The warp in the weave is one of the defects of the carpet, which may be caused by excessive beating of the initial weave of the carpet, or the use of poor-quality carpet weaving looms or machines, as well as the heterogeneity of the pile, and the looseness or hardness of most of its parts compared to other parts, and all of this creates a defect And it leads to a warp in the appearance and shape of the manufactured carpet, which also includes the cavity (outward or inward from the middle) or as it is called in English “swording”, (meaning that it has a curve similar to the curvature of the sword), and so on.  There are holes in the carpet  The hole is another defect in the carpet, and it often occurs in hand-woven carpets, if one of the four corners of the carpet is different from the rest of the other corners, so to speak, the carpet is said to have a hole in the language of weavers, which is the presence of a crooked tip that is slightly longer than the other corners in terms of width or length, and this defect may be caused by loose threads or inaccuracies when cutting and separating the woven rug from the loom, or when the rug is pulled down improperly by apprentice or unprofessional weavers. pattern confusion If the warp or weft is not done uniformly throughout the weaving, or if the weaving is not in accordance with the pattern, at the end of the weaving work, we will notice a defect called pattern confusion, as the flower may be in one part of the carpet with a difference in the same The flower and its counterparts are in another part of the carpet, and this defect is caused by several factors; Such as the inaccuracy of the weaver, the inconsistency of the flower, or the difference in the materials used in the design (such as changing the type of fiber). lumen Sometimes, in order to reduce the weaving time or to save the amount of consumables such as fiber, thread and silk and to reduce the final price of the carpet, the fiber is prepared with a thinner pile and used more with less than its standard value, and as a result we will get a carpet, with a light pile, hollow and less than required, And the durability and strength of the carpet will decrease.  shear defect It is a kind of defect in the carpet that results from the use of blunt and completely inappropriate scissors, and here the cutting process is not done correctly, so that one part of the carpet does not have the required softness, and there is no uniformity in the other parts, and scissors and cutting the woven parts of the carpet are among the things which must be done with sufficient precision and skill, and if these things are not observed, the 'face of the rug' will not be uniform.  One weft for several folds A high quality carpet is obtained when we produce a carpet with a tuft (below the weft and above the weft) extended after each row of weaving, and in some areas of carpet production, in order to save time and material consumption, after weaving two or three rows and sometimes more than two or three rows of Weft is added to the fabric, which is called "multiple folds of one weft". Two hands in one rug If a weaver starts some rug-weaving work himself and then refuses to go on with the work, or for any reason he is unable to finish the work himself, another weaver will carry on weaving, and in fact, here the rug-weaving will be done by two people, in which case you will suffer The aforementioned carpet has a defect called “two hands” in the language of weavers. The reason for this is that the difference can be found in the rows of the carpet due to the difference in the strength of the weavers’ hand strokes, the movements of each weaver’s hand, the power of vision and other procedures such as tying knots, cutting knots, and others. double standard  Sometimes, when viewing half of the carpet, we notice that part of the half differs in color compared to the rest of the carpet in our hands, and this difference may be from less than a centimeter to half of the entire carpet.  Lint weakness If the pile is cut too much during weaving with scissors, and the height of the pile on the surface of the carpet is so short that the pile cannot be felt by touching the hand, then this carpet will be defective, because the lack of pile and its shortness, reduce the durability and reduce the value of the carpet, and this defect appears sometimes All over the rug and sometimes in different parts of the rug.  Thread difference  Thread variation is a defect that appears in the form of thin lines on the surface or back of the carpet, and its color is lighter or darker or not completely consistent with other parts of the surface or back of the carpet. The reason for this defect can be seen from the bad color of the fibers, because the threads have not been given enough care During dyeing and as a result, the outer surface of the fibers did not absorb that dye well, and when it is used in weaving and after finishing work and the weaver cuts it with scissors for trimming, it will become clear that the inner part of the wool has not been dyed and at this stage it shows itself as a thread different from the rest of the threads . Simple floor If half of the carpet is not full in terms of design and only one color is used in it, this defect is called "simple floor", and in this case it is said that the carpet does not contain any special art, so it is better to put designs with different patterns, rich and suitable for the market and the customer , And the plain floor carpet is more likely to use only two colors.  Poor design  If a woven carpet does not have attractive patterns, does not contain a special message drawn from the ethnic, cultural and historical roots of the weavers, and does not provide satisfaction and good mood to the viewer, then the said carpet is said to be "poorly designed".  False fabric  Sometimes due to negligence or improper reading of the designs given by the master weaver, the carpet is made with irreparable defects, for example, the pattern is not woven completely, the apprentice weaver changes the location of the patterns, or the flowers and ribbons lose their true shape and deteriorate, and this is called pseudo-tissue.  rip We find in some carpets, especially in its edges, some holes, and usually the defects on the sides of the carpet are from one centimeter to 20 centimeters, and in some carpets there are small and large holes, few or many, which are considered among the defects of the carpet that occur during weaving or finishing.  Loose texture While weaving the carpet, the knot must be fully tightened and the knot thread must be the same size on the back of the carpet, otherwise the rough knot of the carpet will be considered as a prominent element, and this action first causes the knot to open quickly and then causes damage to the back of the carpet. Thread both ends of the knot exactly and at the same time while weaving. Finishing defects  In some areas of the carpet industry, during weaving, the carpets are finished wrongly, which is called hand finishing defects and it is done with scissors, as the height of the piles must not be less than a certain limit (5 mm for silk and 8 mm for wool). Some rows of the rug are less than usual, and at the end they have to cut the other parts of the rug as well. dyeing defects The fading of the color of the carpet may have various reasons, usually before dyeing the fibers, it must be soaked in salt so that the wool takes on the color well, if this procedure is not done, the fibers will not take the color well, and this will appear in the texture as well, or another circumstance such as too much light may cause Or washing causes the rug to fade quickly.  Welded carpet  If the fluffy weft is beaten too much during the weaving process, the rug is said to be "welded" and can be seen prominently on the back of the fluffy rug.  color combustion This term is used when a defect occurs during cleaning, due to improper and incorrect use of acidic substances during washing; The carpet noticeably loses its initial state of wool and color, and this defect is called burn-in, and it is one of the defects that cannot be repaired, which means that the carpet affected by this defect will not be sent to the market. Finally.. Carpet weaving techniques have improved and the patterns have become more elaborate since years ago due to the skill of the weavers in the most famous carpet-making areas, and with the progress of the industry, the carpet weaving industry was also developing at the global level, and this is after the production of machine-made carpets entered the field of competition and knotted carpets were produced Machined on a large scale in different regions of the world.. Over the years, production techniques have become more complex, and today most of the carpets in the market are produced by machines in carpet-making workshops, and the finishing processes are also carried out with the highest levels of efficiency, so nowadays, it has become Rugs are highly capable in terms of style and quality, allowing customers to choose the rugs they want among modern designs, in a wide range of different colors and from oriental rugs to western rugs, and from handmade rugs to machine rugs in a wide range of different patterns. We hope that this article has helped you on this journey to learn how to make carpets from A to Z, from the first thread until the carpet reaches your door to decorate your decorative spaces.  Sources

How to find the right carpet cleaning company for your needs

on May 15, 2024
How to find the right carpet cleaning company for your needs   Washing carpets has never been an easy task. Rather, carpets are one of the types of furnishings in which two factors meet that make cleaning it more difficult than any other type of furnishings. On the one hand, the carpets lie on the ground with a greater tolerance of stains, spills, pressure and traffic, and on the other hand Its thick and stiff texture makes it easy to put it in the washing machine or wash it by hand smoothly. That is why carpet cleaning companies formed an ideal solution to the dilemma of washing it comprehensively and deeply. In this article, we provide comprehensive coverage of everything you should know about carpet cleaning companies before deciding to use their services. Contents What is a carpet cleaning company? What techniques do carpet cleaning companies use? How does a carpet cleaning company do its job? Steps to find a suitable carpet cleaning company When should you have carpets professionally cleaned?   What is a carpet cleaning company? A carpet cleaning company is a carpet washing company that can clean carpets in homes, businesses, and anywhere. Carpet cleaning companies use a variety of techniques for cleaning such as dry cleaning and steam cleaning. Carpet cleaning companies offer many benefits to their customers, most notably: Professional cleaning Each type of carpet needs specialized cleaning depending on its type, material and condition, which is the examination that the cleaning company performs before starting work. While deep cleaning the carpet yourself at home may damage the carpet and lead to counterproductive results. Protect your health Studies indicate that carpets are beneficial for the home, as they retain allergens in their texture, in addition to the accumulation of dust particles and pollen floating in the air. Routine cleaning will help get rid of these materials, but their residues will remain accumulated in the carpet that the vacuum cleaner cannot reach. The carpet cleaning company can perform this task perfectly and get rid of all suspended materials efficiently, which provides a healthy atmosphere in the home and prevents asthma attacks. Properly remove tough stains Even if you are used to cleaning carpets , the cleaning tools and methods that you use are still not sufficient and are certainly not at the level of those used by carpet cleaning companies. Also, in light of the many accidents that carpets are exposed to, especially due to spills or the presence of children, some types of stains are more difficult and almost impossible to get rid of completely compared to other stains, especially if the color of the carpet is light and the stains appear clearly on it, and if you decide to resort to other methods Cleaning that relies on harsh solvents and powerful ingredients on your own may damage the stain rather than being treated by a professional cleaning professional. Extend the life of the carpet The passage of time on the carpet makes dust and small particles deeply embedded in its fabric despite vacuuming, and if you use a rough cleaning brush or the rubbing method, the carpet texture will wear out quickly and the carpet will become worn out over time. On the contrary, cleaning companies can wash the carpet safely while preserving the texture of the carpet from destruction, which leads to a prolongation of its life. What techniques do carpet cleaning companies use? Carpet cleaning companies rely on two basic technologies: dry cleaning and steam cleaning: Dry cleaning: It is the use of active detergents that remove stains and dirt stuck in the carpets. This method depends on adding a small percentage of water to activate the foam. It is characterized by removing the most difficult stains in the least time while eliminating any unpleasant odors in the carpets. Steam cleaning: It is to rely on a steam cleaning machine that pumps hot water steam at high pressure, penetrating the carpet fibers, breaking up the difficult stains stored in the depths and sterilizing the carpets from microbes. Steam cleaning also adds shine to the carpets and preserves the colors. How does a carpet cleaning company do its job? Below we will take a quick look at the steps of the cleaning process that carpet cleaning companies carry out to perform their work to the fullest: First: check the carpet Before the cleaning specialist begins washing, he first examines the condition of the carpet in order to note the type of knots, the raw material from which the carpet is made, the type of stains, their locations, and the degree of wear. Second: vacuuming the carpet This preliminary step ensures that the carpet is thoroughly cleaned, as the specialist sweeps the carpet to remove dry dust and expel any other loose particles on the surface and on the back of the carpet as well. Another benefit of vacuuming is to lift and freshen the pile of the carpet so that it is easier for the detergent to penetrate the next step during the wash. Third: carpet washing In this step, effective chemicals or steam power will be used to remove stains and dirt from the carpet fibers. The carpet cleaning specialist will resort to using a cleaning method appropriate to the type of fabric based on the examination he conducted, so that it is not too strong and damages the fabric or leaves residues of harmful effects. Light so you can clean effectively. He may also resort to using hot water in washing in addition to chemical detergents to increase the effectiveness of the process, and he may use a rotating cleaning machine if the carpet is very dirty. Fourth: rinsing and drying The cleaning professional will direct a rotating device to rinse the carpet thoroughly so that it removes all residue, followed by a suction process to remove excess water and speed up the drying process. Drying time will be affected by the following factors: The amount of water used for washing. Cooling system in place. Atmospheric temperature and humidity level in the air. The material the rug is made of. Carpet thickness and pile depth. To speed up the drying process, the cleaning professional may resort to: Operating ceiling fans and extractors. Run air coolers or heaters to help move the air. Opening doors and windows to get moisture out of the place quickly. Once the carpet is dry, the professional cleaner will brush it to freshen up the pile. Steps to find a suitable carpet cleaning company It may be the first time you are looking for a carpet cleaning company, so how do you choose the professional company that you can trust? Here are 10 tips to help you choose a reputable and professional carpet cleaning company: Ask family and friends about companies they've dealt with that had great service, and note what they think about quality, customer service, and prices. Once you've got a handful of companies, start searching for each name yourself. Visit the company's website or social accounts. Note the customer reviews, comments, ratings the company has, and how many years of experience they have in the field that means they have the knowledge and ability to get your carpets clean again. Make sure that the company is licensed, as this is another reason to trust them. Note the equipment the company uses, the newer the equipment and techniques used, the more effective and thorough the cleaning. If the company provides a guarantee with the service so that the customer has the right to recover his money in the event that he does not like the quality of the service, then this is a strong preference factor that inspires confidence. Powerful cleaning depends on the use of effective carpet cleaners , some of which may be harmful to the environment. However, some companies may turn to innovating environmentally friendly green cleaning solutions, which is an additional advantage in their favour. Contact the company on the phone and ask them about the cleaning methods they use. Make sure that these methods are effective, but they are also gentle and will not harm the texture and colors of the carpet. Get an approximate cost of the service. To be able to compare prices for each carpet cleaning company, ask them about any discounts available, such as multiple cleanings or discounts for new customers. Companies offer a variety of cleaning services, so make sure that the company provides the exact service you are looking for, for example you want to deep clean a silk rug. Choose the most efficient company in the light of all of the above and make sure that the agreement is in writing so that prices and service are explained accurately to prevent any misunderstanding. When should you have carpets professionally cleaned? In general, carpets should be deeply cleaned every year or a year and a half at least, bearing in mind that the time period between each wash and another will vary based on the circumstances and lifestyle of each home. Answering the following questions will help determine the appropriate cleaning frequency for your carpet: Do you use the vacuum cleaner regularly? Using a vacuum cleaner removes loose particles on the surface of the carpet before they settle deeper into the pile, making them need to be cleaned by a carpet cleaning company at longer intervals. If you rarely use a vacuum, now is the time for a round of professional deep cleaning to keep your carpet fuzz in check. Does anyone in the family suffer from allergies? As we indicated, the carpet’s pile acts as a filter that traps a lot of dust and allergens that float in the air, with the accumulation of these atoms over time, which are transmitted to the air again whenever feet pass on the carpet, thus posing a new danger to allergy sufferers. Professional cleaning gets to the root of the problem, which means it's needed more frequently to relieve allergy symptoms. What color is the carpet? The light colors of the carpet make it easier to notice stains and dirt than the dark colors, although this carries a positive side, which is the quick discovery of the carpet’s need for cleaning. Whenever you notice that the carpet has become dirty, it means that it needs a professional cleaning. Are there young children in the house? Smudges, spills, and stains are natural phenomena that carpets get used to in the presence of children in the house, which means that carpets need to repeat deep cleaning at a faster pace to maintain their splendor as much as possible, at the same time, infants in particular spend a long time on carpets, whether in The stage of learning to sit or crawl, this means the importance of keeping the carpet clean to provide a healthy and safe cushion for them on the floor. Is it normal to wear shoes at home? There is no doubt that shoes are the most vectors that bring dirt and dust to carpets, and they also cause carpet fibers to deteriorate faster. To reduce these harmful effects, carpets should be professionally cleaned at shorter intervals to get rid of these plankton and keep the carpet from corrosion. Conclusion Carpet is an essential component of the home, so it is natural that you want to preserve its splendor and beauty for many years, and it also represents a monetary investment in a significant amount, so you want it to last for as long as possible. Turning to a carpet cleaning company will help achieve these goals and get your carpets looking and smelling great again. Sources:

Simplified explanation: What does printed carpet mean?

on May 14, 2024
Simplified explanation: What does printed carpet mean? Technologia mixed with art, and it was one of the fruits of the merger: the printed carpets! Let's go back a little bit 40 years ago, when printing technology appeared in the carpet industry for the first time. Since that time, decades of technical improvement and development of the design capabilities have passed until now we have reached that you can have a carpet of your own unique design that may bear your name or even the anime that your child prefers! Over the years, we have become accustomed to paying attention to criteria such as quality, thickness, comfort, and style, but what if we look at criteria such as freedom of design, speed of completion, and process of use? For this reason, the concept of printed carpets emerged and developed. The task of this article is to explain it in a simple way. Contents What is printed carpet? Advantages of printed carpet What are the disadvantages of printed carpets? Types of printed carpets What are the uses of printed carpet? What is printed carpet? Printed carpets are carpets that are woven from uncolored yarns and then the design is printed on the entire surface of the carpet. The manufacture of this type of carpet relies on technology in coloring instead of using dozens of colored thread spools. This means that the color dye is chemically attached to the uncolored yarn, reaching the top layer of the yarn only without being completely saturated with it, as is the case in traditional carpets. Many types of fibers are involved in the manufacture of this type of carpet. It may be made of polyester, which is the most common material. It may be made of wool, nylon, or velor. It has great flexibility in available shapes and sizes, so it can come in small sizes suitable for limited interior spaces, and it may come in Huge sizes suitable for open spaces, such as trade fairs. However, the most important thing that makes the printed carpet unique is the unlimited number of colors for each design, the great accuracy, and the perfect match between the colors of the carpet and the colors of the original design according to which it was printed. Printed carpets depend on the trio of digitization, mechanics, and chemistry. Specialized printers are used in carpet printing. The carpet is installed on it when the printing process is performed, so the design comes out very accurate. It is also based on the CMYK color model technology that is used in digital image printing. As for the dyeing method, it is by injection system, as the raw material from which the carpet is made is injected with the required colors without any restriction on the amount of color and the accuracy of the image. An important consideration while printing is for the image to be of high resolution so that the rug does not come out in poor quality. Advantages of printed carpet Printed carpets are still a mysterious technology for many, who are ignorant of its advantages that make it a technology capable of continuing and growing. Here are 4 advantages of printed carpets: Superior and customized design capabilities It is the strongest feature unique to printed carpets, as the digital control of the pattern enables the implementation of amazing designs that are difficult to implement in ordinary carpets. This means that you are not limited to the designs implemented by the manufacturer, but rather you can choose the design you want to be engraved in a carpet made especially for you. Unlimited color options Printed carpets have a variety of color options that are not available in other carpet dyeing methods, as digital printing allows for great color accuracy of colors and their shades. So whether you want specific colors that represent your company's brand colors or represent a subtle color palette that you've inspired for your home, printed rugs are the only way these technical capabilities are available. Speed ​​up the work In addition to the efficiency of design and colors, printed carpets have another advantage, which is the speed of completion, as your request is fulfilled in less time than the usual time for making a regular carpet and the subsequent waiting for the required yarn colors to be available. Digitization enables the dyeing process to be completed in record time, which means that if you need to get your carpet quickly, printed carpets are the right choice. Durability and ease of cleaning Printed carpets rely less on the dense pile used in regular carpets, so they are particularly suitable for high-traffic areas because they can withstand repeated pressure and are easy to clean due to their thinness. Some may think that it is easy to slide, but it is often added to it with gel foam support or double strips to facilitate its installation and to keep it in place. Disadvantages of printed carpet It cannot be said that the printed carpet is comparable to the regular carpet in terms of color saturation, nor that it carries the same comfortable texture, nor can it be said that it is longer-lived than it. On the contrary, unless the manufacturer states that the color dye used tolerates common cleaning products, its colors will be It is prone to losing its luster over time, and its thin thickness makes it less comfortable compared to the dense pile of regular carpets that sink into underfoot. Types of printed carpets In light of the multiplicity of dyeing techniques for printed carpets, more than one type has emerged, but we will now refer to the two most popular and widespread types, highlighting them: Ready-made printed carpet This type of printed carpet is sold in places selling ordinary carpets as a distinct category of carpet, and it is marketed on the basis that it combines elegant design and practical use, it may come with elegant classic designs, but its price is appropriate compared to the original classic pieces that are expensive, and it may also come with a design Exotic in terms of color or pattern taking advantage of the wide design possibilities offered by printing. The most important characteristic of this type of carpet is its ease of cleaning due to the thinness of its pile, as its thickness does not exceed 0.75 cm. Therefore, dust and dirt do not sink into it and it is easy to wash it without the need to resort to professionals in carpet care. These advantages make it a suitable choice for homes with children or pets such as cats. Custom printed rugs This type of printed carpet is produced based on a prior request from the customer, as the customer chooses the design he desires either from the company's catalog or brings a high-quality digital image of the design he desires. These images come in different formats for example PDF, JPEG, PSD or TIF format. The customer may obtain a trial sample before making the entire carpet in order to be assured of the results, then a date will be set to receive the carpet piece after determining the required sizes and the number of pieces. What are the uses of printed carpet? Printed carpets benefit from two main categories of customers: homeowners with a unique taste that regular carpet collections do not meet, and companies and institutions of all kinds for the purpose of marketing their business. Below we discuss both purposes. First: decorating the house If we can customize mugs, wall plates, serving trays, and t-shirts with our own designs, why not do the same for rugs? Printed rugs are the perfect satiation of this need. It can solve common challenges that some people face in designing their home décor, for example: Selective taste: Selective taste exhausts its owner because he may spend hours and hours searching for a piece of carpet that captures his mind and heart, but to no avail. Among the dozens of pieces he sees on online rug sites, he may not find what he needs just yet. It is for such people that printed carpets were created. Renovating the current appearance: You may feel the desire to renew the appearance of one of the rooms while keeping most of its elements unchanged, for example furniture, accessories and wall paint, perhaps because of the high cost of renewing all these components together, or because of their high value to you as you prefer not to waste them. In this case, printed carpets seem to be an ideal solution to renew the appearance, as it allows the placement of a custom carpet whose colors match the colors of the current components of the room. Whatever the quality of the place, whether it is an external place, such as the garden, or internally, such as the bedroom; The various sizes that the printed rugs come in will make it easy to place them in any space you desire. A gift for a dear person: Imagine that your friend remembers you with a carpet in front of him all the time that occupies a fair amount of space in his room, a unique gift idea for sure! You can customize the gift rug with any design that you think is relevant to the gifted person, for example, a painting he likes, a place he would like to visit, an expected happy event, and it may be the subject of a children's rug inspired by your child's favorite anime . Second: marketing Printed carpets represent a marketing boom for companies, so far from traditional advertising tools such as roll-ups, banners, and others, printed carpets come as a distinctive way of advertising in important commercial events and exhibitions, because it is good at exploiting the floor, which is often an empty, neglected and unused space, so it benefits from its vastness and being an empty space Any beautiful design that appears on top of it will immediately attract attention. The printed carpet transforms the large empty space into a personalized digitally printed advertisement, which immediately catches everyone's eye because they walk on it and touch it with their feet, so the carpet becomes an event in itself. The shelf life of this type of carpet varies according to the nature of manufacturing, some of them are short-term and do not retain their luster for more than several months, and others are designed for long-term uses and remain usable for up to 5 years, and the large sizes of them do not constitute a challenge. Some of the carpet sizes of this type, which is called "exhibition carpet", reach approximately 2 meters * 150 meters. In order to facilitate its production and transportation, carpets are laser cut into smaller tiles, which are grouped together to form any size required for the carpet. In addition, exhibition carpets can come with a rubber backing to prevent slipping, and they may also come in any non-standard shape except for rectangular and circular carpets , as It can take the form of a non-winding road or any other irregular shape. The use of printed carpets for commercial purposes will not be practical unless cleaning and heavy traffic are taken into account, so manufacturing techniques have evolved so that it is possible to wash them with shampoo or steam to keep them clean without negatively affecting the design once washed, and it is also durable to withstand high-use areas . Conclusion Printed carpets sometimes represent a single solution to a serious design challenge that has long exhausted you with the search for how to overcome it, and at other times it may represent an interesting new idea worth trying. Think of printed carpets as a new tool to achieve your practical and aesthetic requirements at home or in the company, weigh its advantages and disadvantages, study the different options well, and then make the most appropriate decision for you. Does the future hold more new technologies in printed carpets? The answer is probably yes, let's wait a bit and see!   Sources:

Carpet wedding hall decorating tips

on May 08, 2024
Carpet wedding hall decorating tips The wedding ceremony is no longer limited to reserving a place for the wedding and preparing the bride and groom for themselves and their families. Rather, it goes beyond that to planning every small and large event in the celebration venue if it is outdoors, or the celebration hall if the wedding is indoors, as well as the details of the entire day since the early morning. From the details of the bride’s dress, the groom’s clothes, her bridesmaids and their participating friends, to flower arrangements, colors, tables, chairs and floor decor, the way guests are received and their places in the hall, organizing invitations and invitees, preparing the platform or “the bride’s seat” and the dance platform and the details of the songs or the celebration schedule in general, as well as the “buffet” Or the hospitality section Sweets, food, and entertainment (their types, shapes, and distribution) are all in addition to managing the party, DJ, and other important details that determine the general atmosphere of the party. And because the distinctive decoration in the celebration hall will be very important in the details of an important day such as the wedding day, which does not occur in most people’s lives except once in a lifetime, we will provide you with a set of ideas, tips and important steps to help you prepare the wedding hall decor with carpets that complement the decor and express The atmosphere and mood of the newlyweds and their celebration as well. Carpets as a special decoration on the wedding day Whether the wedding ceremony is simple, or large and huge, and whether it is in a closed hall or outside the house in the open air, in a garden or public square, or on a boat... There is certainly no limit to the places where weddings and weddings can take place. And occasions in general, whatever the size and capabilities of your wedding party or the location of its residence, carpets in particular will be the connecting element between all parts of the decor. Choosing distinctive carpets for the wedding hall or the aisle of the newlyweds is very important and must be chosen carefully, whether by the newlyweds and their families, or by the planners of the ceremony. If the wedding is outdoors and the walkway is dirt and not paved, or even planted with weeds, then this is more appropriate to use carpets in the wedding corridor to prevent sand, gravel, grass, etc. from reaching the bride’s clothes or shoes, making them feel resentful. But if the wedding takes place inside a flat hall, it is not logical for the floor to be exposed, regardless of its shape or material, then the carpet suitable for the atmosphere and lights of the hall is an excellent solution, and luxurious decoration in the hall, or if the wedding corridor consists of stairs or stairs that the newlyweds descend from, then the stairs will become more luxurious If properly carpeted. In general, carpets will transform the venue for the ceremony into a more comfortable, relaxing, and beautiful place, especially when the bride and groom choose luxurious carpets, but with bold, warm colors, and suitable for the ceremony. Tips to help you choose the right carpet for the wedding hall Here are some tips to help you choose the right carpet for your wedding aisle or ballroom: On special occasions and the wedding ceremony, use plain formal carpets if you choose them for the wedding corridor. As for the hall, you can choose carpets or “rugs” decorated with delicate and beautiful patterns. Make sure all the time and during the wedding preparations to choose harmonious and harmonious colors, and belong to one color palette, so that it does not look random and unkind on such a special day. Add to the newlyweds' table, and the tables around which the invitees wrap some flowers and rose petals, and white lights, and let the "shades" and flowers be in harmony with the color of the carpets and bedspreads; To have a perfect wedding. If you prefer a simple style at your wedding, think of white carpets, light carpets in shades of pink and beige, with some roses of the same colors intertwined with white. If your taste is inclined to a more luxurious look, you can use fur rugs to the tables, the platform, the back of the bride's chair, the bride's table, the hospitality serving trays, and even the use of fur runners as luxurious decorations for the guest tables. For more luxury, decorate the sides of the corridors, guest seating areas, and the backs of chairs with pieces of leather carpets reinforced with luxurious natural fur, and add some of them to the walls if the ceremony is indoors, as they give the place charm and attractiveness when it reflects the beautiful lighting in the wedding halls. Ask the organizers and planners of the ceremony or those in charge of preparing the hall to add distinctive carpets to the wedding platform, the bride’s table and chairs, and to distinguish this place with colors and décor that are in harmony with the rest of the colors and decorations of the place. In the event that the wedding hall or the outdoor venue contains some trees, artificial plants, and plant pots such as roses, pampas, bamboos, and other ornamental plants, pieces of leather or jute carpets can also be placed under pots and containers, as well as under lampshades, food and beverage tables, and in the corner of the buffet. If the wedding hall contains stairs or a dressing room, some carpets of suitable materials and colors, such as light fur and leather softened with fur and natural fur, can be distributed on the doors, stair railings, and around the mirrors. If the wedding ceremony is in the open air or outside and the walkway or corridor that the newlyweds will walk over to reach the celebration platform has some pebbles, dirt, rocks, or natural or even artificial grasses, then the appropriate carpets are rectangular carpets with a distinctive and glowing color, which distinguishes the corridor from the rest of the floor, whether It was planted or paved. Also, a new idea for an outdoor wedding, if the place contains some natural trees, then carpets can be distributed under and between the bushes and provided with special “buff” or “bean bags” seats, because the atmosphere of the wedding celebration ignites the romantic atmosphere between everyone and brings hearts closer to affection. By doing so, you give them suitable places to sit together and talk with affection and love, thus giving your guests and invitees an unforgettable day and memories at your wedding. The walk of the newlyweds among the guests is the most important place and scene in the wedding venue. Try to take care of it and its details as much as you can. Choose the appropriate carpet for it, and let it be unpatterned, simple and glowing in color to suit the occasion and give it prestige. Should we buy carpets for the wedding or rent them? You must think about it, it's worth; Because the costs of carpets are not simple on the one hand, and on the other hand, it would be wasteful and inappropriate to spend a lot to obtain suitable carpets for the wedding hall and wedding aisle, and then neglect or dispose of them, and therefore we have several proposals in this regard: - Look for places and stores that rent carpets for different purposes and choose from their offerings what suits you best. In any case, the load will be less and the costs will be easier. - If you agree with a wedding planner to plan the decor and venue for your wedding, you can also agree with him to provide the appropriate carpets that suit your mood, taste, and the atmosphere of your party that you plan; Wedding and event planners usually have their own ways of providing such options. - A third suggestion that you need to think about before the occasion and during the preparation of the marital home furniture. You can buy special carpets for the wedding day, but they are also suitable for the decorations of your home and the places where they are needed, in order to use them in the hall / or the place of the ceremony, and then move them to the house to live with you throughout your life and married life. It reminds you of the special night of life, so its memories live with you and evoke it during your life and your beautiful happy times together throughout the journey of life. - You can also borrow carpets that you like from people dear to you if it is suitable for your taste and the wedding ceremony, but you have to choose who you will borrow carpets from in order to Use them on that special day, this proposal will cost you nothing, but it's tasteful to make a suitable gift for someone who will lend you their rugs after the wedding time is up. - If the wedding will take place in an indoor hall for weddings or in a hotel, there are several options available that you can pick and choose from from the start, before agreeing to hold the ceremony in the place, choose what suits your taste and your bride, and do not force yourself to what you do not like. Finally, someone interested can provide carpets for weddings and beautiful occasions. To lend it to lovers and friends for a low price, which would reduce the costs of the wedding and the purchase of new ones. Distinguished ideas for decorating an unforgettable wedding aisle: No one ventures anything tonight; It is a very special night. The girls dream of the night when he sings to her: “Paint with white.” The young man dreams of that moment when his name is called and the family and loved ones bless them as they walk down the wedding aisle: “May God bless you both, bless you, and bring you together in goodness.” White is a feature of this night in general, and when it is studded with other colors that make it more clear, such as gold and silver, it gives a touch of great luxury, and other delicate colors such as pink, light green, sky blue, light gray, cold yellow and orange, as well as pink, beige, and very quiet lilac... All these colors give a painting Intimate, velvety that increases the beauty and tenderness of the night and makes the memories that the couple carry with them from the night of joy with the taste of calm, beauty and tenderness. There is a lot of photography, attention, and scrutiny of details at the moment the newlyweds pass over the carpet, so the corridor must be expanded and flowers, decorations, lanterns, white gauze ribbons, open gates decorated with ribbons, and roses also decorate the corridor and show its aesthetics more. Here are some ideas that help you in preparing a wedding corridor for the newlyweds that cannot be forgotten. Rather, everyone will talk about its beauty, elegance and distinction: Add arches decorated with plants, roses, and white ribbons, including lanterns, along the path around the rug that matches the rest of the décor. Choose an outdoor walkway as a wedding walkway, lay carpets around the place, and have a beautiful, clean swimming pool; In order for its waters to reflect the lights and increase the atmosphere of magic, and to give the photos of the newlyweds great distinction. It is possible to cover the entire floor with artificial grass or green “artificial grass”, then distribute a number of large candles kept in a decent candlestick, distribute them and install them carefully so that a catastrophe does not occur, God forbid. You can distribute some pots in which cactus, pampas, and bamboo are planted around the corridor carpet as well, as they give a very natural atmosphere and renew the oxygen of the place with crowding. For couples who love the marine atmosphere, you can also decorate the corridor around the carpet with fishing nets designed as decoration and artificial marine plants, or arches bearing marine expressions such as boats’ heels, shells and coral reefs, in blue, brown and green colors that will add charm and attractiveness. Rectangular arches are beautiful and fresh and can be used for a unique wedding aisle, but they also need to be supported with glass vases, flowers and ribbons in matching colors. Triangular arches can also be used as distinctive entrances that give the wedding corridor the look of adventure, as if the newlyweds are going through an adventure together when they pass through the triangular gates that are placed at different angles. Providing the carpeted corridor with a ceiling from which some herbs such as papampas, hay and other lilac and flowering plants hang, which give a breathtaking scene. The last idea that I will show you is the idea of ​​using feathers, which gives a particularly charming look. If you used carpets made of fur and pile, then you complete the scene with bows decorated with feathers, and it can be inserted into the decor of chairs, cups, and dishes.   In conclusion, I have provided you with a set of ideas, suggestions, and advice on choosing the appropriate carpet for your wedding and party hall that can help you and save you a lot of research and confusion. As for you, you must study the subject well and plan for it well in advance of its time so that you are not surprised by a layout that does not suit your taste. Sources: Ø -aisle-wedding-as-rugs-use-to-how-look-the- Ø rugs-decorations-aisle-https://www. Ø 4847260-ideas-decor-aisle-

How to keep the carpet sparkling when the school year is over

on May 07, 2024
How to keep the carpet sparkling when the school year is over summer vacation approaching; It means the end of an academic year and the children staying at home all day, which means that the mother will think of more attention and cleaning to keep the furniture and furnishings in good condition, and she will think of more solutions to keep the house pleasant and at the same time clean and elegant. Perhaps the first thing that the mother thinks about when summer comes is how to maintain the carpet – since it is the most expensive and perishable piece of furniture if used improperly, which leads to the family incurring unaccounted or expected costs – especially with the increased probability of guest visits, children’s movement and constant trampling. On top of it, and its exposure to stains and different smells with the presence of children - and children in general, old and young - at home, and from here begins to think about storage as a solution that is perhaps the best among the other available solutions. In other cases, such as when the family decides to travel to another place during the summer vacation, such as spending the vacation in a summer resort on the beach in one of the coastal towns with moderate climates in summer, or in the countryside and villages with relatives, and many expatriates return to their homes at this stage and leave their homes In exile and in this situation, too, they will need ways to store and preserve their furnishings and rugs. In this article, we will shed light on ways to care for carpets, such as cleaning them and storing them so that they retain their elegance and brilliance during the summer seasons, especially during the summer vacation: Storage is the best way to keep your rugs looking and feeling beautiful Yes, storing the carpet will protect it from tampering and random behavior that may damage it - unfortunately - whether in the case of traveling and leaving it without use or attention, or in the case of staying at home and frequent movement over it by children and guests. Storage is not random or based on folding the carpet and placing it in one of the corners of the house, but rather it proceeds according to specific steps that ensure that it is preserved from damage, otherwise storage will not have any distinct positive effect. It leads to damage and loses its elegant shape, and it is a breeding ground for pests, mites and insects. Some reptiles, rodents and insects may hide in its folds if it is not stored properly. Unfortunately, random storage also causes bad and unwanted odors to accumulate in the improperly stored piece of carpet, especially if it is of a large size. . The storage process is not a long and arduous process in any case, but it is organized and has ordered and sequential steps that govern the method of storage only; In order to ensure the achievement of the goal for which we store carpets, and not to lose them in light of negligence and randomness. How do we prepare carpets for storage? First, clean the carpet completely: In order to start properly, we must first clean the carpet according to its material, the amount of dirt or stains and odors in it, and to achieve this task we use a strong and high-quality vacuum cleaner to ensure the suction of the largest amount of dirt, lint, dust, and even bacteria and things that are not seen by the eye. After sweeping the carpet, look at the washing instructions on the attached label, and apply them in order to clean the carpet according to its material and the method of building its tissues. In order not to damage them instead of preserving them, you can review an article on how to clean carpets, according to its material and weaving method. Many resort to steam cleaning carpets in carpet cleaning stores, but not everyone has the ability to pay the costs, which are often high, but for information, the steam method cleans the carpet and kills any bacteria or germs stuck to it as well as it preserves its colors and gets rid of stains and unpleasant odors easily . If you have lightweight, small to medium sized woven braided rugs that you want to store, simply put them in a mesh laundry bag, machine wash on a very gentle wash, dry low, if they are large, sponge them by hand with Carpet cleaning foam and then rinse it with water, or suction it with a dedicated vacuum cleaner. Second: Protect the carpet from moths and other insects: If you determine the storage location that you will use, whether in the pantry, under the beds in the bedrooms, or above the cupboards, and these are the most popular places for storing furniture, then you can use a measure of insect and moth repellents, which are available in home appliances stores and pharmacies. After washing the carpet and making sure that the water is completely dry, you can spray it with pieces of naphthalene, or repellents for insects and moths intended for fabrics and furnishings, before wrapping it and placing it in storage places, whether on a lower floor such as a garage, or an upper floor such as an attic or shed, or even in bedrooms under the beds. or on top of the wheels. The important thing is that the rug is well protected. Because it will stay in the store for a period of time that may last for months or years, so you must take care of all the details, and make sure that you distribute the insect repellent on it in a balanced and even manner before wrapping it for storage. Third, wrap the carpet tightly: It is not recommended to fold carpets at all; Because folding may lead to its breaking and causing wrinkles, creases, cracks and other damages in it. Therefore, it is always recommended to roll it in the form of a flat cylinder instead of folding it, thus making it easier to roll and roll. But when wrapping there are also some considerations you'd like to take into account, all in order to preserve the rug or rug in the best possible way. - Determine which of the two sides of the carpet is the more fragile and inward-facing, whether the back or the face of the carpet, and often the top side that contains the lint and fibers is the most delicate and fragile, which means that you have to turn it inward and then start rolling. - Start rolling the rug or rug in a balanced way, while keeping it as straight as possible, and you can use the children to adjust the balance from the right and left sides while you roll the rug to complete its winding, and you can also use a rod, whether a stick, a dowel, a thick curtain arm, or even a rod specially designed for carpets And use it to wrap it around it in a straight way. Fourth: Cover the carpet with a protective cloth or nylon: You must have a large piece of cloth or nylon sufficient for such purposes, and it is not considered an emergency, by the way, but rather a necessity for taking care of the house and furniture, and it must be taken care of and provided with the materials and tools that help with it. After wrapping the carpet tightly, a protective cloth or nylon is wrapped around it. This is a very useful method not only for storing carpets, but also for shipping them to the consumer, or moving them from one place to another, when moving from one apartment to another, when buying, or when carrying them as gifts to loved ones and relatives. This extra layer of protection will prevent dirt, insects, and other things from getting onto or entering the carpet and damaging the fibers. This step can be carried out by wrapping the large piece of cloth twice or at least once and a half around the rolled carpet or rolled rug, in order to secure the required protection, and then tie it with a cotton or polyester tape. There are special covers available for this task made of the best material for storage, which is polyurethane, that material that allows ventilation and provides a superior barrier against moisture and insects, and it is a much more effective material than regular fabric, and experts have designed covers of them in several sizes and measurements, you can choose what suits you best for storing carpets, as it is It's worth taking extra care of, and experts warn against using plastic to wrap rugs for storage. Because it prevents air from leaking into stored carpets and rugs, which damages them instead of preserving them. Fifth: Store the carpet in a place away from the ground in a cool and dry place: The best places to store carpets are places far from the floor or tiles directly, and to secure them from any damage close to them, and it must also be ensured that there is nothing on top of them, such as boxes and supplies that are placed in stores in general, as they damage the carpet and put pressure on it, so it bends and is exposed to cracking, breakage and damage. Here are these important tips to provide in the storage area: Always use a fan in place, or use dehumidifiers in the pantry to avoid mold and moisture problems. Block permanent light, especially that light that leaks from windows and sunlight that may shine on the stored carpets to damage or change their colors. Clean the store regularly and continuously, and dust it from time to time, and the cleaning times must be infrequent. Store rugs on surfaces raised directly from the floor and do not place objects on top of them for added protection, as many insects prefer to reside and live between the floors and the back of the rug. Sixth / open the carpet and check it every few months If you store carpets for a long time, we suggest that you open the rolled and stored carpets even once a month for more safety, to check on them and make sure that there are no moths, insects or rodents, while cleaning the area where you keep the stored carpets, vacuum it to get rid of any dust It attracts spiders and insects. Storage places and storage units suitable for storing carpets: If you do not have a suitable place for storage, we suggest that you use ready-made storage units provided by many home appliances stores, carpet and furniture stores, which are modern smart solutions that are not expensive, or at least they are nicer and less expensive than the price of obtaining a new carpet in case of damage that you have. The advantage of dedicated storage units is that they provide a suitable environment for storing and protecting the most valuable carpets, allowing moisture, heat and ventilation to pass in just the right amount. Just as public services are available for everything; Storage services are also available. Some companies have allocated the service of storing furniture, clothes, and collectibles at the hands of specialists and in places equipped with the latest methods and methods. Experts in storage and preservation of collectibles take care of them. If you do not have a suitable space and need storage, you can search for one of the providers of these services. In your area, then contact him to inquire about prices, time period, and more. Finally, There is no doubt that all of us need the advice of specialists and experts when performing something that is completely new to him, or that is required of him and that he does not have sufficient experience in it, and this is the best way to preserve our valuables that we have made an effort to acquire, and more effort must be made to preserve them. You can always search the web, which is no longer surprising that it contains literally everything, so whenever you need an expert opinion on carpet storage, or access to tools, cleaners and keeper for it, just turn it on and do your research. In fact, when you maintain your furniture and belongings, it will be natural for those around you to feel that you are renewing your furniture every once in a while; Because it will always look new, and it will make you proud of yourself.   Sources: Ø /storage-rug-at-expert-an-be-to- Ø /used-arent-rugs- Ø guidelines-rugs-and-carpets-store-to-

A comprehensive guide on how to wash carpets at home

on May 01, 2024
A comprehensive guide on how to wash carpets at home How can carpets last for many years serving the home and family, serving as a sponsor of warm family sessions, a comfortable cushion for lively children, and a hospitable piece for dear family and friends? There is no substitute for cleaning and maintaining it regularly and continuously to keep it as long as possible. This does not mean that you need to resort to professionals, but you can wash the carpets yourself at home. Keep reading to find out how to get clean, bright and fresh carpets. Contents Basic information before you start Steps to wash carpets at home How to remove common carpet stains How to remove odors from carpets How often should I wash carpets?   Basic information before you start First: For which carpets is this method suitable? Basically, these instructions are useful for washing the most common types of carpets, such as those made of polyester and polypropylene, or a mixture between one of them and wool or cotton. As for very large or thick carpets, it is best to resort to a carpet cleaning company in order to clean them properly and effectively as well. Second: What are the required tools? The tools required for carpet washing are as follows: Vacuum cleaner: used before washing to suck out as much dirt and crumbs as possible. Old toothbrush: used to focus on removing tough stains. Soft carpet brush or sponge: It is a cleaning tool that is used to scrub carpets and distribute shampoo. Carpet cleaner or dishwashing liquid: It is an effective and gentle cleaning agent at the same time on carpets. It is diluted with water first. If you use dishwashing liquid, make sure that it is free of artificial colors so that it does not negatively affect the light colors of the carpet . Stain remover: A cleaner designed to get rid of tough stains. You can use a carpet type or any stain remover for clothes. Water: An essential ingredient for soap dilution, carpet washing and rinsing. Garden hose or bucket: A source of water, especially when the carpet is large. Steps to wash carpets at home When stains have accumulated or dirt has taken root in the depths of the carpet, or when it has been a long time since the last washing, it is time to deep clean the carpet with a thorough washing with soap and water. Now that you've got the right tools, here are the step-by-step instructions for washing carpets at home, from start to finish. The first step: prepare a suitable place As large as the area of ​​the carpet is as large as the space required to clean it easily, choose a wide place to wash the carpet, whether in the open air such as the patio, or like the bathroom, bathtub, or any other place that includes an outlet for water drainage, exclude washing carpets in the garden of the house so that the grass is not damaged by cleaning materials And make sure that the carpets are washed on a sunny day when no rain is expected. Step two: vacuum up Use the vacuum cleaner to clean the carpet, then turn it on the back to remove any stuck dust or loose crumbs. Cleaning the back of the carpet will rid it of a lot of crumbs and accumulated dust and prepare it well for the deep cleaning process. Step Three: Clean tough stains If you have a tough stain, work on it first before washing the carpet completely. Read and follow the instructions for using the stain remover. Often, the cleaner is applied to the stain and then left for some time, followed by rubbing it with a damp cloth or a soft brush such as an old toothbrush. Step 4: Apply shampoo and start washing Wet the carpet liberally with a garden hose or pour over a bucket of water so you're ready to add the carpet cleaner . Follow the directions on the package. Then, using a soft-bristled brush or sponge, begin to work the shampoo all over the carpet and scrub until a lather forms. This step needs a lot of rubbing, lathering, and focusing on heavily soiled areas for several minutes, so make sure you wear appropriate clothes. If you use dishwashing liquid instead of carpet shampoo, add a generous amount of it mixed with warm water, and make sure the water temperature is not too high so that the fibers don't shrink or the colors come off. If you are concerned about the quality of your carpet cleaner, test it first before washing on an inconspicuous part of the carpet, such as a small section in a corner, to make sure there is no damage to the texture or colors. Step Five: Rinse the carpet After you've washed all of the carpet, rinse it well with a garden hose. Make sure the carpet has been rinsed completely, the suds are gone, and there are no more shampoo residues, then use a mop to remove the excess water, pressing it firmly into the carpet and pushing it out in the direction of the pile to get as much water out as possible. After you've finished rinsing the top, start rinsing the back by rolling the rug together like a roller, then pressing it with your feet with each turn to get rid of excess water. Step Six: Dry the carpet Choose a suitable place for the carpet to lie on until it dries. Think of a place that is durable because carpets are usually very heavy after washing, for example short walls, window railings, or benches, or tie a thick rope between two trees in the home garden. Eliminate clothesline from your options, as it is a very weak medium for holding wet carpeting. If you have difficulty spreading the carpet because of its extreme weight, prop it up against the wall for a few hours so that all the excess water escapes from it, then spread it and you will notice that it has become lighter. After you spread the carpet, allow it enough time for it to dry completely. If the sun is facing only one side of the carpet, turn it over in the middle of the drying process so that the other side is exposed to the sun as well. Press the carpet firmly to make sure that there is no water left. You will also notice that its texture has become stiff. It may take a whole day for the carpet to dry, or more, depending on the air temperature and the thickness of the carpet. After drying, the carpet fibers will often be flattened and strange in appearance, so use a vacuum cleaner or a clean brush with soft bristles to do a kind of combing for the fibers. This process will loosen the compressed fibers and restore them. to its original appearance. How to remove common carpet stains Carpets are exposed to difficult situations in daily life, whether sudden spills or painful accidents. In order for these difficult situations not to cause long-term damage to the carpet, you need special treatment according to its type. Here are ways to treat the most common stains in carpet: How to get rid of coffee and tea stains on carpet They are the most common type of stain and, fortunately, also the easiest to remove. When you spill coffee or tea, wipe the stain with a clean, dry towel without rubbing it so that it does not spread, then mix a little vinegar with the same amount of water and wipe the area with it until the stain is completely gone. How to clean mud and dirt stains on carpet It is best to let the clay dry and then sweep it up with a broom or vacuum. If this method doesn't work, make a mixture of 2 tablespoons of salt with ½ cup of white vinegar and blot the stain, then blot it with a dry towel and vacuum over it once it's dry. If neither of these methods works, there is no alternative to using a stain remover suitable for the carpet material. How to clean nail polish stain from carpet Nail polish remover is the perfect solution for cleaning carpets from nail polish before it dries. Wet the dirty area first, then put the remover on a clean cloth and then blot the stain with it. If this method does not work, use window cleaner instead of nail polish remover. Spray the cleaner on the stain and then Clean it with a clean sponge. But if the nail polish dries before cleaning it, a different method should be used to remove it. Mix an appropriate amount of nail polish with a similar amount of alcohol solution, and use an old toothbrush to gently rub the stain with this mixture, be careful not to damage the lint, and once finished use the vacuum cleaner to suction No solid residue. How to remove wall paint stains from carpet This stain is one of the most difficult types of stains at all, as its treatment requires injecting the carpet with hot, strongly pressurized water, so first try using a steam carpet cleaning machine to get rid of this stain. If you are unable to do so, the most appropriate option is professional cleaning by resorting to a carpet cleaning company . How to remove odors from carpets Carpet usually easily traps odors, whether it's stains, spills, smoking or just normal use, however these odors can become noticeable and annoying over time. There is more than one way to restore the smell of carpets, most notably the following: Baking soda or baking soda It is the most common way to improve the smell of carpets. Spread a generous amount of it on the carpet and if the carpet is shaggy, be sure to rub the powder with your hands into the pile. Leave the carpet for a few hours, then use a vacuum cleaner to remove the excess powder. Steam cleaning It is the most effective way to improve carpet odor. Where it relies on using a steam carpet cleaning machine to get rid of all the compounds that cause the smell, and if the smell is pungent, you can add white vinegar or a detergent, then follow the instructions attached to the device carefully during cleaning. After you have finished using the machine, allow the rug to dry completely before reusing it. How often should I wash carpets? Regular carpets need to be washed two to three times a year, depending on where they are and how dirty they are. If the carpet looks gray and faded, then there is a good way to gauge whether the carpet needs a full wash now or not. Clean the carpet first with a vacuum cleaner, then wipe it with a damp white cloth. If you notice that the cloth is clearly dirty, then it is time for a complete washing. For large-sized carpets that are difficult to move due to the large pieces of furniture above them, you do not have to wash this type of carpet at the usual pace, but you can rely on regular routine cleaning with a vacuum cleaner in addition to using a steam carpet cleaning machine or any portable machine to clean the upholstery. If you persevere with this routine of care, you may not need to fully wash large-sized carpets except every 3 or 5 years, but do not forget to refer to the care instructions attached with it or consult a specialist first to make sure that it is cleaned in the appropriate way. Conclusion The task of washing carpets at home seems to be a difficult task, but if the carpets are large in size, you should seek the help of a household member to facilitate the work. Keep in mind the end result of clean carpets that have regained their splendor and radiance, so that the trouble becomes lighter. Sources:

The Fascinating History of Carpet Colors (Detailed Guide)

on Apr 30, 2024
Finally.. Carpets fall somewhere between being a work of art and an element of decor, and there is no arguing about the importance of this unique piece, which has made its way into home decor hundreds of years ago, as the most beautiful and timeless decoration piece that always transcends fashion trends without losing its importance.. The carpet, with its beautiful colors, designs, and patterns, adds warmth, depth, originality, and aesthetic decorative touches to any space and provides contrast with other colors. Carpet colors It is more difficult than what can be expected, because choosing the appropriate carpet color in home decor has a great impact on completing the interior space, and it was fun to discover in this detailed guide the history of colors and their contradictions, their relationship to humans, the effect of colors on humans in psychology, and the history of colors In carpets in different civilizations, and how to choose the right carpet for the right space.. We hope that you have enjoyed and benefited from this amazing carpet color guide, just as you have enjoyed choosing the color of your new carpet to create a look worthy of receiving the ones you love in a warm and cozy home décor.
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Guide: How to choose the right carpet for each room

on Apr 21, 2024
Before buying high-quality carpeting for your home, you will need to take some steps, including thinking about the color and style of carpeting that you want. A pattern may catch your interest, but you do not know whether it is a practical solution or not, and because the practical side is one of the most important things that must be taken into account when choosing carpets, in this article we toured some of the main rooms in the house to offer some tips to inspire you with new ideas for buying. Choosing the best types of carpets for bedrooms The bedroom is the main relaxation room in the house, so when you decide to buy a carpet for this room, the choice must be carefully according to the following criteria: 1. Softness There is no feeling like waking up from sleep and putting your toes on a soft room surface, and there will be nothing softer than adding carpeting to the bedroom, so the main criterion here is softness and not the ability to withstand movement, which helps relaxation and comfort. Therefore, carpeting should be chosen from The twisted type, not knotted , because it is easy to maintain its appearance, while giving you and your child a permanent feeling of softness when walking on it. It should also be noted that it is necessary to add a new, high-quality pad to support the surface of the carpet and extend its life, and to ensure that you get a superior smoothness. 2. Keep warm We all want to feel as comfortable as possible when we go to bed and the best way to do that is to use warmer colored carpets in the bedroom. Choosing the best carpet for the living room We all want our living rooms to look their best, because it is the space in which we sit with our family and guests, and adding high-quality carpeting can achieve a balance between practicality and elegance, here are some criteria to achieve this: 1. Color coordination Work on matching the carpet colors with the general decor of the living room, because choosing conflicting and inconsistent colors can spoil the decor completely, and of course this includes coordination with the colors of the walls, the color tones of the furniture and other decor elements in the living room. 2. Practical carpeting The living room is the most used room, so it is necessary to ensure that it is designed in a practical way without forgetting the element of comfort. Carpets with deep pile are considered the best source of warmth and are difficult to clean with a vacuum cleaner. Use a broom that can change the height of the attachment in contact with the carpeting, or use a type of attachment that works The beater bar collects dirt, in addition to the suction of air by the broom to facilitate the sweeping process. The carpet is very soft with time and becomes flat, so it is necessary to maintain and clean it constantly to ensure its preservation, especially the carpet used in areas with heavy traffic. Avoid using light carpets that are difficult to clean, especially if you have children or pets at home, as short-pile carpets are an excellent and healthier option and are less likely to retain odors. Choosing carpets for stairs House corridors and stairs are one of the most used areas in the house, and it is characterized by heavy traffic, so it is preferable to use strong carpeting that can bear these burdens. Placing durable carpeting on the stairs is an ideal solution. Wool is a material that has natural elasticity in its fibers and can be a great choice for stairs . 1. Maintenance Most of the corridors (especially those in the basement) are exposed daily to things such as water and dirt that are carried by shoes, so avoid using light carpets that are likely to get dirty easily. Dark-colored carpeting is not an ideal choice because it may also look dirty unless it is cleaned regularly, so use medium-colored carpeting, or decorative carpeting. 2. Durability We use the corridors daily and constantly all the time, so choosing a carpet that can withstand high traffic will be the best solution. A carpet with wool knots is ideal because it provides flexibility, and it is characterized by a thin, soft and welcoming texture. Choosing a greenhouse carpet If you have a sunny garden attached to your home, it would be a good idea to add a comfortable carpet to enjoy in your garden. Remember that the carpet will be exposed directly to the sun's rays, so the idea of ​​adding a dark carpet is not appropriate, because the color will fade and the carpet will look faded, and the carpet with light shades is an impractical idea, so the carpet with short fibers with a spotted pattern or with an earthy color is an ideal choice . It is necessary to take into account the various functions of the different rooms in the house and understand the carpeting options before choosing a carpet for each room in the house, so that you can enjoy the advantages of the practicality and elegance of carpeting that it adds to the appearance of your home décor. Translated by:

Spring carpets, joy, freshness and lightness that fill your home with life

on Apr 09, 2024
Spring carpets, joy, freshness and lightness that fill your home with life   Spring brings with it all beauty, bright colors, delicate materials, and refreshment in a moderate atmosphere. It is undeniable that spring is sweet to keep up with it and be in harmony with the colors of nature in it, whether in clothes, furnishings, and others. Many of us do not find enough time to enjoy the atmosphere, nature and spring colors outside the home, so they bring the atmosphere inside their homes with decorations and furnishings, and the distribution of spring plants on balconies, windows, corridors of the house, and even kitchens and bathrooms. In this article, we will help you coordinate your home and prepare it to keep up with the spring, and create your own beautiful spring inside the house with suitable furnishings and modern colors. We will also talk about colors, shapes, and materials suitable for spring, to help you decorate your home spaces with ease. Choose cheerful spring colors Perhaps the most beautiful thing about choosing the spring season is that you will not have to follow strict laws and rules in everything related to carpets. Rather, you will only follow your taste and mood in choosing the colors that make you happy, and choose what suits your budget, needs, style, and models that you prefer, and you will not have to search in dozens of laws and guidelines. Get rid of the gloom of winter and change its colors directly, stay away from anything dark, completely exclude dark colors, and let your home and spaces shine in the welcome of spring, to feel its wonderful atmosphere, its light and gentle materials, its refreshing scents and its delightful fragrances. When you start the spring cleaning campaign in your house and your spaces around the house, in the balconies, entrances, corridors, gardens, halls of the house, bedrooms, living rooms, and rooms in general, and this is in itself a pleasant and refreshing thing, it must be at this time that you will start thinking about spring decorations, and you will think about how to add A bright spring look in all the nooks and crannies of your home, after more than 6 months in which you got tired of the gloom of autumn and winter colors and longed for the joy of colors here and there. You can choose light rugs made of nice cold materials, and stay away from heavy, insulating carpets. To allow the fresh spring air to seep into your home and spaces, look for rugs and carpets made of cotton textures that match the lightness of the season. And about the spring touches that can be obtained using spring colors, we recommend: light colors in general, such as pink colors in different shades, cold violet and lilac color that enhance the feeling of psychological comfort, calmness and depth, sky blue, greenish turquoise blue, and light green or cool green in particular, Yellow and orange in cold degrees, as if they were mixed with white to extinguish their warmth and heat, and even their ignition, while avoiding the bright ones completely. Choose carpets that bear spring paintings with very light gray floors, and very light white or earthy stripes that carry the color of the earth in a calm and cool degree. As for dark colors, we advise you to stay away from them completely. When choosing carpets and rugs for the spring season, try to escape from black and navy pieces and avoid choosing carpets in red, dark brown or petroleum colors, as well as dark gray and dark red or purple colors, as all these colors still carry the atmosphere of winter with their closure. Materials suitable for spring carpets Spring is unique in soft, light materials such as Chinese cotton and silk, next to kilim rugs, as well as light and practical plastic rugs or treads, and other leather rugs decorated with luxurious silk pile. As for natural carpets made of Chinese cotton, it is the softest material, and it is soft, suitable for the lightness and touch of spring, very easy to clean, versatile, with a casual appearance, and is available in endless colors, and its patterns are numerous, and its designs are many and varied. Very simple and thin, finally it can be folded, washed, stored and replaced frequently without problems. Tips for choosing spring carpets according to the place While most people prefer to keep homes without mattresses or carpets on the floors, especially at the start of the spring season when warm weather begins to infiltrate the area, we find others, as we mentioned above, who like to bring the atmosphere of spring into the house. In the spring, we choose the shape and colors of the piece according to the place in which we will furnish it, and according to its exposure to air currents, the sun, and traffic on it, and it is taken into account that light colors, despite their great joy, are quickly polluted, pick up dark colors, and leave foot and shoe marks on them, and this is not pleasant, but it can be dealt with, of course. or avoid it in one way or another. Below we talk about the appropriate pieces, colors and materials according to the place to be covered with carpets in the spring: Outdoor spaces and open spaces Beautiful weather means more opportunities to sit outside and enjoy nature up close, but to choose the appropriate carpet we suggest the following, bearing in mind that carpets for outdoor spaces complement the landscape of nature and do not cancel it, so let's move away from the many details. There are carpets made of artificial grass or “grass” of green color, and some of them can be laid and used in the outdoor spaces, and the various balconies around the house, whether on the upper or lower floors, or even on the roofs of the houses. Green in the spring, this type of carpet gives them its feel and is generally not very expensive. As for the wide balconies or the so-called “roofs”, more than one piece can be used, whether of artificial grass, or cotton carpets and rugs made of light materials such as kilim, silk carpets, and leather, and they are distributed according to the general decoration, and whether there are swings or rocking chairs in that balcony. Or bamboo or plastic seats... according to the taste, mood and personality of the population in general. Interior spaces and corridors It is known that the corridors are the most frequented places in the house, and the movement over them is often repeated all the time, whether during the day or at night, and therefore we choose the colors of the spring carpets that will be placed in them with caution and attention to these matters, and in order not to be exposed to pollution all the time, so we have to wash them more than once It faded and lost its freshness. In this regard, we suggest that you follow one of two methods: the first / which is to choose more than one piece of small size and place it in an aesthetic way that does not cover the whole place, with bright, delightful colors, but to move away from white and very light colors, while the second method / is to allocate colored rugs with overlapping colors, or pieces Leather mats with plastic or silk and cotton fabric over them, for daily use, with other bright spring colors to be placed in times of interruption of visits or rationing of movement over them. Bathroom and kitchen rugs It is preferable to allocate more than one mat for bathrooms, with bright colors that withstand use, or colored rugs in overlapping colors, but with a preference to provide more than one piece or more than one set for each bathroom and each kitchen. Because the use of kitchens and bathrooms in general is different from the rest of the house. Grass green, cold violet, sky blue, beige, pink with white are preferred. Gray can be included in all colors of bathroom carpets. As for kitchens, non-bright yellow and orange colors or any bright color that is in harmony with the colors of kitchen decor in general is preferred. Living and bedroom carpets Parents spend most of the time in the living rooms, and therefore it is suitable for them in the spring season, carpets in which bright colors pronounce and overlap in a beautiful practical way, and that withstand frequent use, especially if the room’s furniture is dark in color and with the presence of television, the children study sometimes and eat some snacks between time And another, since most of the family's activity takes place in these rooms, especially if the number of family members is large. As for the bedrooms, light cotton carpets with bright colors can be satisfied with them. They are mostly used only during sleep or during cleaning, and therefore they remain one of the cleanest places, hence the choice of cool colors is appropriate for these rooms, such as carpets with coastal colors, bright colors such as cold pink and violet, turquoise, and tree green, which are The right colors that give a unique vitality to the bedrooms in the spring. Guestroom carpeting The guest rooms are unique with spring carpets pampered with silk, and if the area of ​​​​the guest rooms is large, they can be provided with more than one piece in the seating areas, table tables, and chairs distributed for sitting. It is preferable to choose bright colors that are in harmony with the colors of the sofas, furniture and curtains. It is also possible to place more than one beautiful piece of carpet at the entrance of the rooms to the seating areas. It is preferable that they be in distinctive colors and shapes that act as a passage for guests heading towards the sofas and seats. Choose from spring designs that resemble your personality and express you Because spring is the starting season for most plants and flowers, and the season for the proliferation of creatures and animals that were completely hidden during the fall and winter seasons, personalities who love life, release and expression are worthy of designs that overflow with life and are in fact suitable for spring, such as: blooming flowers, and bold roses in expression About beauty, openness, the desire to hike, and the love of life. There are also many designs that express the most daring and outgoing personality, which highlight their preferences with special designs and automatically choose them, such as intricate flowers and overlapping panels in bright and cheerful colors, as well as medals and rare pieces, in clear and bold pink colors, cheerful yellow colors, or more clear blue colors . Even in the bold clear spring; There are somewhat mysterious personalities, such as these personalities who choose the mysterious beauty, which needs interpretation, such as surrealist paintings, and marine and coastal paintings that contain a hint of an anticipated adventure hidden in the details, as well as spring rugs that carry overlapping colors and do not express anything clear in particular. Tips for maintaining and cleaning spring carpets You must know that the weight of the furniture may affect the carpet and cause unwanted marks, so it is recommended to keep the legs of the furniture slightly away from the carpet. Vacuum the carpet daily, or at the latest weekly if the carpet is not exposed to daily use. Vacuuming is most effective if the vacuum bag is less than half empty or full. More than that makes it less efficient. Remove unpleasant odors first, choose fresh essential oils, and spring suits those scents that resemble sugar, fruits, and vanilla. You can add two drops of essential oil to baking soda, then sprinkle it on the carpet and leave it for ten minutes, then sweep it to enjoy the beautiful scent, and keep the rest of the mixture in a box glass to use when needed. Never give up on deep cleaning Every once in a while, don't miss out on our deep cleaning tips and deep clean your spring carpets according to their material before storage to prevent the growth of mold, mites, and upholstery bugs. Spring is finally here, what are you waiting for? There is no more suitable time than this to renew your relationship with life and change the place around you with simple and inexpensive means and movements that make you feel alive and help you overcome the gloom and closure of the winter season. Fill your home and spaces with life and joy with the colors and materials of spring. Sources:   - /tips-cleaning-carpet Ø /rugs-
الالوان الباردة

Tips on using cool colors in carpets and interior design

on Mar 26, 2024
إذا نظرت إلى الألوان الباردة ستشعر كما لو أنها تتراجع وهو ما يجعل أي مساحة تبدو أكبر، بعكس الألوان الدافئة التي تجعل المساحات أصغر حجما، لذا إذا كانت لديك غرفة صغيرة يمكن أن يساعد تصميمها بألوان فاتحة في جعلها تبدو أكبر، من جهة أخرى إذا كانت لديك مساحة تفتقر لضوء الشمس الطبيعي فستشعر فيها بالكثير من البرد إذا أضفت إليها ألوانا باردةً بشكل أساسي.

Carpet Exchange: Soft Heritage for Sale!

on Mar 20, 2024
Carpet Exchange: Soft Heritage for Sale! In 1887, the French artist "Leon Jerome" painted his famous painting " The Carpet Seller in Cairo ", which was inspired by one of his many trips to North Africa and the Arab region. This wonderful painting depicted a scene from the usual daily life in Egypt. The French painter was fascinated, like other orientalists, by all aspects that represent the history of eastern civilization, and the conditions and customs of people. Among them is the carpet market, which was considered as the carpet exchange in Cairo, one of its main stops on its journey, especially that market located in the alleys of old Cairo full of archaeological sites and historical features dating back thousands of years. The painting, which was painted on a piece of canvas with oil colors, reflected; In itself, a distinctive artistic creation, as if it quoted some of the beauty and accuracy of the art of carpet making. We notice this in the details of the painting, which clearly describes the main piece of carpet displayed, as if you were standing by yourself in the market, watching its exquisite decorations and the momentum of its elegant, harmonious colors. Cairo was not the only incubator of what we could call a carpet stock exchange, but the Moroccan city of Fez was also known for the trade and circulation of carpets as a commodity of unique value, and this city has lived since the thirteenth century AD a golden age as the most important city producing carpets in the country, and dozens of dyeing workers were employed by it. Thousands of embroidery centers were based in Fez. The early adoption of the Moroccan carpet industry did not come out of nowhere, but rather was a natural product of the distinctive climate in which this region lives. For example, weavers make thick carpets with a heavy pile to be useful for heating when snow covers the Atlas Mountains in the north, but in hot desert areas. The workers make sure to weave the carpets flat and light, in order to provide a soft and gentle floor covering at the same time. Until now, the carpet exchange in Fez is still very popular with the people of the country and tourists alike. This demand reflects the extent to which the ancient Moroccan carpets made by the women of the Moroccan tribes are popular with their hands in their spare time. It is very popular today due to its diverse motifs and flexible designs that fit nicely with modern and bohemian decor as well. This was a quick glimpse into the past on two of the most important carpet markets in the region, which embodied one of the most prominent forms of the carpet exchange in the past, so what about now? Below we offer a reading of the most important conditions of the carpet exchange at the present time. Contents Read on the global carpet market landscape by 2026 A closer look at the carpet market in the Kingdom What are the most prominent carpet producing countries in the global market? New trends in the carpet exchange   Read on the global carpet market landscape by 2026 The carpet exchange is full of wide ranges of colors and designs of pieces, most of which are made of wool, polyester, nylon, polypropylene or other synthetic fibers. Carpets currently provide higher levels of comfort compared to carpets in the past, and new technologies in manufacturing that aim to increase durability and improve aesthetics alike have led to an increase in demand, for example the “tufted” manufacturing technology that makes carpets last longer and have stronger stain resistance, As well as the heavy use of nylon because of its flexibility and resistance to abrasion. There are other factors that have led to an increase in demand in the carpet exchange, such as the demand for purchases from the commercial sector such as companies and retail stores, in addition to the increase in the popularity of carpet tiles , the increase in demand for the purchase of luxury carpets, as well as the continuous growth in the construction movement worldwide. The main purpose of laying carpets in the house is heating and improving the aesthetic appearance of the interior decoration in addition to sound insulation, and despite the growing interest in floors with hard surfaces such as parquet, marble and ceramics, carpet sales were not negatively affected in general as we will see, because the carpet in itself It is a tool to enhance the appearance of hard surface floors, accentuate their beauty and bring an overall balance to the look of a room. As for future expectations for the demand for carpets, analyzes indicate that the size of the global carpet market will reach $38 billion by 2026, at a compound annual growth rate of 3%. The figures showed that the residential sector will lead the carpet market with a contribution of $24 billion during the same period. . The explanation for this is the emergence of a strong trend towards home renovation in addition to the construction movement that does not stop and results in thousands of new residential buildings that need to be furnished. The main noticeable trend in the carpet exchange is the dominance of North America on the market as the largest market for carpets around the world, especially in light of its cold climate most months of the year, and commercial demand from companies and institutions for carpets leads to a heavy import movement from various emerging markets, supported by the recent development. In rapid industrialization techniques, along with other factors driving the demand for carpets such as the growth of the middle-class population. A closer look at the carpet market in the Kingdom The situation in the Saudi carpet market is no different from its counterpart in the global market, as it is expected that the carpet exchange in the Kingdom will witness a growth during the next few years of 1% annually, and the Kingdom exports carpets to more than 70 countries and produces between 120: 130 million square meters of carpets. Carpet per year, consumption rate of nearly 70 million square meters. Carpets are mainly used for their benefits in floor smoothing and protection as well as for their cosmetic properties. The market is expected to grow to a large extent for several reasons that fuel the demand for carpets, the most important of which are: The growing interest in interior decoration products, the modern lifestyle, and the keenness to live in a comfortable home with a beautiful design. Consumer tastes are constantly changing in line with fashion trends in interior furniture. Higher levels of consumer income. Increased spending on carpet renewal, as many carpets are exposed to high levels of wear and tear and eventually need to be replaced after several years of use. Active building and construction movement, whether in new areas or on existing buildings. The residential sector contributes the lion's share to the increase in the demand for carpets in the Kingdom, especially if we know that the official figures issued by the Ministry of Housing indicate that nearly 3 million homes must be built by 2025 in order to solve the housing shortage problem in the country. There is no doubt that increased investment in the residential construction sector in particular will lead to rapid growth of the carpet market. The carpet exchange in the Kingdom is characterized by a large coherence, as there is a group of large players from carpet producers, in addition to increasing competition from local and international small and medium companies trying to obtain market share by innovating new products. What are the most prominent carpet producing countries in the global market? Talking about the global carpet market would not be complete without getting to know the most important countries that produce carpets in the world. For some countries such as Turkey, Iran and Pakistan, carpets are not just a local product that contributes a significant share to the national economy, but rather an integral part of the national heritage and a civilized facade that tells the culture of a people and the history of a nation. Our list will not focus on machine-made carpet countries such as China and the United States, which focus on mass manufacturing at the expense of unique design and authenticity. Rather, we will highlight the best spots in the world that produce handmade carpets that inspire carpet manufacturers all over the world with their originality and uniqueness. The following is a list of the top 5 countries where we produce handmade carpets: Iran Since the Middle Ages, Iran has been a center for the production of handmade carpets, and it is still a major exporter of carpets to the world. The Persian carpets are of the highest quality among the various other types of handmade carpets, and they are distinguished by their small intricate shapes and the most wonderful natural colors of all. India The market for handmade carpets in India has recently grown as a tradition carried over from the Middle East and Iran. The Indian market produces a large amount of handmade carpets that are exported to many parts of the world. It is distinguished by its reasonable prices that suit the budget of the middle class. However, it does not have the same durability as handmade carpets produced from the Middle East. Pakistan Pakistani weavers belong to nomadic tribes or to ancestors who immigrated from India and Iran, and this affected the quality of Pakistani carpets, which are characterized by tribal and Persian designs in the first place. Pakistani carpets can be made to order, and they carry an ideal mixture of the elements of popularity in terms of reasonable price, antique design and high quality. Turkey Turkey produces handmade carpets that enjoy wide international fame, as a result of a unique style that blends the cultural influences of neighboring civilizations from Asia, Europe and North Africa. Turkish carpets are famous for their durability, elegant designs and soft texture. Kazakhstan It is a country that many may not know about its reputation in the handmade carpet market, but it is well known by true carpet lovers. Given the volume of production, Kazakhstan is not a major producer of handmade carpets, yet it produces one of the most distinctive types of carpets, as it contains plant images and unique patterns made Made of natural wool and goat hair. New trends in the carpet exchange Sustainability is no longer a marginal consideration for many consumers, but rather it is seen by many customers as a priority now, as they are increasingly looking for environmentally friendly products that keep pace with their desire to protect the planet and represent safe waste. This led manufacturers to introduce plant fibers, such as sisal, into the production process to appeal to this growing customer segment. Major players in the carpet exchange also focus on innovation and incorporating advanced technologies into carpet products. Their competition in the market is from smaller players seeking to win new contracts and enter markets for the first time, with a strong contribution from the Asia-Pacific region with the highest expected annual growth rate in the carpet market to date. The year 2026. It is also expected that the movement of partnerships between the different players in the market will flourish and the completion of many mergers and acquisitions as an important tactic for developing and developing the growth process for companies. Conclusion This was a passing reading of the conditions of the carpet stock exchange in the world, during which we took a look at the future expectations regarding the demand for carpets during the coming years and the most important factors affecting it. The manual that has the originality and uniqueness in the world. Sources: viewed-as-a-pyramid-axa-art/our-oriental-rug-market-pyramid/ D9%85%D9%8A%D8%A9-%D8%A8%D8%A7%D8%A6%D8%B9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B3%D8%AC%D8%A7% D8%AF-%D9%81%D9%89-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%82%D8%A7%D9%87%D8%B1%D8%A9-%D8%A3%D9%84 %D9%88%D8%A7%D9%86-%D9%85%D8%AA%D8%B9%D8%AF%D8%AF%D8%A9-%D9%88%D8%B4%D8%BA %D9%81/4749641 html